I’m currently finishing getting everything working on localhost, and it detects the image from wp_user_avatar perfectly. But on the production site when updating wp_user_avatar, this feature does not detect the image by default. Can you help me? Has this happened to you before? On localhost it automatically creates the record: basic_user_avatar when browsing the different users and authors, but not on production. Should I unblock some kind of script?
is there any option to add the upload of an avatar into a template file like this:
* Account user.
* @package Flatsome/WooCommerce/Templates
* @flatsome-version 3.16.0
<div class="account-user circle">
<span class="image mr-half inline-block">
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$user_id = $current_user->ID;
echo get_avatar( $user_id, 70 );
<span class="user-name inline-block">
echo $current_user->display_name;
<em class="user-id op-5"><?php echo '#'.$user_id;?></em>
<?php do_action('flatsome_after_account_user'); ?>
I have a client with a membership site and after the last update of your plugin, the members can no longer upload their custom avatar images on the front end. I am able to add them via the user profile in the backend of WordPress.
I’ve included some screenshots. The first two screenshots are on the front end with a page with the [basic-user-avatars] shortcode. In the first screenshot you see that I uploaded an image. In the second screenshot is what is show after I click the “Update Avatar” button. It is a broken image.
The last two screenshots are when I Update the Avatar from the user profile. It works but this is not an option for the members of the site. They don’t have access to the backend of the website at all. All membership functions are on the frontend only. So it is very important that the plugin works and the members can upload their profile image from this page.
I am experiencing an issue with avatar display within the Support Candy plugin. Despite having encountered a similar problem in comments while using a different theme, this issue is now specific to Support Candy.
Regardless of the image size I try, the avatars within the plugin consistently appear oversized and stretched.
Could you please assist me in identifying the cause of this problem and suggest a solution?
when I upload an avatar in the admin panel, all the avatars on the site change, but when I add a shortcode in the front end, it doesn’t happen when I want to upload an avatar from there
there is no plugin or theme on my site, have I just installed the site?
i called the shortcode to my settings page as follows:
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[basic-user-avatars]’); ?>
I’m experiencing an issue with the Basic User Avatar plugin. When I attempt to upload an avatar image, the upload process seems to complete without errors, but the image does not display as expected. The avatar is missing, and it doesn’t appear in the user profile or anywhere it’s supposed to be visible.
first of all thanks for the great and simple plugin.
I do have an issue though. My site is in German and the text when the user already has an avatar has some grammatical issues. Also, I would just like to change this text to remove the mention of Gravatar since we don’t use that on our site. Is this possible somehow?
]]>Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to add the functionality where, instead of the user uploading an image from their computer, they can choose from the available avatars, similar to what Netflix and HBO Max offer.
]]>Hi there!
Does you plugin also work on the frontend? That is, will the uploaded image (user’s profile picture) display on both the backend and frontend of our site?
There are several Avatar plugins that do not work on the frontend, thus allowing our frontend pages to display the Users’ Gravatar (not the user’s profile picture).
Thank you!
]]>All I ever see is the cached gravatar in the “Choose file” form uploader, whether I delete the local one, upload a new one, makes no difference.
The form DOES work though, if I call the avatar on the front end through get_avatar(), I see the modified one, not the cached gravatar. But it’s nearly unusable as is for the end user, since there is absolutely no indication that the upload functioned.
I’ve tried with the form inserted through a visual editor block and straight into the_content() as a raw shortcode. The uploader always displays a cached gravatar if the email address is associated with one, no matter what I do.
There is problem when using shortcode inside the WooCommerce account page.
I put the shortcode inside “edit account” with the snippet:
function add_avatar_form_to_edit_account() {
echo do_shortcode( '[basic-user-avatars]' ) . '<br><br>';
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_edit_account_form', 'add_avatar_form_to_edit_account' );
But, when I try to upload an avatar, there is nothing.
Please check this video: https://www.loom.com/share/7d1befa67e7246c695b87196461235cd
I think the problem is about the permalink about WooCommerce account page.
In this video, when I put the shortcode on a normal page, there is no problem. The upload is ok.
Thanks a lot for your help!
]]>Hi Support,
I am facing a weird issue with this plugin. When used with Elementor once on a page, it works fine. But whenever I create 2 Elementor sections that contain the shortcode i-e one for Desktop (hidden for mobile/tablet) and one for mobile/tablet(hidden for tablet), it does not save changes or upload the file. I don’t know why it’s not working if we use shortcode twice for separate device views on the same page.
You can replicate this issue either by adding 2 shortcodes [basic-user-avatars] on one page without hiding or you can use Elementor to hide sections based on the device type and use two or more instances of this plugin with shortcodes in each section.
Working on it for so long but could not find a solution. Help me!
]]>Hello Thank you for the plugin,
but I lost the ability to upload avatars from my account, for a regular “buyer”, and custom roles.
The site administrator can upload the avatar.
For the buyer, I see a message: “You do not have media management permissions. To change your local avatar, contact the site administrator.”
Please tell me how can I set these rights to manage multimedia?
Uploading isn’t working.
See Loom Video: https://www.loom.com/share/d2cf9c540fb94fe5a68f92536bfaa280?sid=9a145c97-d263-4c6d-a082-f8dc82d1002e
FYI – there is a mistake in the HTML syntax. Specifically, the closing tag for the label is incorrect in public function bbpress_user_profile(). On line 462, It is written as <label> instead of </label>. This results in the opening of a new label without closing the previous one, which leads to a nesting of labels. I assume this is incorrect, as it looks bad on the UI side.
The corrected line should look like this:
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="basic-user-avatar-erase" id="basic-user-avatar-erase" value="1" style="width:auto" /> <label for="basic-user-avatar-erase">' . apply_filters( 'bu_avatars_delete_avatar_text', __( 'Delete local avatar', 'basic-user-avatars' ), $profileuser ) . '</label><br />';
This will properly close the label, and you won’t have a label nested inside another label.
]]>It is not working with ultimate member directly. Is there any other way.
]]>Is there a filter I could use to change the size of the image. I want to use the “medium” size.
Also, I don’t know if this is how the plugin works or if something is wrong with my site, but the uploaded images are saved to the uploads folder, but don’t appear in the media library. I had to use another plugin to recover them (add them to the db as attachments).
]]>[11-Aug-2023 01:59:13 UTC] PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /wp-content/plugins/basic-user-avatars/init.php on line 113
]]>I recently had an issue with a client site where all of sudden the Basic User Avatar upload field was not allowing files to be uploaded (no error message). They could be deleted, but not added from front end field. Could still be added as admin in editing user profile.
Through disabling/enabling plugins to find the conflict I found that Yoast SEO was the culprit. Not exactly sure the specific issue after trying to disable various settings on Yoast.
Because I didn’t want to lose Yoast or Basic User Avatar upload field, I found if I disabled Yoast on the page I had the upload field [basic-user-avatars] it worked again. Using this bit of code I was able to resolve the issue.
Hope it helps another. Or Stranger Studios can identify the issue. It’s a problem at least as of Yoast v20.8 and is still an issue with v20.13.
is it possible to use it in Woocommerce Checkout page and the user upload a profile pic ? And set it as mandatory ?
]]>How do I migrate Basic User Avatars from one site to another?
Where in the WP database is the Basic User Avatars data stored?
Ich habe einen Member-Login Bereich eingerichtet wo man ein Profilbild/Avatar hochladen muss. Dies funktioniert auch. Wenn ich mich jetzt aber als Member einlogge erhalte ich immer die Meldung:
?Es ist kein lokaler Avatar festgelegt. Verwende das Upload-Feld, um einen lokalen Avatar hinzuzufügen.?
Obwohl das Profilbild angezeigt wird. Auch wenn ich auf Avatar aktualisieren klicke geht die Meldung nicht weg.
Once i upload a user avatar (as admin), image is renamed (this is nice) and saved in wp-content/uploads but i cannot see or access it in wp media library? For info, i disabled the way to organize image uploads by year and month (wp settings/media).
Suggestion: image cropping would be a nice additional option. Thanks
]]>Hi, I have imported some old articles along with their comments to my website.
I have installed your plugin and added a profile picture for my account.
Then I have changed my own old comments to my current email address.
The problem is that these avatars next to the comments don’t get updated! They keep that old image.
How can I update the avatars of all my old comments, linked to my current email address, with my new uploaded profile picture?
]]>Can add the avatar upload form to the WooCommerce myaccount editing section?
I’ve been using Avatar Privacy to handle my local avatars and improve the load time from the many Gravatar connection requests.
It lacks the ability to let users upload avatars from the front end like say from the My Account page of Woocommerce Memberships.
One feature I do like however is that it generate different types of avatar family packs to make the local default set avatars more interesting, I presently use the “Rings” generated avatar pack which makes the website feel more dynamic when users haven’t set an avatar.
Is it possible to add something similar to this plugin?
Thank you!
I have trouble translating phrases. As one of my colleagues wrote earlier, after synchronization, only 5 phrases to be translated are shown, while much more is needed. I followed this https://github.com/strangerstudios/Basic-User-Avatars/pull/61, changed part of the code, but I don’t see any effect.
I would like to translate into Polish.
thank you in advance for answering
]]>You can easily add avatar upload form in WooCommerce account edition with this code:
function add_avatar_form_to_edit_account() {
echo do_shortcode( '[basic-user-avatars]' ) . '<br><br>';
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_edit_account_form', 'add_avatar_form_to_edit_account' );
You should add a label for the file input field and add classes to the fields and buttons. It will be easy for us to keep using your plugin and update it if necessary.
You know what I mean write?
Is there anyway possible to keep the avatars in a single custom directory?