I am trying to migrate the plugin and it’s settings to a new wordpress website that I am building. I’ve entered the same License key used in the other site but it shows an invalid License key message. What am I doingwrong?
]]>Hi there!
I’m a developer for a small bookshop that makes use of the book importer plugin in conjunction with their BatchLine instance.
We’re developing some other WooCommerce products alongside the books which come from BatchLine and have noticed that the bcs-bertline-book-importer plugin deletes all products (specifically, all posts with post_type in ('product', 'product_variation')
, seemingly with the intent that it will then recreate products and taxonomies from the ground up from BatchLine’s data. It does this in bcs-import.php:bcs_delete_all_products()
This also deletes the unrelated products which we’re creating, and it doesn’t seem from a look into the code that there’s any mechanism to prevent this (I’d be very happy to be corrected on that, it’d make life much simpler!).
I’d like to raise a request for some sort of mechanism to mark given products and variations as safe from deletion by bcs-bertline-book-importer: my suggestion would probably be some kind of flag that could be added to the post meta which was then checked during the deletion phase, but I’m not too familiar with the best practises involved.
Many thanks, I hope to hear back from you soon.