This plugin causes a very strange (and very worrying!) error on my website. (But it could well be a clash with another plugin.) I’ve made a few WP websites over the years, but this is my first with bbpress.
All seemed to be working OK, but then I selected the ‘Reset Options’ in the plugin settings.
This seemed to strip *all* the style from my forums page! As well as giving me an error at the foot of the page:
There has been a critical error on your website.
Thankfully, deactivating the plugin seems to fully fix things again.
I’m unsure if this plugin is still being actively supported, so just a heads-up for anyone else who might have this issue.
Hi there
I am getting Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in bbpress-pencil-unread/bbppu-forum-marks.php on line 297 in all forums/topic, but only if I am logged in as a administrator. If I login as normal user then there is no error
Kind regards
]]>I have a number of hidden forums associated with hidden buddypress groups on my site. Elsewhere in other normal forums bbpress-pencil-unread is working fine. However in the hidden forums, topics remain marked as unread, even though they have been viewed.
Am I missing a setting somewhere, or can this be fixed?
Thanks, Richard
Thank you for the Plugin!!
However, it seem to ignore new topics that are two levels deeper .
How it is:
Category/Parent (contains a new topic in a sub-subforum/category -> nevertheless marked as read !!)
– SubForum 1 (read -> marked as read)
– SubForum 2 (read -> marked as read)
– Subcategory (contains a new topic in a subcategory (sub-sub) -> marked as unread)
– – SubSubForum 1 (read -> marked as read)
– – SubSubForum 2 (read -> marked as read)
– – Sub-SubCategory (contains a new topic -> marked as unread)
– – – Post 1 (unread -> marked as unread)
– – – Post 2 (read -> marked as read)
How I Want it to be:
Category/Parent (contains a new topic in a sub-subforum/category -> marked as unread !!)
– SubForum 1 (read -> marked as read)
– SubForum 2 (read -> marked as read)
– Subcategory (contains a new topic in a subcategory (sub-sub) -> marked as unread)
– – SubSubForum 1 (read -> marked as read)
– – SubSubForum 2 (read -> marked as read)
– – Sub-SubCategory (contains a new topic -> marked as unread)
– – – Post 1 (unread -> marked as unread)
– – – Post 2 (read -> marked as read)
I am using the latest WordPress, bbp Style Pack and bentho theme.
Maybe you have an idea what I am doing wrong.
Thank you!
Ps: More concretely,if you post here:
It won’t affect the read/unread here:
]]>Hi @grosbouff
first of all, thanks for you’re still developing this plugin with v1.3.1
Unfortunately the problem I saw in does still exist! (the tread is closed, so i need to start a new one here)
Is there any chance to get this fixed?
Thaks in advance,
]]>I have a topic with 2 pages which is unread. I opened first page of the topic. Topic is marked as read while I didn’t open the second page.
]]>Hello, I installed the plugin and it appears to be working properly on topic views, individual forum views, etc. However, It doesn’t appear to be working on the main forum group page.
I added the following line to your plugin to get it to work as I wait for your reply.
– – – – –
In the filter_query method, I simply checked if the returned meta_query value was an array… and, if not, made it one before adding the meta query to it…
if (!is_array($meta_query)) $meta_query = []; after line 268 of bbpress-pencil-unread.php
I’m using bbPress Pencil Unread 1.3.0 on WP 4.8.1, bbPress 2.5.13 and Buddypress 2.9.1.
It looks like the plugin stopped working properly for group forums!
By entering a thread the state isn’t set to “bbppu-read” anymore. “Mark all as read” is still working. Also for normal forums it’s working as expected.
I enabled debug mode to check if something meaningful might be thrown there. But I saw nothing related to bbPU.
Does somebody else have this problem? May some have a look at this please?
thanks in advance,
]]>It’s very nice plugin.
I shared my css for remplace grey and blue border by a label “new”
Edit your CSS and Add :
/*Pencil Unread message*/
body:not(.rtl) ul.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-unread > li:first-child > .bbp-topic-permalink:before, body:not(.rtl) ul.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-unread li > a.bbp-forum-title:before, a.bbp-forum-link.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-unread:before {
content: "new"; /*For your text change this value*/
background: black; /*background color*/
color: blue; /*text color*/
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 2px;
font-size: 0.8rem; /*font size*/
height: 16px;
padding: 2px 5px;
body:not(.rtl) ul.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-unread > li:first-child, #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body, #bbpress-forums li.bbp-body ul.topic, body:not(.rtl) a.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-read, body:not(.rtl) ul.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-read > li:first-child, body:not(.rtl) a.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-unread, body:not(.rtl) ul.bbppu-hentry.bbppu-unread > li:first-child {
border: none !important;
No test for arabic language, probably change “.rtl” to “.ltr”
topics with no replies won`t get marked as read due to a not reliably action hook. If a topic has no replies, the hook will not get fired.
I changed the hook to ‘bbp_template_after_lead_topic’ which solves the issue. So the topic gets marked as read, if the user visits the topic regardless of any replies.
Line: 243
//add_action('bbp_template_after_replies_loop',array(&$this,'update_current_topic_read_by')); //single topic
add_action('bbp_template_after_lead_topic',array(&$this,'update_current_topic_read_by')); //single topic
Regards Philipp
The plugin throws an php 7.0 warning:
PHP Warning: max(): Array must contain at least one element in /.../plugins/bbpress-pencil-unread/bbpress-pencil-unread.php on line 637
Maybe you can fix that warnin gin your next release.
First, I don’t know how anyone can run any fourm without Read/Unread status, and your’s is the only one that does this.
I have, in fact, added it as a recommended plugin to use in conjunction with my brand new bbPress plugin, Weaver for bbPress which makes bbPress a turnkey install – you get great styes and basic layout tweaking and user/admin usability options. But my plugin relies on your plugin for read/unread status.
But after using it for a while on my own very active support forum, I’ve discovered one missing but important feature. There is an option to mark read topics before user registration. But as an admin and knowing that tracking adds entries to the db each time someone reads an article, I can imagine that starting to impact the size of the db over time. I think it would really great to have an option to either mark unread all posts before a certain date or time period (older than 6 months, for example). This action should clear the old read entries, and use a cutoff date for all read checks first rather than individually checking each users list. Ideally the mark all read option before a certain date would be a one-time operation run when the admin requests it rather than a check each tim a post loads. (or a cron job once a day, perhaps.)
But etill, your plugin is an essential, even required tool for a bbPress fourm!
]]>Hi there,
Great work on this plugin!
For development feedback, I wanted to let you know I’m experiencing two issues with it:
Let me know if you have any suggestions, and I’d be happy to help you with testing.
here is the problem.
I will be grateful if one can solve this problem.
Hello, tks for this wonderful plugin !!!
I have a problem with the page with most recent topics, the FLAG it’s not visibile in this page while it’s visibile on the forum category page…
I have also see that Admin user can see the FLAG also in most recent topics page…
Can you help me please ?
]]>Awesome plugin! However, since I’m using nested threads, my forum would benefit a lot from visually marking all new (unread) replies.
– Parent post
– reply
– reply
– reply
– reply
– Parent post
– reply
– reply (NEW)
– reply
Is this possible, since I don’t see any additional classes on which I could hook my CSS? If not, will it be possible in the future versions?
Thank you!
]]>hi ! A mark all read would be nice on forum main page.
But could it be possible to add such a button/link on pages like this one :
(FYI this “last posts since last visit” is generated by bbPress Toolbox plugin. )
best regards, cwowd users really appreciate the change from Go to first unread and unread Posts v2. Congrats!
my users just asked me if it is possible to mark all forums as read, too.
Actually all posts of a forum can be marked as read.
Maybe you can implement a “mark all forums as read” button for the forums view that iterates over all forums and marks all posts for each forum as read?
Thanks again for your plugin!
first thank you for the great plugin!
It seems to work fine but is it also testet with huge forum databases?
My forums have more than 100.000 posts. After activating the plugin the page of bbpress that shows all forums is extremely slow. It takes ten seconds to load.
When I modify your function has_user_read_all_forum_topics( $forum_id,$user_id=false ) with a “return true;” at the beginning to skip your code the forum page is loaded in less than two seconds. So there seems to be a bottleneck. I updated from 1.0.6 to recent version and the older version seemed to be a little bit more performant for me..
It would be great if your plugin also could handle forums with many posts.
Otherwise a funktion or a filter to disable your plugin just for this page would be fine.
I also do not understand line 504 and 505:
$transient_duration = $this->get_options('count_topics_transient_duration');
$transient_duration = null;
What is the sense of getting the duration first and then overwriting the value with null?
Please support Arabic language & RTL
See how it appears my Forum when I activate your plugin in Version 1.2:
Thank you ??
Good evening, I just upgraded bbPress Pencil Unread to v1.2 on a WordPress 4.6.1 installation and I get the following errors when I go to my forums:
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Empty string supplied as input in ../wp-content/plugins/bbpress-pencil-unread/bbpress-pencil-unread.php on line 852
I also receive the following error at the top of home page, even when the plug-in is deactivated:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in ../wp-content/plugins/bbpress-pencil-unread/bbpress-pencil-unread.php on line 154 and defined in /home/mmfawebmin/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1285
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated, thx.
]]>Hi, I love your plugin and already rated it 5 stars.
Can you add this function:
i.e. an option to allow users to immediately jump to the first unread post without scrolling.
Would be awesome!
The first time a user logs in after installing this plugin all the topics are marked read. Is there a way to have all those topics marked unread?
]]>Is it possible to use this outside of the topic loop?
]]>Just installed, very handy.
A problem though.
I will see the blue marker in a forum and go there, I will see the blue topic and read it.
I will return to the parent forum (not using back button) and the blue marker still indicates a forum with an unread topic, so I go back into the same forum only to find there is no topic with a blue marker.
Why is the forum blue suggesting an unread topic but when in the forum there is no blue/unread topic?
Even refreshing the page or marking the forum as read does not change the status of the forum.
WordPress 4.4.2 running Corvus theme.
i was wondering if there’s an simple way of filtering all topics based on class added by this plugin, trying to frind a way to display links to unread posts for users.
I tried to sum it up in the title – the blue bar becomes a grey one for a forum, even if I only read one of two new topics in it. Could you make it show unread until really everything is read, or possibly enable me to choose behaviour?
Hi there,
I would like to translate your plugin. Unfortunately, Codestyling Localization gives out an error, telling me that the available strings do not originate from the same textdomain and therefore cannot be translated into one either.
It would be great if you could enable translations. If you use glotpress, the community will do the rest.
I’m attempting to use the mark_as_read_single_forum_link() function to put the link in a diffrent location in loop-topics.php.
However, I’m getting an undefined error. It’s odd, because on the same page, I have the standard mark as read link, via the standard hook.
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo '<a href="#new-post" class="btn">New Topic</a>'; } ?>
<?php mark_as_read_single_forum_link(); ?>
<?php fx_bbp_user_subscribe_link( array( 'before' => '' ) ); ?>
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mark_as_read_single_forum_link()
Any suggestions? Thanks for any insights….
thank you for the creation of the plugin. I think that if it worked, it would be a great thing… only it does nothing with my installation of wordpress – avada – bbpress… When I click “Mark all as read”, it seems to be doing something (loading circle), but it never changes the status of the fora…
Please, could you help me?