Hey! Great plugin!
A few questions though. Is there any reason for not using settings from wp-customizer or themes?
Nor the parent theme or child theme style sheet are linked in the header.
All styles set from outside the pagebuilder (i.e body font, header font etc) are ignored. So you need to add all that once again.
The markup starts with a “.container-fluid”-div which has padding by deafult from bootstrap css. So to achieve a full width style you need to add extra css to clear padding.
Two suggestions.
1) Link styles from themes so you don’t need to set allt that once again.
2) Instead of “.container-fluid”, use “.fl-page”. That would work better, wouldn’t it?
I just installed this great plugin for the first time on a dev site that I’m about to take live.
Unfortunately, after enabling it and creating a custom template, I discovered that BackupBuddy’s processes would not complete because CRON jobs had stopped running. (BackupBuddy’s process log cited there was a likely plugin conflict with CRON jobs.)
The most recent plugin I had installed was BLM, so I disabled it (no change) and then deactivated it, which re-started CRON jobs running again. I re-tested by reactivating BLM, and sure enough, Cron jobs had stopped running again.
BLM 1.1.4
BB Pro 1.8.2-beta
Genesis Dynamik 1.9.7
WP 4.5.3
I’m hoping this issue will be resolved soon, because otherwise it’s a great plugin.