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]]>Hi, Since upgrading to WordPress 5.8.2 from 5.3.10 bazz callback widget has been causing popup maker to crash. I see there is a .animate () conflict in the JS files. Any idea if you plan to fix this issue?
Many thanks
Great plugin apart from that issue.
Since I updated WordPress to version 5.8 and its new widget editor, some Bazz CallBack widget pieces appear at the bottom of all my widget areas. View the screenshot: https://snipboard.io/OcWQCI.jpg
The three yellow rectangles are the Bazz CallBack’s pieces. The bottom rectangle grows and shrinks at the same rate as the blinking of the Bazz CallBack widget.
Fortunately, the problem is only in the widget editor, on my site the appearance of widgets and Bazz CallBack has not changed.
There is also an issue with another plugin in the widget editor, so the problem is probably more with this new widget editor and not from Bazz CallBack widget, but I wanted to point it out anyway.
Sorry for my bad english, I hope you will understand what I say !
]]>I set it up as usual, I didn’t prescribe any styles, but for some reason the widget disappears on mobile devices
]]>I’m using widget on mulilanguage site.
I have problem to set text for belows.
The text after sending in working hours (afternoon):
The text after sending in NOT working hours (night):
On both languages I have text, in the same language which is set on Bazz CallBack Widget settings.
Where I can change text for second language.
Hello there,
i Got forbidden issue 0 first number, mobile number beginning with Zero first: 0123456789 , if NOT zero first all thing ok. How can fix this forbidden
Thanks !
]]>����ѧۧߧ�� �ӧ֧��ڧ� Bazz 3.22 �ܧ�ߧ�ݧڧܧ��֧� �� ��ݧѧԧڧߧ�� Popup Maker ���֧��ڧ� 1.14.0
�� ��֧� �٧ѧܧݧ��ѧ֧��� ����ҧݧ֧ާ�:
1. ���֧ݧѧ֧� �ӧ��ݧ��ӧѧ��֧� ��ܧߧ� �� �ݧ�ҧ��� ���է֧�اڧާ���, �� ���ڧԧԧ֧��� �ѧӧ��ާѧ�ڧ�֧�ܧ�ԧ� ���ܧ����ڧ� ��� �ӧ�֧ާ֧ߧ� (�ڧ���ݧ�٧�֧� coockie).
2. ����� �ѧӧ��ާѧ�ڧ�֧�ܧ�� ���ܧ����ڧ� ����ڧ���էڧ� ��ڧܧ�ѧ�ڧ� ���ߧ�, �ߧ� ��ܧߧ� �ߧ� ����ӧݧ�֧���, ���� ����� JS ���ڧҧ�� �� �ܧ�ߧ��ݧ� �ҧ�ѧ�٧֧�� �ߧ֧� �ߧڧܧѧܧڧ�.
����ݧ� ��ݧѧԧڧ� Bazz �է֧ѧܧ�ڧӧڧ��ӧѧ�� ��� �ӧ�� ��ѧҧ��ѧ֧�.
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]]>����ҧ���� �է֧ߧ�, ����ݧ֧էߧڧ� �ӧ֧��ڧ� WordPress + Woocommerce
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nice callback widget.
There is one thing I only figured out after checking your code:
The name field becomes visible after I click the word “you”. I don’t think that most visitors will do this. It would be better to show the name field in the first place.
I solved it by adding the class “overflow” to HTML code.
What do you think, isn’t this a better way?
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Please fix erro validation Error: Element div not allowed as child of element i in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
From line 707, column 16; to line 707, column 20
Contexts in which element div may be used:
Where flow content is expected.
As a child of a dl element.
Content model for element i:
Phrasing content.
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]]>When I am clicking on the call me button (Bazz CallBack Widget Plugin) �C Forbidden error is coming.
]]>The greek translation has an error in a word. If i can fix please send me instructions to [email protected]
]]>���է�ѧӧ��ӧ�ۧ��, ������ڧ�� �٧� �ߧѧ٧�ۧݧڧӧ����, �ӧ�� �ߧ� ���է� ��ڧ�ѧ�, �� �ڧ��ԧ� ���ߧ�� ���� ���� �ߧѧէ� ��ڧ�ѧ��.
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]]>hello, am getting a message on the my site……….
Checking the browser console, the origin of the message is from this link:
This link is externally hosted byt this plugin maybe related with the API. I need the developer to review this and resolve the code issue, cause i have no idea how to get it off the site……
]]>����ҧ���� �է֧ߧ�!
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This Plugin is realy good, but the german translation:
“Wir rufen zur��ck du schnellst m?glich f��r!”
make no sense XD
It must be: ��Wir rufen Sie schnellstm?glich zur��ck.”
Please fix, couse this is not usable in germany.
]]>I have a problem with the plugin. I use Multisite wordpress, on the DE and EN domains (language) . The plugin on the EN domain work ok, but on the domain DE not work .
It does not display, does not set the setting
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[ redundant link removed ]
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]]>����اߧ� ���ާ��� �� �ߧѧ����ۧܧ� �ާѧ�ܧ� �էݧ� ���֧ݧѧ����, �ܧѧ� �� ���ߧ�� ���� ��� �ߧ�اߧ� �ڧ٧ާ֧ߧڧ�� �� ��ѧۧݧ� bazz-widget.js ����� ��ѧ� �ӧ��ԧݧ�է�� �ާ�� �������ܧ� ���� ��� �ڧ٧ާ֧ߧڧ��, �ߧ� �ߧڧ�֧ԧ� �ߧ� �ӧ���ݧ�, �ާѧ�ܧ� ����� �ܧѧܧ�� ��� �ߧ֧�. ���٧��� �ڧߧ�֧��֧ۧ�� �ѧߧԧݧڧۧ�ܧڧ�.
//if RU make the tamplate
if (bazz_options.currentLang == “RU” || bazz_options.currentLang == ‘RU’) {
if (bazz_options.bazz_in_russia == ‘1’) {
jQuery(“#bazz-widget-phone”).mask(“+375(99)999-99-99″, {placeholder:”+375(__)___-__-__”});
jQuery(“.bazz-widget-form-info”).text(‘���ѧاڧާѧ� �ܧߧ��ܧ�, �ӧ� �էѧ֧�� ���ԧݧѧ�ڧ� �ߧ� ��ҧ�ѧҧ��ܧ� ��ӧ�ڧ� ��֧���ߧѧݧ�ߧ��� �էѧߧߧ���.’);
} else {
// If you ant to use masked input – uncomment section below
jQuery.mask.definitions[‘~’]='[ 1234567890+_]’;
]]>�ߧ� ����ѧߧڧ�� �ӧ�֧ԧէ� ���֧էݧѧԧѧ֧� https://i.imgur.com/14w3p6N.png
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https://donagrohim.ru/ – WP 5.1
https://tarkus.su/ – WP 5.1
https://roof-rostov.ru/ – WP 5.1
https://himsnab2000.ru/ – WP 5.1
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Does not send entered phone numbers to e-mail (Gmail).
I tried to use two different e-mail.
It did not help.
]]>���ݧѧԧڧߧ� �ڧ���ݧ�٧��� ��էߧ� �ҧڧҧݧڧ��֧ܧ� jquery.maskedinput.min.js �ߧ� ��ѧ٧ߧ��� �ӧ֧��ڧ�. ���ާ֧��� �ߧ� ��ѧҧ��ѧ��, ��ѧҧ��ѧ֧� �ӧ�֧ԧէ� ���ݧ�ܧ� ����, ���� �ҧڧҧݧڧ��֧ܧ� �ԧ��٧ڧ��� �ܧ�ѧۧߧ֧�. �����-��� �ާ�اߧ� �� ���ڧ� ��է֧ݧѧ��? ���ѧ٧�ѧҧ���ڧܧ� �ӧ����ԧ� ��ݧѧԧڧߧ� ���ا� �ߧѧ�ڧ�ѧ�
]]>The widget doesn’t appear at all on phones.
Can that be fixed?