Hi Rich,
I have a quick question regarding to the structure of some blocks.
I am currently using Gutenberg 4.1.1 and I’ve noticed that structure of some blocks that come with Block Unit Test for Gutenberg are different compared to the Gutenberg blocks.
For example, let’s take the Pull Quote block.
Gutenberg output:
<figure class="wp-block-pullquote alignright is-style-default" style="border-color:#048448">
<blockquote class="has-text-color has-red-color">
<p>Gutenberg includes a default color palette WordPress theme to provide a more suitable palette to empower users. So here’s how.</p>
Block Unit Test for Gutenberg (v1.0.5) output:
<blockquote class="wp-block-pullquote alignleft">
<p>Here we have a left-aligned pullquote.</p>
<cite>Rich Tabor</cite>
Any ideas why it happens?
Thank you,
Between the Image block and Cover Image Block it says:
Video Block
Lets check out the positioning and styling of the video core block. We will check the wide and full alignments too.
But there is no video block inserted, the next block is the heading for the Cover Image Block.
]]>on my local test system, the plugin does not create the block unit test page as expected when the plugin is activated. using the error_log command, I can verify that the code in the plugin is being executed, but no page is generated. I have tested this on Chrome, an out-dated version, and Firefox.
is there any code you can add to the plugin to further track actions and output that the plugin creates?? This looks like an interesting plugin, if I can get it to work.