Hi there… Top noob here ??
I did this:
Go to Plugins option panel named “Bainternet User Ranks” under options.
Setup your Titles and Points levels and maybe other settings.
I ticked Insert Automagically?
All I am seeing is MY info:
Posting Genius
On the top of EVERY page. Everyone can see it !! Nothing appears beside any comments or posts..
You are dealing with a nerd so in plain English: What am I not doing?
Hello I need Location In the comment box ” After the user post a comment “
When some of my users post private posts – something they publish but it is only visible to members, their ranking goes up.
Is it possible to rank the users only based on their public posts?
]]>I want my moderators and admins to not have the same rank because of the comment count. I want them to have a special rank like Mod and Admin so I am wondering if I can just add this custom rank manually or in any other way. Would be really great. Thanks!
]]>It’s be really great is post voting was integrated into this plugin. Any plans for that?
]]>and edit users directly
]]>Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/bainternet-user-ranks/baur.class.php on line 249 and defined in /public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
]]>Very sorry to bother you, the instuctions your provided are great, I’m just not very tecky I am building this system https://staging.trekmate.org.uk/
I want to have a page that displays all users scores but I am totally stuck and I have read your instructions.
Any help you can give woud be great. Also this is a long shot but could I include an image to go with the rank title?
Thanks for the great plugin
]]>Users rank doesn`t show near user nick in comment section.
There is no information in FAQ how to display it.
Please come with decent documentation on how to get this thing to work….
]]>This is my first website ever and I am having a bit of trouble. I have installed the plugin and it shows up under both Plugins and Setting. I just can’t get in on my website at all…any help would be wonderful! Thank you!
]]>I am using this plugin for comments only. Is there a way that I can exclude certain users from gaining points?
]]>Hello bainternet,
I have run WPMU with 17 subdomain sites + main sites. Each user use similar login for all site.
Can I use this plugin, if the author will write post on any of this subdomain? Something like to have on network admin setup site info how many point have each author for all post written on all subdomains?
It will by great if you can show there number of posts and number of comments from all subdomain site sites too. I have received tip to use this plugin https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/post-indexer.
]]>i’ve installed and activated this plugin, and have tried putting the recommended code:
<?php $baur_plugin = new baur_Plugin();
$user_rank = $baur_plugin->ba_get_user_points($user_id,true);
echo "title: ". $user_rank['title'] .
"<br />Points: " . $user_rank['points'];?>
in a PHP code widget in my sidebar, and also directly in my theme. Neither actually shows stats for posts or the title.
What else needs to be done to get this to work?
]]>I gave this thing a try because it had potential, but it didn;t work at all for me. Then at the faq it sais it must be called by the theme somehow.
Please come with decent documentation on how to get this thing to work…. or make it work out of the box!