I followed the instructions. But when I call get_bitly() I am getting back the same URL that I passed into the function! Any ideas on how to trouble-shoot?
]]>Can I apply some CSS class to this function? if so then what the final code should look like?
]]>Greetings –
I love your plugin concept. Thanks for creating this.
I notice that, far as I can tell, it creates a bit.ly link for every page, post and image (jpg) on the site.
I have a photography based website with many images and don’t really need each image bit.ly linked.
Is it possible to have the plugin only create bit.ly links for specific items – such as pages, posts, images, so forth? In my case I’d only want links for pages and posts for this site to be auto generated.
Could there then be a way to generate a bit.ly for items on demand only? So if I had images turned off, but wanted a bit.ly for a specific image, I could create that via the plugin.
Or is all this way too complex? ?? I’m not a programmer so I’ve no idea.
Thank you!