Hello dimadin ??
Any plans to update this `nice and useful plugin to standards of the current version of WordPress?
Or will it be left to rot in the plugin graveyard?
Thank you in advance for your answer!
]]>Hi! I would like to translate this plugin to portuguese.
Can you please add GlotPtress support to this plugin’s strings?
Thank you so very much.
]]>First, thanks to Milan, the plugin author, for this brilliant initiave. I’m hoping bbpress will include a digest feature like bbPress Digest in the future.
The hack to add / edit the message body is fairly simple. Again, it’s a hack, it may not be the most ingenious or embelished solution, but it works.
The file that needs editing is bbpress-digest/inc/event.php
My first step was to comment out line 188:
// $item_placeholder = _x( '%1$s: %2$s', '1. Topic title 2. Topic URL', 'bbp-digest' );
The $item_placeholder is a template for the message body. I wanted to include topics and replies in different text blocks and so the place holder variable was discarded.
The bulk of the hack comes right after that, beginning with the foreach loop, on line 195.
foreach ( $topic_ids as $topic_id ) {
$all_topics_list .= sprintf( $item_placeholder, bbp_get_topic_title( $topic_id ), bbp_get_topic_last_reply_url( $topic_id ) );
In a few words, what I did was to replace the place holder variable inside the printf with a number of bbpress functions, formatting the message body in the string variable $all_topics_list:
/* Go through all topics */
foreach ( $topic_ids as $topic_id ) {
if (bbp_is_reply($topic_id)) {
$reply_title = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbp_get_reply_title($topic_id)), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$reply_content = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbp_get_reply_content($topic_id)), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$reply_content = preg_replace( '/<br\s*\/?>/is', PHP_EOL, $reply_content );
$reply_content = preg_replace( '/(?:<\/p>\s*<p>)/ism', PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $reply_content );
$reply_content = html_entity_decode( strip_tags( $reply_content ), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$reply_author = bbp_get_reply_author_display_name($topic_id);
$reply_url = bbp_get_reply_permalink($topic_id);
$reply_date = bbp_get_reply_post_date($topic_id);
$lineprint = "-------------------";
$all_topics_list .= "$reply_title\n\nAuthor: $reply_author \n\nDate: $reply_date \n\n$reply_content \n\nGo to reply: $reply_url \n\n$lineprint \n\n";
if (bbp_is_topic($topic_id)) {
$topic_title = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbp_get_topic_title($topic_id)), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$topic_content = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbp_get_topic_content($topic_id)), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
$topic_content = preg_replace( '/<br\s*\/?>/is', PHP_EOL, $topic_content );
$topic_content = preg_replace( '/(?:<\/p>\s*<p>)/ism', PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $topic_content );
$topic_content = html_entity_decode( strip_tags( $topic_content ), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$topic_author = bbp_get_topic_author_display_name($topic_id);
$topic_url = bbp_get_topic_permalink($topic_id);
$lineprint = "-------------------";
$all_topics_list .= "Topic: $topic_title\n\nAuthor: $topic_author \n\nDate: $topic_date \n\n$topic_content \n\nGo to topic: $topic_url \n\n$lineprint \n\n";
Of course you may use a different set of bbpress functions in your template, according to your needs. There’s a very comprehensive list of bbpress functions on Hookr.io that will certainly come in handy.
Right at the beginning of the foreach loop I added a conditional statement to include replies in the digest. And after that, a second conditinal for the topics post type.
if (bbp_is_reply($topic)) {
// your functions here
$all_topicslist . = " $my_bbp_function_set "; //
The last step was to change the posts query function “get_topics()”. On line 288, change the value for the post_type parameter to include the reply post type:
'post_type' => array( bbp_get_topic_post_type(),bbp_get_reply_post_type() ), // bbPress topic & reply types
The author used a meta query with “_bbp_last_active_time” topic meta to establish the time period refrence in his query. Because “_bbp_last_active_time” is exclusive for topics, keeping it in the query would exclude the reply post type. My way around this was to use date_query, keeping the set $time value as a time reference and “date” as the “orderby” value.
See below what the edited query looks like, with the original meta query commented out.
/* Setup arguments for topic query */
$topic_args = array(
'post_type' => array( bbp_get_topic_post_type(),bbp_get_reply_post_type() ), // bbPress topic & reply types
'posts_per_page' => -1, // All topics
// 'meta_key' => '_bbp_last_active_time',
'fields' => 'ids',
'orderby' => 'date', // Order by _bbp_last_active_time (ie. from newest to oldest)
'post_status' => join( ',', array( bbp_get_public_status_id(), bbp_get_closed_status_id() ) ), // All public statuses
'date_query' => array(
'after' => '$time'
/* 'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_bbp_last_active_time',
'value' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $time ), // Only active for period we are quering, last 24 hours or last 7 days, plus passed time since full hour
'compare' => '>',
'type' => 'DATETIME',
I hope this helps other plugin users like me and encourages Milan to keep up his good work. IMO this the best bbPress Digest plugin out there, really unmatched in its simplicity and performance.
And it was really worth taking the time in hacking it a bit. I certainly hope the author can develop it further and keep it up to date. ??
]]>Hi There,
I’ve got everything working, but I would like to automatically update the members database so that they are all set to receive weekly updates. What values in the table/columns need to be updated ?
]]>BuddyPress, when installed, over-rides the bbpress user options page. This means the user cannot see the bbpress digest options. How do we include the digest options in the BuddyPress profile options page?
I’ve just loaded this up and whilst the front-end and back-end options all seemed to work fine, I didn’t receive my daily digest. I was looking at the plugin’s homepage and noticed that it said
It requires that cron runs regularly at least once an hour.
Could this be the problem? What would the possible causes be of this not running and any checks I can do?
]]>Hello Milan,
This plugin looks promising, but I’m hesitant to install it because you have not updated it in a long long time. Do you plan to support this going forward? I’ll wait for a reply before I install because it’s not worth installing something thetas set to die, ya know. If you do update this and it works for my site, I will surely send you a donation for your work.
I recently installed your plugin and in testing it found that the profile page that pops up when I click on the digest “Edit Settings” looks different from the regular Buddypress profile page. No big deal, but it seems that information that I enter and save using the digest profile page does not get saved to the Buddypress profile.
(I am seeing, though, that some info like Bio field does save to my user profile when I access it from the backend.)
This could be confusing to user who may enter in all their profile inf on the digest page only to find that it has disappeared when they view their buddypress profile page. Do you know about this and do you know how to resolve it?
Does the digest send attachments that are associated with a topic? If so, is there an option to disallow this?
Indicating an attachment exists would be fine, but we cannot have our email server sending out attachments to everyone.
and thank you for that plugin! It is exactly what I am looking for. Before activating it on a life site I wonder what the email contains if nothing new got posted?
And can I autosubscribe users to the digest by default?
Thank you for your answers!
]]>Is there a way to customize the email sent to include an excerpt of each post?
]]>Since several updates of WordPress and BBPress/Buddypress have passed by and this plugin has been deemed only compatible up to 3.83, is there any chance we can get an update, as my digests have not been sending and I’ve no idea why. I cannot see what is due to be sent out in a digest either by using the ?sum=1 tag on the end, so I don’t know if nothing is being picked up or something but all my forum posts are suffering because emails are not being sent out.
Please update – I can make a donation if necessary, but I have tried using Mailpoet, which is the only alternative I’ve found but you don’t get to filter them by group membership etc which may alter the dynamic of my site.
i have not been able to get this to work. I will happily make a sizable donation if you can get it to work for me.
on the settings, the test emails always work. But no subscriber has ever received an email.
i have added smtp plugin. tried php mail, and more. But in the end, the test emails work but no real emails are ever sent out.
Any chance i can hire you to get this working?
Since update to bbpress 2.5.4 the digest plugin has not sent out any emails.
Can you please confirm if it is worked properly.
Email alerts arrive sometimes empty, with only this message “This active topics-have-been in the last 24 hours,” but no matter, no topic then.
An idea to fix the problem?
Thank you for your return
Hi There
Does this plugin work with the Groups plugin? i.e. does it send all activity, or only activity that the user is allowed to see?
I try to do an independent php script to save email alerts according to a prior choice of questions to the user after registering.
My problem is the variability of the values ??of field meta_key “bbp_digest_forums”, including the value of “s”, from 3 forums, in, for example:
a: 3: {i: 0; s: 4: “5728”; i: 1; s: 4: “5732”; i: 2; s: 5: “13733”;}
By now it is 4 or 5 for the third forum, so I can not run the script every time.
Do you have any indication on this?
Thank you for your return!
As title says, the email comes in with all topic stacked after each other with no line break.
]]>I am hoping to revise the follow:
1. Email sent from. right now it is wordpress@mywebsite.com
2. add some visual aspect so it is not bare bones and just text
3. Is it possible to add the first post of each thread or excerpt?
]]>Hi – I just installed the BBPress Digest plugin, and admins can edit their profile via the dashboard and the BBPress Digest settings are there. But if an admin goes to their profile when they are viewing the site, it just shows their buddypress profile, and they can’t edit their BBPress Digest settings because they are not shown.
If a regular user, without access to wp-admin, goes to their profile, they are just shown their buddypress profile.
How can I make it so that regular users are able to see their BBPress subscriptions, without giving them admin options?
]]>I realize that the original intent of this plugin was to provide a daily or weekly digest, however I strongly believe that allowing users to get immediate notifications would be a welcome addition.
Your plugin allows for selection for individual subforums, which no other plugin does at this time. For this reason it also allows a greater amount of flexibility for users to choose what they want to be notified of.
This would be a great enhancement and I do hope you may include it.
]]>Within the user’s bbPress profile, there is a duplication of the subscription signup process. I’ll see if there is a way to squelch the first one.
]]>When I choose weekly in the settings and update. Then I go back and choose daily and hit update. The page reloads on weekly. How do I get the option to choose between the two of them back?
]]>sorry for the cross post from your main site, but I wasnt sure which site you wanted it on. I installed the plugin, but there are not mails being sent. You mention a cron job, but I have no info to make sure the cron job is running.
]]>I installed the plugin on a demobox for 2.2 and I can’t see the settings anywhere.
Hi there, I need members to be automatically subscribed to digests when they sign up, can you point me in the direction of the code I need to edit please?
Also where I can edit the email it sends as it should say “These topics have been active in the last 7 days:”
]]>Thanks for the plugin. It looks great but there is no option for a weekly digest email. Only daily. I have the most recent plugin installed (installed it yesterday). Thanks in advance
]]>When I try to edit the settings of my digest, the link is broken because it’s using my real name instead of my username. Where and how do I change this in the code? And if I ever update the plugin automatically, will that change stay, or will I need to edit the code each time? Thanks!