What is the Short code to display in buddypress?
]]>Hi friends!
We use this super plugin on our (restricted access) community page, in a widget.
Since we updated the plugin to version 1.8.0 the “Happy Birthday” message is displayed 1 day earlier as it supposed to be.
For example: if a member has his birthday on 31.08.2022 the “Happy Birthday” message is displayed allready on 30.08.2022.
We did not find any possibility to change this.
We checked the server time from the hosting and it is correctly set and it is the same that WP is displaying…so, the only place we think that the problem may occur is from the plugin.
Please help us out, thank you!
Hi I am using Birthday Widget for BuddyPress with BuddyX theme and Buddyboss plateform I have following issue
The widget shows user’s details in the widget window even if the birthday date is passed. It should show it till the date is valid and automatically get removed on next day.
please help
Thank you,
I have been experimenting with this plugin and was wondering if there was a way to send the user an email on their birthday/anniversary wishing them a good day?