if somebody enter to this url will goo direct to
the admin register if i changed the wp-login.php to
example.php is that effect on the plug in register and sing in or not
because you know that as admin i do not want some advanced users to go into wp-login.php if they are a normail user then they can go from there to the admin panel sign in i want to hide the sing up default WP it it possible ?
i have site the users can sign up in the site with plug in does this effect Login on the admin login Wp-login.php area only
or also effect when users want to sign in the site from plug in
does it effect on users when trying sign in into site or not or only on the admin login area ?
]]>Does plugin work with 3.6?
]]>Dear Julio,
this plugin could be exactly what we are looking for.
But does it work in a wordpress multisite network installation?
]]>Damn, I guess I did something stupid: I activated the plugin without checking that it requires me to print the codes card. Now I cannot get into my site, except by accessing the ftp site and fiddling with the files directly.
Can you please tell me what I need to do to fix this?
— Stupid Me.
Is there a way to translate the plugin so both messages at backend and the cards come in another language?
I have a few suggestions for improving the MSL Secure Card.
1. upon activating the More Secure Login instead of sending the
MSL Secure Card via email, can these codes be displayed in the
Dashboard ONLY first time when the plugin is activated..
Next time when we need new codes, the script should send us an email
just with the information that we have to generate a new MSL Secure
Card because we have used all the codes..
2. Extend the MSL Secure Card code numbers from 4 to 6 characters
3. Generate more combinations, perhaps create a settings page where
we can choose how many combinations we will generate at the time..
4. disable MSL Secure Card sending via email, as the email is not
secure, I can sniff an email within a seconds…..
Thank You
just installed and tested this plugin in the latest WP ver 3.5.1 and it works like a charm..
However, there is 1 small issue:
When a new user register he receives an email with his MSL Secure Card, but this email is located in the SPAM folder instead of users inbox.
I have checked the spam server logs, and it seems that the real reason why this email is being considered as a spam is the MSL Secure Card name which plugin generates, for example: sdh237d28d7gwgba78213d.png
Can You please change the code, so the generated MSL Secure Card name is more familiar as for example: YourMSLCard.png
PS: this is not the issue on all email servers, but some of them consider this email as a spam…
Thank You
]]>Bonjour Julio:
Thank you for a fantastic plugin. I’m running on a test site and it is working under WP v3.5
A few suggestions for the next release (unless I am able to make these corrections on my own).
1) Duplicate email messages: The system is sending the “Secure Card Asked” and the “Secure Card Ready” twice. One has to be careful as it is the codes in the second email attachment that work for the user.
2) Email Content: As an administrator, I need to be able to edit the email subject as well as the message generated by the system with more detailed instructions for users.
3) Login Screen: I appreciate your desire to promote the plugin. However, if user needs help I need to direct them to my own custom URL (if not an email form) rather than to your web site. It would also be nice to remove the “powered by” link as it may be giving a potential hacker ideas.
Many thanks –
]]>This plugin shows garbled file paths that overlays on top of the “Powered by…”. Can this be hidden?
Other than that, this plugin just works. Thanks!
]]>Plugin v 1.0.3
When trying to log in:
Warning: file_put_contents(/var/www/wordpress/hashBWALL) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /__removed__/public_html/test/wp-content/plugins/ballast-security-securing-hashing/BallastSecurityHasher.php on line 340
Warning: Wrong parameter count for strstr() in /__removed__/public_html/test/wp-content/plugins/ballast-security-securing-hashing/BallastSecurityHasher.php on line 146
So i can’t log back in. this was a test instalation, so no problem. i’m gonna delete it and restore the password via mysql admin.
However, this is a very serious issue…
]]>I ‘am using plugin on my site and it work fine for one user. When I have created another user, I can’t login with new user. Do I nead new code card for new user?
]]>Hi Julio!
Great plug-in. Installed on a couple of sites without problems but on one of the sites the plugin send the email but not the image with the codes. Any idea?
]]>So which code do we use? I downloaded the plugin, installed it, works fine. I logged out, tried to log back in, but your instructions doesn’t say which of the 64 codes to use. Do we just pick one of the 64? That doesn’t seem right because then a hacker now has 64 possibilities to choose from. Either way, it’s another layer of protection, which is great, but I need to know which one do we choose. The automated email didn’t say, just sent me the card.
Also, some advice, after I installed it, I looked all over, especially under “settings,” in the admin menu and found nowhere to set any settings on this plugin. I see when I go to my user, under admin, where the link is to generate another card, but that’s it. You might want to include this in your installation instructions so a webmaster/admin doesn’t waste time trying to see where the settings page is for this plugin, apparently there is no settings page and nothing is created under the user’s admin panel menu.
Thanks for another security product, if it works well, I’ll look at your pro version when it comes out. Thanks, rg.
]]>This is an interesting plugin. Thank you for creating it. I just have a couple of questions.
1. If something happens and this plugin prevents me from logging in, can I just delete it via FTP/SFTP to get back in?
2. Does it support control over which role(s) the plugin applies to? For example, can I just apply it to admins? Where other roles don’t need a MSL Secure Card.