I have only just noticed this. I use the ��bbPress Advanced Statistics�� plugin as I like the way it presents the data at the bottom on the forum page.
However, if I ��log out��, it still lists all the names of the users from the last 24 hours. That is not right. It should only list last 24 forum activity if a user is logged in. Technically it is exposing users names for a non logged in user when I don��t want it to.
I am using latest bbPress 2.6.2
Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
]]>It seems to function OK in the latest WordPress. I don’t know what steps are involved with tweaking the development project to suppress this warning when installing the plugin?
]]>I have a subscription website using memberpress and all of my forum pages (categories, forums, topics, replies) are tested to be redirected to an unauthorized message page. Yet, I am seeing constant “guests online” and in the past 24 hours I’m showing 39 guests. This has been typical since we set up the forum.
Can you tell suggest where this guest count is coming from? I know I can hide this statistic but I’m wondering if somebody unauthorized is somehow getting into my forum.
Thanks much,
Just found out that the table bbpas was 13.2 Mio with over 101.000 lines.
There’s clearly something wrong, no auto-maintenance is performed by the plugin to remove unused entries (oldest is 2018-01-15).
By looking at the table lines, I found that many entries seem not to match any existing user. User IDs range from -2145452019 to 1844408386.
Something went wrong, removing the plugin.
Hello BBPRESS advanced statistics community,
I really want to change color of my usergroups in my forum made by bbpress.
I have the standard role (keymaster, moderator, blocked ecc) but with names modified by editing the file functions.php in my theme folder.
Now I would like to change the color in the status bar and in the topic/threads, example Administrator in the red, moderators in blue ecc.
I tried a insert this code in bbpress/templates/default/css/bbpress.css:
.bbp-author-role-keymaster {
padding:0 5px;
but it does not change anything, why?
I want to change color here
Im using gamipress link, and BBP Advanced statististics. Even if i dont show BBPAE in any page, the shortcode for a link from gamipress is broken and shows text. If I dsiables the BBPAE then the shortcode of gamipress works without problem. Here sis the link top the page showing the problem, please ask me to activate BBPAE if you are going to see the issue, i need to deactivate it in order to use the forum. I will apprecitae any help with this problem! Thanks!
Debug info:
{“general_info”:{“Plugin Version:”:”1.5″,”Database Version:”:”1.5″,”Loaded Locale:”:”Default Language”,”PHP Version:”:”7.0.25″,”WordPress Version:”:”4.9.2″,”WordPress URL:”:”https:\/\/innovacioneducativaisil.pe\/foro”},”plugin-data”:{“plugins”:{“akeebabackupwp”:{“name”:”Akeeba Backup for WordPress”,”URI”:”https:\/\/www.akeebabackup.com”,”version”:”2.4.2″},”wp-analytify”:{“name”:”Analytify – Google Analytics Dashboard”,”URI”:”https:\/\/analytify.io\/details”,”version”:”2.1.11″},”bbpress”:{“name”:”bbPress”,”URI”:”https:\/\/bbpress.org”,”version”:”2.6-beta-2″},”moderation-tools-for-bbpress”:{“name”:”bbPress – Moderation Tools”,”URI”:””,”version”:”1.1.1″},”bbpress-improved-statistics-users-online”:{“name”:”bbPress Advanced Statistics”,”URI”:”http:\/\/www.thegeek.info”,”version”:”1.5″},”bbp-move-topics”:{“name”:”bbPress Move Topics”,”URI”:”https:\/\/www.remarpro.com\/plugins\/bbp-move-topics\/”,”version”:”1.1.4″},”bbpress-wp4-fix2″:{“name”:”bbpress wp4 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How do I exclude Keymaster and Moderator form the active list?
On your plugin it lacks chains not translated
Attached image: https://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/419210201710241813.png
How to add the missing five to the pot files?
Thank you
]]>Activated the plugin to use on the forum I run, but it isn’t displaying any statistics apart from the most recent user… Any suggestions? I’m running it alongside bbP User Ranking and bbP style pack if that makes any difference.
]]>Hi Jake! Huge fan of your work on this plugin. ??
I have been tweaking the Additional Forum Statistics to say something like “We have created # posts, in # threads, by # members, since Month ##, YYYY.” instead of “Threads: #, Posts: #, Members: #”.
Is it possible to achieve what I am looking for through the “bbPress Statistics Format” input field on the “Customisation Settings” page? I tried a few tweaks but it seemed really limited. Maybe a format that lets you change the order and the location of the variables would be possible? Just curious.
Many thanks!
Good Afternoon all,
Version 1.5 has been released today and I wanted to make a centralised thread outlining the changes and any known issues. I will update this thread should anything come about that is problematic post-release.
The full, finalised changelog is as follows:
is deprecated, notice is displayed if used. Update your code to use build_html()
instead.If you have any issues, please post a thread as usual and I will take a look.
Many thanks
]]>Hi there,
thanks for the great plugin!
just a quick question, is there a way to show the unregistered visitors count currently browsing the site?
Hi, i want to display only the number of active (online users).
“custom text XX custom text” – where XX is ja simple number of %COUNT_ACTIVE_USERS% (example 5, 7, 11 ..)
How can i do it? (i know some php and how to use shortcodes)
]]>Once it was activated, it show error at backend:
There was a problem whilst updating the database. (Table ‘our site _usermeta’ doesn’t exist)
I am activated in Sub site of MU sites.
]]>I would very much like to use functions.php to change the phrasing surrounding the bbpress statistics, similar to the following…
This forum has 11,413 posts, 837 Members and there are currently 52 members online.
Can you give some guidance? Thanks in advance.
As the plugin grows, and more and more users start to use it, I thought it be necessary to setup a quick help topic and small FAQ section. I update and support this plugin when I have free time, I usually respond to support queries pretty quickly however sometimes life does take over somewhat.
Before you request support
Before you request support, please ensure you have read the Frequently Asked Questions AND the Other Notes tab.
Not answered your question?
Fire away. Please try to refrain from posting your issue in another topic as this will only cause confusion.
Just one more thing, when requesting support can you please ensure you are using the latest version of the plugin and also be sure to include the Debug Information
which can be found within the Plugin Information tab.
Many Thanks,
I have some problems. Styles the blocked group links donn’t work as it must. Can U help me?
Hi Support,
Its a very good plugin. Is there a way to show current visitor on the topic?
]]>Hi there, I’m using bbpress on my site https://www.gaming-universe.de/guf/ and I’d like to use the advanced statistics plugin.
But I can’t find an option on how do deactivate the default statistics displayed by either bbpress or bbpress toolbox. Can you give me advise on how to do this, so I can use your plugin instead? Thanks!
Hi Support,
Its a great plugin. Is there a way to show Who’s online with a viewing post/page?
]]>4.6.1 / 1.4.02
Pressing delete just leads to ‘Deleting …’ showing until a page refresh and a banner at the top of the page:
Deletion failed: Are you sure you want to do this?Please try again.
Is it safe to just zap the directory by FTP or is there stuff in the database (which I have no phpmyadmin access to unfortunately).
]]>I’m on multisite.
I tried upgrading to 1.4.02, and now all I see is:
There was a problem whilst updating the database. (Table 'mydb.wp_1_usermeta' doesn't exist)
Other sites of mine (wp_2, wp_3, etc.) in the same install are working fine though. This one (wp_1) was the only one with bbPress.
I have had an increasing amount of people reporting that the statistics displayed with respect to the total amount of posts and topics in the forum are incorrect.
This baffles me, as I am using bbp_get_statistics()
that is provided within bbPress Core.
Nonetheless, I would like to get this fixed (or at least find out exactly what it is). The issue seems to be a by-product of database imports/forum migrations (i.e you moving from vBulletin or phpBB onto bbPress).
I would really appreciate it if some kind forum admins could provide me a database dump, this will be uploaded to a secure – local only, development server and will be used to test this plugin only.
Once I have finished with the data, I will securely wipe it from the server.
If anyone is happy to assist by sending a db file, please email me on jake@thegeek.info so we can talk further.
Rest assured, I am looking into it.
– Jake
]]>I am making use of WordPress Multisite and bbPress. When I install this plugin, it errors on me as it is looking for the site specific usermeta table but is unable to find it. Is there the possibility of receiving multisite support for this plugin?
I wasn’t seeing this issue before the update to 1.4, though the plugin did seem to not update its information all the time.
]]>Got error in version 1.4
class-bbpress-advanced-statistics-upgrade.php on line 125
]]>many php errors does this need wordpress 4.6?
After importing an huge phpbb forum
The WP dashboard give these results
71.513 Topics
1.044.701 Posts
50.072 Members
The bbpress-improved-statistics gives this result
Threads: 71.513, Posts: 72.557, Members: 50.072
So you see the counting of posts isn’t correct.
i removed and reinstall this plugin but is doesn’t help.
Is this a bug or can i re-count this.
Greetings Senatorman
I just wanted to know if there was a way to limit the amount of users the widget displays? Perhaps this might be a wishlist thing, I’m not 100% sure.
I have a forum with over 9000 users and at any given time there are 200 or more names showing. I was wondering if I could limit it to maybe show 15 for example. This is a cool plugin though! I like the extra added detail to spruce up the forum a bit.
Thank you,
]]>hi i have a black background and moderator color is black how do I go about changing that
]]>There seems to be an issue where it is not reporting most users ever properly.
I noticed on my forum it shows that the most is 2, but active was 4. That doesn’t seem right.
Not a big deal but thought I would report it. You should be able to see that on my forums here: https://fyxtrpg.com/rpg-forums/