When in a page, I edit the visibility, select “Password protected” and add two passwords (one per line as instructed), click OK and then Update, the page refreshes but the Visibility remains as Public.
]]>For some reason with this plugin installed, after entering the password for a password protected page it loads a blank white page until you manually refresh the page. I deactivated the plugin and confirmed that this is not the cause when it is deactivated. But we need to allow multiple passwords. so I would like to know if there is a fix for this so it automatically refreshes the page or something to resolve this issue without finding a different plugin for adding multiple passwords.
]]>If you go to the above website and click ‘sign in’ this should take you to the password protected page. However, we have had to remove this as since the latest WP upgrade all that happened is that the user was shown a blank page and not the document.
We have just removed the need for a password at present, however this is not satisfactory to our client.
Is there a fix for this issue please?
Kind regards
]]>I am totally stumped on how to unmask the password and not break the multiple passwords functionality. Here’s my functions.php file content:
// Defines
define( ‘FL_CHILD_THEME_DIR’, get_stylesheet_directory() );
define( ‘FL_CHILD_THEME_URL’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() );
// Classes
require_once ‘classes/class-fl-child-theme.php’;
// Actions
add_action( ‘fl_head’, ‘FLChildTheme::stylesheet’ );
function customized_password_text($content) {
$before = ‘Password:’;
$after = ‘Zip Code:’;
$content = str_replace($before, $after, $content);
return $content;
add_filter(‘the_password_form’, ‘customized_password_text’);
function customized_prompt_text($content) {
$before = ‘This post is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:’;
$after = ‘Rates subject to positive residency verification before admission. <br/>Please enter your Zip Code in the box below.’;
$content = str_replace($before, $after, $content);
return $content;
add_filter(‘the_password_form’, ‘customized_prompt_text’);
I keep trying to add multiple passwords, but help I click update, they get erased. Anyone else getting this bug?
]]>I’d like to have to have passwords re-entered each time somebody goes to a protected page. I am assuming that a cookie has to be expired or something like that. As it is, the log-in info is stored in the browser and I’d like to prevent that.
Anyway, can this be done?
Many thanks!
]]>Can U help me to change “Submit” to “Connexion” in the form.
How about “Password :” Can I change it to “Your Number :” ?
Thanksss in advance for your help
Hello! I need to echo in my template the password used to view the private page.
Is there a way to catch it?
I’m unable to set globals variables…
Thank you!
]]>Can anyone tell me how to delete old passwords? I am using the lastest version. 1.4. I can see in the change log that it appears that at one point you could delete them. I have tried deleting it from the list of passwords that show when editing the post but they just reappear when I publish the page. I looked around for a database but could not find one. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank U for this plugin,
But it doesn’t function for me. I entered in every line a password, but only the first password entered in the principal field is functionning.
Can U help me resolve this ?
Thanksss in advance.
I enter multiple passwords for a page but they never save. After I click update the multiple-password box is empty and none of the passwords work on the page.
]]>To fix it you have to edit a file in the plugin directory.
Open the file “frontend-noajax.ing.php” in the “inc” directory and goto line 39
wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() );
replace by
wp_safe_redirect( get_permalink($_POST['post_id']) );
Enjoy !
If the author read this message, please update your plugin ??
]]>The five passwords I have set up no longer work after upgrading to WordPress 4.5. Is this plugin still supported? I need this fixed ASAP.
]]>Hello everyone!
First of all: Thanks for this great working Plugin. I love the functionality.
Unfortunately I have to adjust the content. The guys are asking for German. Currently it’s looking like that: https://www.zink-portal.de/empfehlungen
May anyone have an advice for me, how to adjust the language. Thanks in advance.
]]>i’ve started using this plugin today, and it works well, so far.
just to let everyone know.
I already have a website created using WordPress 4.0 with some services that people can buy by adding to cart and paying with WooCommerce and Stripe. I want to put a training video on my website. I want people on the site to buy the video by hitting “Add To Cart”, and then pay for it through the normal cart check out (using WooCommerce and Stripe).
This video can be housed on a hidden page on my site that is password protected. After they pay, I want an email sent to them with a password to watch the video and the location of the video. I want this password to expire in 1 week. That means that everyone needs to receive a different code, with a different expiration date 1 week from purchase.
Is this all doable with your product? And if so, can you guys set it up for me or do I need to hire someone else to do that? I’m kind of in a time crunch on this!
]]>This plugin still works with a little trick.
At your post/page edit page, you have to fill both the Password field and the Multiple Password field.
Fill the Password field with a single password.
Fill the Multiple Password field with many passwords.
Tried in WP 4.3 and works with 10,000 passwords (wow).
]]>I’m not sure where else to post this, but I was expecting (and needed) the passwords to apply to all of the pages that are under (as children, grandchildren, etc.) the page I set the passwords for, and not only the direct children. In other words, I needed it to work recursively for all of them, so I coded it in myself and I would suggest adding this capability. My changes leave out checking for post types, but it should work if you want to leave that in. For some reason I’m unaware of, the original code doesn’t add post types as a parameter to bawmpp_get_child_ids in the foreach yet it does inside the loop. The following contains all of the code I edited, in the page baw-multiple-pass-for-protected-pages/inc/backend-noajax.inc.php:
function bawmpp_get_all_children( $post_id, $ids )
$ids[] = $post_id;
foreach( bawmpp_get_child_ids( $post_id ) as $id ):
$ids = bawmpp_get_all_children($id, $ids);
return $ids;
function bawmpp_get_child_ids( $post_id )
global $wpdb;
$children = $wpdb->get_col( 'SELECT ID FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_status = "publish" AND post_parent = ' . (int)$post_id );
return $children;
add_action( 'save_post', 'bawmpp_update_password' );
function bawmpp_update_password( $post_id )
global $wpdb, $bawmpp_options;
return $post_id;
if( isset( $_POST['post_ID'] ) ) {
$top_post_id = bawmpp_get_top_most_parent( $_POST['post_ID'] );
$ids = array($top_post_id);
$children = bawmpp_get_all_children( $top_post_id, $ids );
$a_ids = array_filter( array_map( 'intval', $children ) );
if( isset( $_POST['multiple_passwords'], $_POST['post_ID'], $_POST['post_password'] ) ){
check_admin_referer( 'add-multiplepasswords_' . $_POST['post_ID'], '_wpnonce_bawmpp' );
if( $bawmpp_options['clone_pass']!='on' ){
$ids = implode( ',', $a_ids );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( 'UPDATE ' . $wpdb->posts . ' SET post_password = %s WHERE ID in ( ' . $ids . ' )', $_POST['post_password'] ) );
$multiple_passwords = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( "\n", $_POST['multiple_passwords'] ) ) );
foreach( $a_ids as $post_id )
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_morepasswords', $multiple_passwords );
}elseif( isset( $_POST['post_ID'], $_POST['post_password'] ) ){
if( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX )
check_admin_referer( 'inlineeditnonce', '_inline_edit' );
$_POST['hidden_post_password'] = isset( $_POST['hidden_post_password'] ) ? $_POST['hidden_post_password'] : '';
if( ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) || ( $bawmpp_options['clone_pass']!='on' && $_POST['post_password']!=$_POST['hidden_post_password'] ) ){
$ids = implode( ',', array_filter( array_map( 'intval', bawmpp_get_all_children( $_POST['post_ID'] ) ) ) );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( 'UPDATE ' . $wpdb->posts . ' SET post_password = %s WHERE ID in ( ' . $ids . ' )', $_POST['post_password'] ) );
$multiple_passwords = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_morepasswords', true );
foreach( $a_ids as $post_id )
update_post_meta( $post_id, '_morepasswords', $multiple_passwords );
]]>I use my www.remarpro.com site to serve password protected videos to my customers.
I also use the BAW Multipass plugin so each customer can get their own password.
An example of a page:
I want to change the text that appears above the password submit box.
I want the text to read:
“This video is password protected. Your password is automatically emailed to you when you purchase this trick. To view this video now, please enter your password below- in all lowercase letters:”
I tried putting the following code in the functions.php file for the Clear theme I’m using:
add_filter( 'the_password_form', 'custom_password_form' );
function custom_password_form() {
global $post;
$label = 'pwbox-'.( empty( $post->ID ) ? rand() : $post->ID );
$o = '<form class="protected-post-form" action="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-pass.php" method="post">
' . __( "This video is password protected. Your password is automatically emailed to you when you purchase this trick. To view this video now, please enter your password below- in all lowercase letters:" ) . '
<label for="' . $label . '">' . __( "Password:" ) . ' </label><input name="post_password" id="' . $label . '" type="password" size="20" /><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="' . esc_attr__( "Submit" ) . '" />
return $o;
The result is that after putting in the password, and clicking the submit button, the customer gets a “404- The Server can’t find it!” message. (I have since removed the code from functions.php because my site is live and I wanted customers to be able to access the videos).
I copied the code from the www.remarpro.com knowledgebase, and only changed the actual message wording. Obviously, I must have missed doing something else.
Can anyone give me the EXACT block of code I can put into the functions.php file to change the text to what I want?
Thanks so much!
]]>Hi. I have an issue with using this plugin. The plugin does not duplicate main password throught the post hierarchy when it gets over two steps down the hierarchy. For me it looks like this.
Main (Set password)
– Step 2 (Duplicates)
— Step 3 (Duplicates)
— Step 4 (Still public)
]]>Pleeeaaaaase update for WP 4.0.1. This is exactly what I need but it does not work with current WP versions (setting passwords does not save and reverts back to public)
]]>Okay, I’ve found numerous plugins that claim to accomplish this, however, I have not found one that will work with 4.0.1.
Does anyone know of one that will work?
]]>This plugin was awesome until I upgraded WordPress. I cannot add any new passwords. It’s the only plugin like it that I can find.
Thanks for the awesome plug-in, it’s come in super handy.
I’ve been using it for a while now and it worked perfectly. I’m having problems though with applying multiple passwords to a second page. I follow the same process (edit visibility/password protected/paste in multiple passwords) as I did in the first page I password protected but it wont work. I see all the passwords but the page is still accessible.
Do you know what the issue can be?
]]>I’ve figured out how to connect the password used with an account ID from a custom table of account information in the WP database.
What I now need to do is populate the cookie from the list of passwords in the account information table rather than the text field in wp-admin.
Where are the list of passwords added to the cookie?
]]>I’ve created a table of passwords against account IDs.
The Plugin obtains a list from the second field in Admin
The page login checks against the default password field + the list obtained from the second field in Admin.
Is it possible to obtain the password list from the wordpress database instead?
Is it possible for the login process to check the list of accounts and pass the AccountID back?
Where is the code that handles the password authentication?
]]>The protected page needs to be relevant to the account holder. The account holder needs to add products relevant to their business which is entered into a database.
How do I maintain session ownership to a person who logs in?
if (success) {
return accountid;
return false;
]]>Would love to have this plug-in work. I have installed it, but after going to the page I want to protect, hitting “Visibility” adding the passwords, click OK, it says it is password protected. When I click UPDATE for the page, it reverts back to Public Visibility.
Has anyone gotten this to work in 3.9.1? It really is perfect for what I need, please update!!!!
]]>Is there anyway for people to logout or have logout happen after a certain amount of time?
]]>Page will not update to protected with plugin activated.