It looked fine, until I changed the text on a button. When I saved and updated it broke and it doesn’t bring the styles.
]]>Our site header was configured using Header Footer for Beaver Builder.
I need to modify the header so I duplicated the Header (page) being used across the site with the intention of making modifications to the copy. The copy came through with some formatting changes so I started to correct them.
As I was editing the COPY of the original header, I noticed some oddities in the way the site header was previewing above it. The site header was showing with the mobile menu and it was permanently opened. I figured this was just some kind of quirk of the page builder.
However, when I viewed the site outside the page builder, I saw that the original header was now showing like this across the whole site. In fact even worse than the preview in the editor.
I had made no changes to the original header. I confirmed that I had not saved the original header inadvertently as there is no new revision since last year.
Has anyone reported this problem before? Is there any way to fix it?
Thank you so much
]]>Everything looks fine on both the header and the footer when I edit the designs, but for some reason the header is displaying the menu incorrectly and footer is realigning icons to the left when they should be centered. On the mobile version the header menu is entirely inaccessible. The hamburger icon is replaced with any empty button that goes nowhere. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I have installed your header footer plugin and created a Header page. I’ve selected the Header page in BB Header Footer settings but the header isn’t showing. I’ve tried clearing the BB cache but still nothing. What am I doing wrong please?
]]>I am trying to use the header and footer, but all the formatting seems to be getting striped out.
]]>Hey there,
Quick querstion, does your plugin support WP Multisite install?
I’m having trouble when I make changes to the header and footer on my website. I make the changes with Beaver Builder and it all looks OK. However, once I view the page in a browser all of the formatting has disappeared.
]]>Hi there,
I am using your plugin on many many installations but with the latest updates of wordpress/Beaver Builder, the saved rows of footers are all brekaing when I do any edits and not showing properly.
I use GeneratrePress Premium, BB and all on Cloudways hosting. I have cleared every cache possible – generally after making edits to footers I would have to clear chaces to get it to load properly. But something dramatic has changed now and it is broken.
I have remoevd your plugin so the site above is not showing the issues as I cannot leave client sites broken like this.
Just needed to let you know!
Hello Team,
We’ve encountered an issue where when we add the global header then one of our WP pages have design disturbed where we’ve used BB callout module. When we checked the inspector the enclosing column layout seems to be changes unexpectedly which causes this to happen. Please see following video for better understanding.
Few notes the installation we’re using is WP multisite installation
Here is a test subsite login where the provided page belongs
username: demo.zoho12345081020210953e784
password: haFFtx&7h5KC
Thank you
]]>When I set my header in “Customize” to “None” and then go to Beaver Builder settings and set my header template as the header…. save… cleared cache… reloaded page. No header whatsoever!
I have to leave the regular “header” turned on, instead of set to “None” or it won’t work. I thought for sure I needed to disable the regular header in order to use this one? Just want to make sure I don’t have a second header under there or something.
I am not able to access the nav-menu sub-buttons without being logged into the site.
Trying to understand the problem.
I’m a beginner, but the problem appeared after I acquired the pro version of Astra and Elementor Pro. The conflicts started to the point of frustrating me with the inversion.
I intend to invert as I grow in the aria in all the plugs that support me.
May we grow together.
Good morning, here in Brazil,
May we summarize the difficulties and maintain the joy and courage to live well.
HostGator Server
Elementor Pro
Astra Pro
Att, J.A.M.M.
I am having a problem with my header and footer displaying properly after I make any changes. Every time they display with no formatting. If I clear the Beaver Builder cache it all displays ok again. Although clearing WP Fastest cache doesn’t make any difference.
Have you any ideas why this happens please?
For a couple months now I’ve been receiving formatting issues in the header of certain pages. The navigation menu is misaligned and the top banner changes its height. The solution for this has been to either clear the cache in wp-rocket, clear Beaver Builder cache, republish/save the header page, or a combination of all three. Even after doing this the issue still arises hours/minutes later. Also upon inspecting pages with the issue in chrome and checking “disable cache” in the network section, this fixes the problem when the page is reloaded.This leads me to believe it is a cache related issue.
My previous solutions had worked until recently. Now clearing the cache or resaving the header does not solve the problem. On top of that another issue has arised where variation price for products do not show when selecting a variable. I still know its cache related because when I “disable cache” in the browser inspector, the price shows and everything works as it should.
Here is a link to the a page with the issue:
I have the most update version of the plugin. Also the most updated version of Beaver Builder
]]>Hello !
Thank you for this amazing plugin. I just posted this on github but I figured this might be where I should have posted it instead :
The plugin used to work perfectly but since the last update, I have an issue.
I have created two differents footers (one in english and one in french) to display accordingly with the use of the Polylang plugin.
Now my footer only shows in french or in english depending on what page I choose on the settings options (“Select a page to be used as Footer”).
So I can either have my footer that displays always in french or always in english. It used to detect the language and display only the appropriate footer but it does not anymore.
Any idea how to fix that ?
Thanks !
I am using an Astra starter template with Beaver Builder. I am trying to add [current_year] to the footer using your plugin but it is not working. I also tried [year]
Can you help please?
Many Thanks
I’m using Header Footer to create my Header and Footer in Beaver Builder. Should I optimise the Header and Footer pages for SEO or set them to ‘no-index’
I installed astra theme and beaver builder plugin with your header and footer plugin
I added to the header logo and 2 menus up and down logo
pages I created using Gutenberg the header is working very normal and only page I created using beaver builder the header got problem, the horizontal menu became list menu and design become miss
so please advise how to fix this issue
best regards
Here I’ve created saved row templates in beaver builder as follows:
These templates I’ve set as header and footer respectively, I’ve used the BB menu module in both header and footer templates
But when I load them under page builder or even the pages that show this header and footer they get the broken design. This is very unusual behavior as sometimes they seem to work fine and sometimes broken.
hello. I saw this has been an issue in the past but the css was now made available on the thread. As you can see, the vertical menu is throwing off the footer.
]]>It’s working great except I can’t include the search form inside the new menu I’ve added to the header. Is there an easy way to include it?
]]>Hi there,
I am using a plugin called Optima Express to display real estate listings on my website:
However, when I go to a single listing, the header does not load in the template file. Example:
Any ideas on how I can force the header to load for these pages?
Thanks for the free plugin. Otherwise, it works great!
We’ve used BB and BB Header & Footer on a few sites, and after a while.. it seems ever so often on the desktop site – the mobile menu appears. It mostly happens when someone would go into the template and update something and update the site. Then the desktop version of the nav appears broken. I know that when you clear the BB cache it then fixes, however this also happens on the client side. Which is kind of annoying.
If the only process is to fix, is constantly clear the BB cache I’m going to have to find another way to implement headers and footers.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hello. I am using beaver builder to replace my header and footer, but they are not showing up unless I am logged into the dashboard. Going to my site they won’t be visible but as soon as I log in and hit refresh it is visible. I have read that it is a bug with another plugin, but the plugin I have seen mentioned, I do not use.
Any help or advise would be much appreciated. Thanks!
]]>I did some upgrades (php, latest WordPress, latest BeaverBuilder, etc) on a site that has uses this plugin. I also disabled ALL other plugins. When BB and this plugin is running, I get the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: FLBuilderMenu is not defined
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (106-layout-partial.js?ver=b89d014a3966a39e9a0d96d39aae1374:18)
at i (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at Function.ready (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
at HTMLDocument.J (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4-wp:2)
I’ve contacted BB but no luck so far.
]]>I recently took over this website and I was able to put the header and footer back to normal with the header footer plugin. The problem is that the header looks completely different on tablet and mobile. The text moves off the purple bar and below the photo into the white space of the page and there is significant space in certain areas which make the tablet and mobile views look bad. I am unsure how to fix this as I don’t have much experience with Beaver Builder. I have a Beaver Builder license also if that is helpful. Here is the page I am referring to, although all of the pages do the same thing since they are using the same header and footer:
]]>Would be great if I could choose a header and a footer per language. Currently I solve it with shortcodes but that is sometimes very confusing
]]>The navigation bar of site works perfectly on all ios and android devices except iphone xs max. The navigation bar disappears on iphone xs max (after few seconds ). can anyone suggests the solution. thanx
]]>I am using this plugin to replace my header and footer. It works great when I am logged in. But when I am not logged in the BB header and footer are completely missing. The site is the same configuration as another site which doesn’t have this problem. Any ideas what the problem is?
I cannot give access to the website where I face issues because it is password protected.
Instead, here are three links to screenshots I took that illustrate my issue :
– On the first image is my footer as I want it to be. Sometimes, it does appear like this but sometimes, I have one or two of the folowing issues described in image 2 and 3.
– On image n°2, the blue button appears bigger for no reason
– On image n°3, the blue button appears bigger + the background image is a little zoomed in.
Thus, the floating bus on the rightside appears “cut” by the rightside of the webpage. Also, I noted that there is a bigger white space between the top of the footer row and the first words “Nous trouver”, “contact”, “Menu”, “Informations”.
Any idea how to resolve that ? Maybe it is not related to beaver builder header footer plugin ?
Thanks everyone,
]]>fixed headers do messup anchor links. when using anchor links css or js is required.
in this form>> u can read css or js solutions.
can Beaver Builder Header Footer solve this problem.