Wow, so I suppose I should be flattered but you stole my code and didn’t even bother to change the author name on the code file lol.
Reminds me of the time I got an F on an assignment in high school for copying a friend’s work.
The widget previews in WP 3.9 cause hundreds/thousands of requests to get fired off because the persistence api gets bypassed. I fixed this in my version of the plugin but it all traced back to a plugin with my name on it so even with the API key they had granted me a few weeks earlier, everyone using both of our plugins got banned.
I suppose you’re welcome to steal my code again in order to fix the same issue in your version since I know you complained about this problem in my support forum.
I created this plugin free of charge and welcome donations, feedback, feature requests, etc.
This plugged in worked great with WordPress 3.8.2. I updated to 3.8.3 today, and the following error shows up now:
”Error Loading Widget Data”.
Is this fixable?
I receive an error on my front-end when using this plugin.
I just updated to 3.8.3. Is it compatible with the newest wordpress version?