In the browser inspect I can see the next error:
GET 404 (Not Found)
Any update to fix that?
Jose Carlos Ramos Carmenates
Firstly – it works perfectly on 3.4.2, I haven’t had to change a thing.
My question is – is there a code for rotating the birds’ eye view of maps?
Thanks for the plugin, it’s great!
]]>I’ve registered for a bing map API key and have one; I’ve tried changing the URL of the bing map app from the top level domain to the specific wordpress install to the specific page with the bingmap embedded, with no success.
I see the bingmap chrome, but only see the pushpin and beige for road or black for aerial, with now data displayed; zooming out doesn’t change anything other scale. what am I missing here?
]]>Maps load up okay on Chrome and IE but does pull the map in Firefox. Well actually, pulls the map sometimes and other times where the map is mean to be, just a blank space. Any data? Website I’m applying it to is
like the title says: IE 7 wont display page if in iframe and Your plugin is active. To be exact it will show the Page as long as you wont press the Ok Button on the Cannot Open Page Dialogbox.
Reason: Script inside body element in an iframe throws that error.
as class var
in constructor
add_action('wp_footer', array($this, '__footer'));
in class
function __footer()
echo $this->scripttxt;
and in function __displayDynamicMap
put all strings from '<script type="text/....
onwards till return in a temp var and set new classvar before return
$this->scripttxt = $scripttxt;
changed content.php
class bingMapsForWordpressContent
* Script which gets put in the Footer
* @var string
* @access public
var $scripttxt = "";
* PHP4 constructor
* @access public
* @return void
function bingMapsForWordpressContent()
// Get options
$options = get_option('bing_maps_for_wordpress');
// Only run if we have an API key
if(isset($options['api']) AND $options['api'] != '')
// Header action - to load up Bing maps JavaScript
add_action('wp_head', array($this, '__header'));
// Set the API key
$this->apiKey = $options['api'];
// Add shortcode handler
add_shortcode('bingMap', array($this, 'shortcode'));
add_action('wp_footer', array($this, '__footer'));
* Display a dynamic Bing map
* @access private
* @return string
function __displayDynamicMap()
if(!$this->lat AND !$this->long) return '<div class="bingMapsForWordpressContainer">'.__('Unknown location').'</div>';
// Display DIV to put the map in
$string = '<div class="bingMapsForWordpressContainer">';
// Display title if we've specified one
if(isset($this->atts['title']) AND $this->atts['title'] != '')
$string .= '<span class="bingMapsForWordpressTitle">'.$this->atts['title'].'</span>';
$string .= '<div id="bingMapsForWordpress'.$this->mapCount.'" class="bingMapsForWordpress" style="position:relative; width:'.$this->atts['width'].'px; height:'.$this->atts['height'].'px;"></div></div>';
// Work out if we have pushpins
$pushpins = array();
foreach($this->atts as $key => $val)
if(preg_match('/^pp[0-9]+/', $key))
$pushpins[$key] = $val;
// Work out if we have pushpin titles
$pushpinst = array();
foreach($this->atts as $key => $val)
if(preg_match('/^ppt[0-9]+/', $key))
$pushpinst[$key] = $val;
// Work out if we have pushpin descriptions
$pushpinsd = array();
foreach($this->atts as $key => $val)
if(preg_match('/^ppd[0-9]+/', $key))
$pushpinsd[$key] = $val;
// Work out if we have pushpin links
$pushpinsl = array();
foreach($this->atts as $key => $val)
if(preg_match('/^ppl[0-9]+/', $key))
$pushpinsl[$key] = $val;
$scripttxt = "";
if(isset($this->atts['navi']) AND $this->atts['navi'] != 'yes'){
$scripttxt .= '<style>#MSVE_navAction_container { display:none; }</style>';
// Initialize a Bing Map, set its initial lat/long & zoom
$scripttxt .= '<script type="text/javascript">map = new VEMap(\'bingMapsForWordpress'.$this->mapCount.'\');map.SetCredentials("'.$this->apiKey.'");map.LoadMap(new VELatLong('.$this->lat.', '.$this->long.', 0, VEAltitudeMode.RelativeToGround), '.$this->atts['zoomDynamic'].', VEMapStyle.'.$this->maptypesDynamic[strtolower($this->atts['maptype'])].', false, VEMapMode.Mode2D, true, 1);var layer = new VEShapeLayer();';
// If we haven't specified a "pp" attribute, display one where we've centered the map
if (isset($this->atts['locationtitle']) AND $this->atts['locationtitle'] != '')
$pptitle = $this->atts['locationtitle']; //set pin title as locationtitle if set in shortcode
} else {
$pptitle = $this->atts['location']; //if location title isn't set, use location as pin title
// If a location link is set build the link
if (isset($this->atts['locationlink']) AND $this->atts['locationlink'] != '')
$linkstring = '<a href=';
$linkstring .= $this->atts['locationlink'];
$linkstring .= '>';
$linkstring .= $pptitle;
$linkstring .= '</a>';
$pptitle = $linkstring;
$scripttxt .= 'var pin = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin,map.GetCenter());pin.SetTitle("'.$pptitle.'");';
if(isset($this->atts['description']) AND $this->atts['description'] != '') $scripttxt .= 'pin.SetDescription("'.$this->atts['description'].'");';
$scripttxt .= 'layer.AddShape(pin);';
// Set the pushpin attribute for later use
$this->atts['pp'] = $this->atts['location'];
} else
// Check if we haven't turned off the pushpin
if($this->atts['pp'] != 'false')
// Resolve pushpin location
$pushpinLocation = $this->__resolveLocation(rawurlencode($this->atts['pp']));
// Add the pushpin to the layer
$scripttxt .= 'var pin = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin,new VELatLong('.$pushpinLocation['lat'].', '.$pushpinLocation['long'].'));pin.SetTitle("'.$this->atts['pp'].'");';
if(isset($this->atts['description']) AND $this->atts['description'] != '') $string .= 'pin.SetDescription("'.$this->atts['description'].'");';
$scripttxt .= 'layer.AddShape(pin);';
// Any other pushpins
foreach($pushpins as $key => $val)
$pushpinLocation = $this->__resolveLocation(rawurlencode($val));
// build the IDs for ppt, ppd, and ppl from pp
// I believe this could be improved to be more efficient
$pptid = 'ppt';
$ppdid = 'ppd';
$pplid = 'ppl';
$pptid .= substr($key, -1);
$ppdid .= substr($key, -1);
$pplid .= substr($key, -1);
if (isset($pushpinst[$pptid]) AND $pushpinst[$pptid] != '')
$pptmessage = $pushpinst[$pptid]; //set the title to ppt if ppt is set
} else
$pptmessage = $val; //if ppt is not set, use location as pin title
if (isset($pushpinsd[$ppdid]) AND $pushpinsd[$ppdid] != '')
$ppdmessage = $pushpinsd[$ppdid]; //set the pin description if ppd is set and not blank
if (isset($pushpinsl[$pplid]) AND $pushpinsl[$pplid] != '')
//build the pin link if ppl is set
$pplmessage = '<a href=';
$pplmessage .= $pushpinsl[$pplid];
$pplmessage .= '>';
$pplmessage .= $pptmessage;
$pplmessage .= '</a>';
$pptmessage = $pplmessage;
$scripttxt .= 'var pin = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin,new VELatLong('.$pushpinLocation['lat'].', '.$pushpinLocation['long'].'));pin.SetTitle("'.$pptmessage.'");';
if(isset($ppdmessage) AND $ppdmessage != '') $scripttxt .= 'pin.SetDescription("'.$ppdmessage.'");';
//unset variables to prevent data being used on further pins where data is not set
$scripttxt .= 'layer.AddShape(pin);';
// Don't re-work out the bounding box if we have 1 pushpin, or we're in birdseye mode
$this->atts['maptype'] != "birdseye" AND
(($this->atts['pp'] != "false" AND count($pushpins) > 0) OR
($this->atts['pp'] == "false" AND count($pushpins) > 1))
// Add shape, get bounding rectangle, and set the map view based on it
$scripttxt .= 'map.AddShapeLayer(layer);rect = layer.GetBoundingRectangle();map.SetMapView(rect);'
} else
// Just add the shape to the map
$scripttxt .= 'map.AddShapeLayer(layer);';
// No pushpins - set the zoom level
$scripttxt .= 'map.SetZoomLevel('.$this->atts['zoomDynamic'].');';
$scripttxt .= '</script>';
$this->scripttxt = $scripttxt;
return $string;
* Load the Bing map controls JavaScript
* @access private
* @return void
function __header()
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
* Load the Bing map controls JavaScript
* @access private
* @return void
function __footer()
echo $this->scripttxt;
Same here with 3.1.1:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 199
This is what I get when using it on a page:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 199
Is it possible to enable traffic information for Bing maps?
Good job, by the way. Very simple to use and configure.
]]>is there any way to show via a dynamic drop down menu just some pushpins in the map, and if a person selects a pushpin, in the info bubble that person can choose related pushpins near the one that they choose?