I’ve placed a shortcode from benchmark email marketing to my site for a newsletter signup form. Sometimes the form shows up correctly on the page, and other times I get an error message saying “There was an error obtaining the Benchmark signup form”.
The times when I get the error message and then log into my site to see what’s wrong, it then automatically resolves itself and I see the form on the page correctly, but when I log back out of my site and go to the same page, the error message is back saying “There was an error obtaining the Benchmark signup form”.
I’ve tried creating new signup forms in benchmark but the same thing happens with the periodic error message. And I’ve tried clearing cache, creating new pages and arranging the blocks differently. I’ve tried pushing different forms to WordPress from benchmark and getting different shortcodes for signup forms but the same error always happens.
I manage a Benchmark account which includes a sub-account dedicated to the activity my company is doing in another country (different language, different lists etc). I’d like to use in my localized website the Benchmark forms created in the sub-account, but the plugin only shows the forms of the master account. How can I solve that?
Thank you!
i want some asking
i try to using landing page made and try to published
but conversion goals have to add but not possible
its not possible free version of using?
i asking about the subscribe
my company using the benchmark plugin
i want know if someone do the subscribe
how to checking the subscribe person?
Every few months or so our users are suddenly unable to create Benchmark campaigns from within our WordPress instances. I traced the problem down to one or both of the following things:
1. the API key is mysteriously reset to one that doesn’t match our Benchmark account
2. the authentication token is blank.
I’ve found no documentation at all on BenchmarkEmail Lite around the authentication token but I have found that populating this field with my correct BenchmarkEmail API key (and updating the API key field again if required) fixes the problem. I notice that after updating the authentication token and then successfully authenticating, the token is replaced by a new value and I can continue to authenticate successfully.
I’m obviously quite concerned about what is causing this in the first place and I would be grateful if you could point to what it could be please.
Benchmarkemail lite version: 3.3
Wordpress version; 5.5.3
Many thanks
]]>We are using Benchmark shortcodes to load a sign up form into various pages on our site (the link provided is a good example of the issue). It seems that each time the page loads or is refreshed, the forms styling is loading in dynamically, using a unique suffix on id attributes of certain tags. Sometimes these styles try to make the form open as a popup (which is not intended) and sometimes inline within the page itself (which is what we want).
If you try refreshing the page linked to, you will see what I mean. The form jumps around and sometimes appears in the right place, and other times not. It is always the same form being displayed, and should always be inline. Can you tell me if we are doing something wrong in the form setup and if not how to make this work consistently please?
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>As of yesterday (20th August 2020), all the forms displayed using shortcodes on our site no longer appear. I have checked our settings and they all seem fine, no changes have been made to the theme in use, and no wordpress or plugin updates have been performed. I cannot see anything in the error logs related to why this might be.
Has something changed on the Benchmark side of things that might cause these forms to stop appearing?
We use your plugin to send email campaigns, and have noticed in the most recent version that the post content sent to Benchmark from the plugin no longer has any filters applied to it or any means of hooking in to the process to allow us to add / manipulate the html sent to Benchmark. This means we can’t include content from custom fields and related posts etc. Therefore we would have to include all the HTML every time in the post being sent, rather than do any kind of templating.
I think this could be easily resolved by providing a filter in the create_email function of the class.api.php file, after you get the post, and before running through the sprintf function.
So after these to lines of code there;
// Tweak Template
$post = get_post( $post_id );
you could add something like;
$post_html = apply_filters( ‘benchmark_email_campaign_body_html’, $post );
And then change the sprintf that follows to use this variable instead of the ‘$post->post_content’ variable, and then developers could hook in at that point, manipulate the html and return it before sending on to Benchmark.
This would make it easy for us to then send emails from posts using your system but style them as we want. Would that be possible please?
Thanks for your help in advance.
]]>Hi dev team,
Just a question: Why can’t I create an email campaign from post?. I chose the create email campaign function, it is not really like the tutorial video of the plugin but it only links to the interface page of the benchmark. Can you give me some ideas?
]]>I just downloaded and installed the plugin, but every time I go to the interface page, I see “Click to use a new tab – if the below fails to authenticate properly.” I click that link, and a new tab opens with the same message.
I am running version 3.0 of the plugin, version 5.2.2 of WP, and the latest version of the Avada theme.
Any idea how to get past this?
Thank you.
]]>When submitted, the form is sending the double opt-in confirmation email in English even though my Sign Up Form opt in email text in Benchmark is in Chinese text. I even created another signup form in my Benchmark account, which by default showed a confirmation in email, replaced it with Chinese text and saved it and this plugin still sends the default English text with no regard for what I have changed in my account.
I am having to use an ugly HTML signup form Benchmark offers until this is resolved because of course my Chinese customers cannot receive an email in English.
Thanks for your help.
]]>When the form is submitted it reloads and doesn’t scroll down to where the form is. It is currently in the sidebar below the fold, and when it submits you don’t see the success message. It appears to be using a # in the URL that doesn’t exist on the page.
]]>When you create a form in Benchmark you can select the from address from a drop down list, how do you do this in the widget? At the moment it is using my accounts email address, but I don’t want this.
]]>The email field is always automatically populated with the Benchmark account user’s email address.
]]>Hi, one of my users noticed that the benchmark widget in the post editor page is no longer sending. I am wondering if this could have anything to do with the change to gutenberg? Has anyone else experienced any issues?
I found some issues with form validation (plugin version is 2.6).
1. There is no validation of required fields on the server side. There is only validation for a correct email. So, if JS is turned off a form will be successfully submitted.
2. If email is not valid the error message is not displayed.
Why it happens.
The mistake you can find in class.widget.php
For this type of error you return the string “Please enter a valid email address.” (line #352). As a result $response[$widgetid]
has a type of string. Then you check a value this way $printresponse = ( self::$response[$widgetid][0] )
(line #276).
But as mentioned above $response[$widgetid]
contains the string not an array. And $response[$widgetid][0]
returns the first letter of the string. In this case it’s “P”. So this condition always returns true and show a green message with the text “l” (the second letter of the real message).
How to fix.
First of all you should change the line #352.
return __( 'Please enter a valid email address.', 'benchmark-email-lite' );
return array( false, __( 'Please enter a valid email address.', 'benchmark-email-lite' ) );
And secondly you should add a strict comparison in line #276.
$printresponse = ( self::$response[$widgetid][0] === true )
I am happy with this plugin. My blog is in arabic. So I would like to change the message showing after submission ( A verification email has been sent. ) in arabic. Also the confirmation email contents..
Is there any way to do this?
Thank you,
Love this plugin.
Ca there be a multi select option instead of a drop down when i write a post and shoose which lists must receive the email?
When used with my company’s theme the Subscribe button has white text and a light gray background. This is difficult to read and doesn’t pass the accessibility standards we must meet. If i do not have access to modifying the theme, it there a way to change the color of the button?
I’m using Beaver Builder theme and when I fill in the form on my website, I receive this error message : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/24/d511629898/htdocs/nelta_nouveau/nelta/wp-content/plugins/benchmark-email-lite/lib/class.widget.php on line 336
It is not working as it should. Any idea where this bug comes from?
Thanks for your support
I am using Page Builder by SiteOrigin and for some reason I can’t use this widget here while creating a page.
It only works in widget areas such as sidebar or footer.
Is this a bug or intended?
]]>Hi Sean and team,
I’ve been trying to schedule a newsletter via the Admin > Post Edit page, but despite the page indicates “Your e-mail has been scheduled”, nothing happens. I went to the BenchmarkEmail > Emails page, and the e-mail is not there too.
Should I configure anything in my server for this to work? Such as CRON or anything related?
Hi dev team,
Just a question: why the plugin doesn’t have a FEATURED_IMAGE tag on the templating system? It should have even more tags such as CATEGORY_NAME, POST_PERMALINK, POST_EXCERPT, etc. Then we could truly customize the template.
Consider a customer’s suggestion.
Thanks for the plugin,
Hi dev team,
Just a question: why the plugin doesn’t have a FEATURED_IMAGE tag on the templating system? It should have even more tags such as CATEGORY_NAME, POST_PERMALINK, POST_EXCERPT, etc. Then we could truly customize the template.
Consider a customer’s suggestion.
Thanks for the plugin,
Hi Benchmark team,
I know I can send individual posts directly, but is it possible to send weekly emails with a list of all posts written in the past week? It’s much less intrusive then sending every single post.
If yes, how to configure that?
If no, is there a way to customize that with your team? Even if it costs something?
I’m currently building a wp site offline through DesktopServer, using the Themeco Theme X. When I activate the benchmark lite plugin it seems to cause an issue.
Below is the debug error that occurs, not sure if it’s just the plugin doesn’t work with DesktopServer, or Theme X, or just something wacky is going on. I’m able to edit any php files needed, just could use some exact direction on what to do. Any help would be awesome, thanks!!
( ! ) Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in /Users/scottdouglas/Documents/Websites/www.skdmx2.dev/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3624
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0044 377808 {main}( ) ../index.php:0
2 0.0047 437584 require_once( ‘/Users/scottdouglas/Documents/Websites/www.skdmx2.dev/wp-admin/admin.php’ ) ../index.php:10
3 0.0049 454448 require_once( ‘/Users/scottdouglas/Documents/Websites/www.skdmx2.dev/wp-load.php’ ) ../admin.php:31
4 0.0049 463952 require_once( ‘/Users/scottdouglas/Documents/Websites/www.skdmx2.dev/wp-config.php’ ) ../wp-load.php:37
5 0.0054 565064 require_once( ‘/Users/scottdouglas/Documents/Websites/www.skdmx2.dev/wp-settings.php’ ) ../wp-config.php:90
6 0.2640 36453504 do_action( ) ../wp-settings.php:392
7 0.3214 41235848 call_user_func_array:{/Users/scottdouglas/Documents/Websites/www.skdmx2.dev/wp-includes/plugin.php:525} ( ) ../plugin.php:525
8 0.3214 41236024 wp_widgets_init( ) ../plugin.php:525
9 0.3221 41269632 do_action( ) ../widgets.php:1463
10 0.3222 41274360 call_user_func_array:{/Users/scottdouglas/Documents/Websites/www.skdmx2.dev/wp-includes/plugin.php:525} ( ) ../plugin.php:525
11 0.3222 41274424 benchmarkemaillite_register_widget( ) ../plugin.php:525
12 0.3222 41274520 register_widget( ) ../benchmark-email-lite.php:44
13 0.3222 41274568 WP_Widget_Factory->register( ) ../widgets.php:113
14 0.3222 41274776 benchmarkemaillite_widget->benchmarkemaillite_widget( ) ../class-wp-widget-factory.php:43
15 0.3222 41276216 WP_Widget->WP_Widget( ) ../class.widget.php:139
16 0.3222 41276464 _deprecated_constructor( ) ../class-wp-widget.php:171
17 0.3222 41276952 trigger_error ( ) ../functions.php:3624
I have contacted the Benchmark Email company directly and they pointed me to resources within this community, I tried adding this PHP script to my website, but it returned no value for some reason
// Settings
$service = ‘https://api.benchmarkemail.com/1.0/’;
$api_key = ‘0518dfcd-a8bb-4018-af1e-32f4120d81bd’;
$timeout = 30;
ini_set( ‘default_socket_timeout’, $timeout );
// Load WP
require( ‘wp-load.php’ );
require( ‘wp-includes/class-IXR.php’ );
// Try Connection
$client = new IXR_Client( $service, false, 443, $timeout );
$args = array( ‘listGet’, $api_key, ”, 1, 100, ‘name’, ‘asc’ );
call_user_func_array( array( $client, ‘query’ ), $args );
// Output
print_r( $client->getResponse() );
My API Key is 0518dfcd-a8bb-4018-af1e-32f4120d81bd and I keep getting a red cross next to it when I enter it into my plugin – there is no error message displayed.
Cheers for your time
I tune the email template in plugin for WordPress.
I need my subscribers receive only the quote and the link instead of the full text. What I need to insert into a template instead BODY_HERE? Perhaps EXCERPT_HERE?
]]>I was wondering if there’s a way to customize the placeholder text in the forms created by the widget shortcode. Currently, the text input for the “email” field somehow pulls in my email as the placeholder text but I’d like it to be something generic like “Your Email”
]]>Can I use this plug in to create a fly in or pop up form? Or is there another plug-in that will allow me to do this for my Benchmark Email account?