bbPress has conversion tools built into it now. Shouldn’t this dated plugin be removed? At the least it should be noted that bbPress comes with currently supported migration tools.
]]>What is the progress for Xenforo to WordPress support?
Can I convert my forum bbpress to BuddyPress with this plugin ?
Alilar Salman
]]>Looks like the features of this plugin are now available in the main bbPress plugin itself. I’m using bbPress 2.1.2 and had much more success with this built in converter than I did with the latest version of this plugin.
WP Admin > Tool > Forums > Import Forums (tab)
]]>Is this forum read by the developers?
The forum on is broken….
Does anyone know if they are still supporting this plugin and doing paid conversions. I have tried to contact them via their website but have not had any response.
]]>The usernames (in frontend only) of post authors appear as imported_username instead of username. Anyone know the fix?
]]>Latest version of WordPress 3.3.1
Tried both bbPress 2.0 and 2.0.2
Installed bbConverter through WP’s admin panel so the plugin version is 1.3
When I click Activate immediately upon installation, I get
]]>The plugin does not have a valid header.
What does this in the description mean:
“This plugin runs in the background and converts passwords for your users when they log in, so the process is seamless even if your old forum uses different encryption methods.”
Does this mean that I should not uninstall the plugin after the conversion is complete?
I’m quite surprised that you started off with platforms (vbulletin and invision) that are jointly less popular than phpbb. But I suppose one of the plugin developers had forums that used those platforms and I’m glad to be able to benefit from your hard work.
You have mentioned in the plugin description that conversion for phpbb is coming *soon*, and I was wondering if you might be able to provide some updates on that.
Finally, am I correct in assuming that bbconverter
i) imports topics and forum hierarchies into bbpress
ii) including the relations between topics and forums
iii) and slugs for topics and forums
iv) generates an .htaccess to place in the old forum directory so that old URLs are 301 redirected to new ones.
v) imports users including profiles, passwords, signatures and roles
I just used the bbPress converter to import my bbPress standalone site (bbPress 1.1) to WordPress’ (version 3.3.1) bbPress plug-in (version 2.0.2)
Everything imported fine, except for passwords. I used the “Convert Users” option on the plug-in’s config screen, and now I am unable to log-in with users imported from bbPress. If I try to log-in with a bbPress username and password, it recognizes the username, but throws an error “Wrong Password.” I looked at the databases, and the encrypted passwords don’t match between wp_users and bb_users. I still have the plug-in running (although the readme.txt file says I can turn it off since I imported from bbPress Standalone 1x).
The documentation indicates that this should be working:
bbConverter has a special script which will allow your users to maintain their old forum username and password. In a nutshell, when a user signs in for the first time after the forums convert, the script will check their old password, validate it, and then use the WordPress system to generate the identical password for the user in the appropriate place.
What am I doing wrong?
]]>Thanks for adding phpbb support to bbConverter … this is the most promising conversion I’ve tried yet.
The forum I’m converting has a lot of images, smilies, and external links that are very important to the discussions (well, not so much with the smilies). With this conversion they all came through as shortcode or raw html style text. Did I miss something with the conversion or is it just not supported yet?
]]>BBpress 1.0 just added <br/>
‘s to the entries when users returned, even if they wanted to create 5 line breaks. However 2.0 does it right and creates a new paragraph tag when the users returns.
Could you possibly integrate some functionality into this plugin that would convert line breaks to paragraphs for 1.0 -> 2.0 conversions? Otherwise the old content looks very smashed together.
(I had *fixed* this previously by using javascript to convert them on the fly, but that’s a hacky solution)
]]>I successfully conveted a stand alone BBpress installation except for the forums were not transferred, so the topics do not reside in any single forum.
Any ideas on hot to fix this?
]]>Thanks to AWJunkie we are proud to announce the official release of bbConverter, the only tool you will ever need to convert your current forums for use with bbPress 2x.
Currently supported platforms:
1. bbPress 1x
2. Vbulletin 3x – 4x
3. Invision Power Board
Future platform support already in progress:
1. PHPbb 3x
2. Xenforo
Platforms being considered
1. myBB
1. Upload the bbConverter folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
2. Activate bbConverter through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Go into your WordPress admin under ‘Settings’ and choose ‘Converter’
5. Choose the platform you want to convert from and fill in the database information. Click start
6. Once the conversion has completed, visit the WordPress Admin ‘Tools’ section and click ‘Recount’
7. Do NOT deactivate the plugin once it is finished as it is needed for user password management.
Important Note:
It is important to understand that this script is going to be modifying your WordPress database in order to bring over your forums/topics/replies/tags/ and users from your old forum setup. This means we are directly modifying your database which means backup is paramount.
Ok, now that is out of the way, let’s get to the plugin itself.
Each Forum sofware, whether bbPress 1x, vbulletin, or Invision Powerboard, has its own configuration file. For example vbulletin calls the file config.php
This is the file which contains your database connection information and you need to save this information in order to fill out the plugin start screen.
Required options:
1. Platform you are converting from – dropdown
2. Database server — usually localhost
3. Database port — (example: vbulletin uses 3306)
4. Database Username
5. Database Password
6. Database Name
7. Database Table Prefix — If you installed your forum software using a prefix enter it here. ( example: vbulletin default uses vb_ ) If there is no prefix, then leave it blank.
8. Rows Limit — This represents the number of database rows the plugin will convert during a single cycle. I would start this number at 50 or below at first. Keep in mind that forum conversion takes a huge load on the server mysql so if you are on a shared host, you may want to notify your host before running the script.
If you are on a dedicated server with shell access, then I would suggest opening up a terminal window and monitoring the resources. You can change the ‘Rows Limit’ at any time while the script is running. I have gone as high as 2500 instead of 50 on my servers. ( don’t click stop/start as it is not needed to change the limits )
9. Delay time — Suggested to use 1. This is the number of seconds that the server waits between the conversion cycles. It gives your server a second to catch its breath.
Other Options:
1. Clean — If something actually goes wrong, then you can choose to clean the database. This will effectively remove all the imported data and allow you to start the conversion over.
2. Restart — Restart allows you to pick up where the script left off should you have the need to stop and start the process. Example is when your browser or computer window closes during the conversion process. If you close the browser during conversion for any reason, then the conversion stops.
3. Users — You have the option of choosing not to import your users. If you are using bbPress 1x and have the forums linked to your WordPress install already, then you do not need to import users. Do not check the box. Otherwise you do want to import your users.
Once Import is complete:
1. Recount — Once everything is finished, then go to the wp-admin/tools and choose recount. This is going to present you with a screen full of checkboxes. Check every box and click submit. This is going to line up all the topic/replies/user posts counts etc.
2. Keep bbConverter plugin active after conversion.
bbConverter has a special script which will allow your users to maintain their old forum username and password. In a nutshell, when a user signs in for the first time after the forums convert, the script will check their old password, validate it, and then use the WordPress system to generate the identical password for the user in the appropriate place. This means that you need to keep bbConverter active until every single user has logged into the forums in order to maintain password management. This is not at all resource intensive, and you won’t even notice the plugin running in the background.
That’s it your finished.