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Thanks for using Beagl Form Builder! Here is what you can expect out of this support forum:
Users helping users
Ask other users questions and provide your own help. It may take me several hours to respond to your topic, so if you know the answer don’t be afraid to jump in and help.
Guidelines to posting a new topic:
- Search the forums first
- Check the FAQ for troubleshooting regarding plugin/theme conflicts and email sending issues.
- Provide a public link to your form.
- Looking for a feature? Just write me something [email protected]
- If I resolved your issue on the forum, please leave a review. Your excellent ratings are most appreciated ??????
- I hope you enjoy using Beagl Form Builder and look forward to answering your questions!
Eugen Guriev
This topic was modified 5 years ago by beagl.
This topic was modified 5 years ago by beagl.