I would like to add exception to few links in my website from the “nofollow”. Kindly tell me how can I convert nofollow to follow only for few links in some of my posts.
]]>The plugin doesn’t keep accent éàè?, etc… in the main keyword when I save my draft.
The LSI doesn’t works. I’m not sure at all but I think the API url seems to have been change.Or something like that. I tried with “API webmaster” key from Bing tool
LSI not working, the plugin does not produce any words
]]>in a post, or I still need to do that manually?
Also, How can I override the custom post description that is generated?
]]>Can I just confirm…
This is just a plugin that you have made, and happen to be using the Moz Robot and the identical Moz Font and text logo as your plugin logo, but there is actually no relationship between your plugin and the Official Moz SEO brand itself?
So you were shut down from the original name for trademark infringement or something similar right?
I am only asking, because if Moz SEO had a WP plugin, I guess it would have 10’s or 100’s of thousands (or more than a million) of installations, since they are such a well known brand, and are experts in the field of SEO.
Can you clarify your relationship?
]]>Hello Everyone,
I know as like us everyone very shocked, Why “Moz SEO” is no more and what happened to that plugin, and why it has been removed?
We already got 50+ mail enquiry, 80+ Facebook Page Message and in some other forum discussion as well regarding this.
We don’t want to go in deep but just to let know everyone why “Moz SEO” closed I created this Support post.
Moz inc is a Company Providing Internet Marketing Services and ThemeMoz is Company providing WordPress Themes and Plugins. As we use Moz word in our plugin name, WordPress Review team thought we break Trademark policy but they just misunderstand.
Now whoever installed our Old Plugin Name “Moz SEO” are requested to install “Best SEO” Plugin as we are using same code here.
Some of our user also claim that another plugin Yoast using WordPress in their plugin name, if they can use WordPress which is also trademark, then what’s the problem if we use Moz. But we don’t want to go in deep as we are ok with the situation. Dosen’t matter how much we lose, we want to keep in good relation with everyone, including our friends, well wisher and customer.
Thanks everyone for your love and trust. We will add more awesome Free stuff here as we love Open Source and WordPress.
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