It looks as if the plugin uses “Universal Time” rather than the (GMT) setting that I use on my website. Is there any way to change this please? Many thanks Ian
]]>In line 751 in better-rss-widget.php the deprecated function create_function is being used:
add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("better_rss_widget");'));
better-rss-widget.php on line 414
title="' . $desc . '"' . $target
There is no space between the title and target attributes
I saw that you don’t want to support and develop this plugin anymore.
Would you be interested in letting me take over plugin development
after upgrade to https displays this message, please help me:
RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: cURL error 60: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates
]]>My rss feed is showing the oldest to newest and I can’t seem to figure out how to switch the order? I am calling in categories and the newest category is listed first.
]]>The default one you provide has white corners and sometime breaks the theme design
Thank you
]]>If i add more than one widget in a sidebar, in the front end i can see only the first
]]>Hi there. Just a quick note, I would like to update to PHP 7.0, but I noted there is a Warning about your plugin.
It’s regarding this file /better-rss-widget/better-rss-widget.php
The warning said: Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
Thank you.
]]>We are getting the following error noted when setting Debug to true:
PHP Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in better_rss_widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in /home/wp_xht3w2/ on line 3767
]]>Hi my date is sometimes displayed as
august 2016
(line break after the day number and before the date, due to the limit in column width)
Is there a way to force the day of the month to stick to its month?
my feed was working fine and not I am getting this error
RSS Error: This XML document is invalid, likely due to invalid characters. XML error: Reserved XML Name at line 2, column 38
I have a problem, the rss feed URL changed from heise…….index.rss to www…..rdf or www…..xml
How can I use for example this rss feed URL in Better rss widget:
thanks, bye
Plugin worked successfully for a few moments.
When I modified the child theme CSS to add bold, e.g. a.rsswidget { font-weight: bold; }
all my widgets’ contents were erased.
Can you updated line 56 of better-rss-widget.php to:
parent::__construct(false, $this->pluginName, $widget_ops, $control_ops)
It will prevent the following warning message when WP_DEBUG is set to true:
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
Some RSS feeds are displaying "something" instead of “something”
Is there any idea how to fix it?
*Since few years until now it’s the best RSS widget I was ever trying. Dot.
Hi –
Just starting receiving this error on my feeds: RSS Error: WP HTTP Error: SSL: certificate subject name ‘*’ does not match target host name. Any thoughts why?
]]>Hi, I’m wondering if you’d consider adding a small feature to your plugin. I’d like to request the option of a “footer” to appear at the bottom of the output. A freelancer actually did this with the old version of the code for my site, but if it could be incorporated into your code base instead, that would be awesome!
I have a couple of images that show what was added:
Backend widget settings for each widget
Front-end display or check out for the full display.
I could send you the code if you’d like or if it would be helpful.
Thanks for considering it.
]]>The feed I’m trying to display shows “An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Try again later.” What am I doing wrong? This is the feed:
]]>After updating the plugin, the information in the sidebar widget disappeared.
]]>If i install this Plugin i geht this bug:
Is it any easy way to remove all links?
i just want i to list my posts with exerpt with no links. possible?
]]>We have 3 blogs. From each of these blogs, the 4 most recent blog posts are chosen to be displayed on our website. After the last WordPress (3.9) update, the posts from one of the blogs shows the same date (the most recent date from all of the blogs) for all of this blog’s posts.
Anyone else having this problem? Is this plugin being supported still? I see that the author’s website and the plugin website are both being redirected to an unrelated website.
]]>There’s a way to show also the feed image?
Actually my feed take the first image of the post (not the featured one) and put in the rss feed, so I would like to have in the widget.
The support link on this plugin actually drive you to a site that wants you to download malware. SO if that could please be correct or insert a new support linkit would be much appreciated!
Very nice plugin. Recommended to me by Studiopress. Unfortunately even after checking off:
Single Post
It does not show up in my pages’ side column. I know I have the correct URL for the feed, as I tried out the WordPress RSS plugin, and that worked. I just wanted it to open a new page when clicked on. I tried it in IE and Firefox. So if your plugin does not work in a regular page type please let us know in your instructions.
]]>The link to the documentation is dead, so to save anyone else digging into the code to find it, here is an example of the shortcode:
[better-rss feed="" items="4"]
When using this plugin and the latest WordPress version 3.7.1 the widget drag&drop functionality gets broken.
Analyzing the source code it looks like the outputted html in the Themes->Widgets view gets broken. I can see implizit added <small> tags with the DOM analyzer. Those break the drag&drop selectors.
Analyzing further it seams that the <small> tags that are outputted by the “Better RSS Widget” plugin for configuration purposes are the source. Altought they are correctly done within the PHP code by the plugins author they are outputted with additional whitespaces which seam to break the validity.
Deactivating “Better RSS Widget” fixes this.
Any ideas how to fix this without deactivating the plugin?
]]>I’ve been trying to get rid of the ellipses in the widget, to no avail yet.
Where do these […] come from?
What adds them to the way the feed appears in the widget?
They are not inside the feed themselves, so they must be added somewhere else. Most likely in the Better RSS Widget. But what?
Any advice?