Your plugin hasn’t been updated for two years.
Do you think it is OK tu use it regarding ti security issues as SQL Injection for example ?
]]>In planning to bring my website up to latest WordPress version, I did a test run with 3.9.1. Immediately I noticed that the Bible Verse Display widget(latest version) stopped working, displaying a not found message. I tried the VOTD option instead of selected verse with the same results.
Has anyone been able to repair this plugin? Is the author available for support?
Is there another comparable plugin that is currently supported?
]]>Hi guys,
in order to avoid copyright violation before publishing the really geat sidebar widget “Bible verse display” on my blog, I investigated on my own which rules have to be observed.
So I contacted Geneva Bible Society (as they own copyright on bibleversions in a lot of languages).
Here are the rules to be observed:
For churches, bible institutes, personal blogs,…(+ condition of non-commercial aim) there is no necessity of aksing by written the editors’ authorization if you keep some rules (this was investigated only for the bible versions of the Geneva Bible Society, as things are now: 2013, no absolute guarantee!!!).
You have to keep the following rules (each one has to be observed at the same time!): (1) no more than 500 verses (of each entire bible version), respectively no more than 300 verses (of each “pure” New Testament version) are quoted on the entire website, (2) the quoted verses do represent neither a whole book of the bible nor (3) 50 % of the total of the text of the corcerning work (books of the bible).
if you expect to exceed the above mentioned limits or want to err on the side of caution or are not designing a churches’ page (but a commercial one) please contact the Geneva Bible Society personally.
For every other version first of all try to get permission by the respective Bible Society to avoid possible and expensive notices.
For my personal use (I needed german, french, italian and english versions) I modified the original bible-versions.php by adding the following code:
// translate shortcode -> biblegateway id
$versionCodes['niv'] = 31;
$versionCodes['esv'] = 47;
$versionCodes['asv'] = 8;
$versionCodes['nasv'] = 49;
$versionCodes['KJV, ?? Public Domain'] = 9;
$versionCodes['nkjv'] = 50;
$versionCodes['luth1545'] = 10;
$versionCodes['cei'] = 3;
$versionCodes['bds'] = 32;
$versionCodes['lnd'] = 55;
$versionCodes['lsg'] = 2;
$versionCodes['Versione Nuova Riveduta 1994, ?? Societa Biblica di Ginevra.'] = 183;
$versionCodes['Version Schlachter 1951, ?? Genfer Bibelgesellschaft.'] = 187;
$versionCodes['Version Segond 21, ?? 2007, Societe Biblique de Geneve.'] = 167;
$versionCodes['Versione Nuova Riveduta 2006, ?? Societa Biblica di Ginevra.'] = 170;
$versionCodes['Version Schlachter 2000, ?? Genfer Bibelgesellschaft.'] = 188;
// french
$versions[32] = 'La Bible du Semeur';
$versions[2] = 'Louis Segond';
$versions[167] = 'Segond 21';
// italian
$versions[3] = 'Conferenza Episcopale Italiana';
$versions[55] = 'La Nuova Diodati';
$versions[183] = 'La Nuova Riveduta 1994';
$versions[170] = 'La Nuova Riveduta 2006';
// spanish
$versions[42] = 'Nueva Versión Internacional';
$versions[6] = 'Reina-Valera Antigua';
// german
$versions[10] = 'Luther Bibel 1545';
$versions[188] = 'Schlachter 2000';
$versions[187] = 'Schlachter 1951';
As you can see(in the first window), instead of the respective version-acronym I added Copyright info (for some versions of the Geneva Bible Society) which will be dispayed if you enable show version option in the sidebar-widget or by shortcode e.g. [bible-verse-display version=”Version Schlachter 1951, ? Genfer Bibelgesellschaft.” type=”bg” showversion=”1″]. For the other versions use the respective acronym in shortcode e.g. [bible-verse-display version=”bds” type=”bg” showversion=”1″]
This was necessary because it is the minimum of information that has to appear e.g. below the respective bible verse on your blog(if you use more bible-verse languages/versions on the same page at the same time)!
If you use always the same version, I think it would be sufficient to mention the source once anywhere on your website. But always by using the predefinied sentence of the respective bible society! And rember: In order to play it safe its better to ask personally for permission.
Hope this was useful and not confusing.
Again, thank you for the great plugin!
]]>I added New Living Translation to my version:
$versionCodes[‘nlt’] = 51;
$versions[51] = ‘New Living Translation’;
Seems to work splendidly. Thanks for the plugin.
]]>How can I get the “My Favorites” verse selection feature to work. The bvotd works fine, but not my favorites. I have tried to many times.
]]>In my website when I call the shortcode [bible-verse-display] directly in the code sometimes it do not closes the div of the verse. The problem that it is sometimes, so if I close by myself sometimes it works sometimes it becomes a mess…Somebody had a issue like that?
Im using blible verse display plugin and looks awnsome. It′s working with random verses, but when i choose to select from prefered verses, it shows a error message:
“Couldn’t get Psalm 27:7-9a (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+27%3A7-9a&version=31).”
I search on internet and found some websites with same error:
I tried to fix it, but im not good php programmer. I found out the problem is in bible-verse-display,line 216:
if (preg_match('/<div class="result-text[^>]+>(.*?)<\/div>/', $content, $matches))
Somebody can help me?