Given that this plugin is 3 years without an update, what alternate plugin is suggested?
]]>I ran the PHP Compatibility Checker plugin
checking for PHP 7 compatibility and got this result for this plugin:
FILE: wp-content/plugins/autonav/autonav-widget.php
57 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
I am looking at the following:
[autonav columns=3 orderby=”menu_order” order=”asc” display=”images,thumb,title”]
On Android 7, and Android 6 previously (Nexus 5x) it doesn’t look right
With three columns, the middle image is smaller in each row.
When set to four columns, the fourth image is smaller in each row.
Everything looks fine on desktop.
Any ideas?
]]>I am displaying 4 photos/posts in a row. This used to work fine, but now if any post title under the picture is long (so that it would need to wrap to three lines), some of the other photos resize to accommodate this and the photos end up different sizes. See at: (if anyone is monitoring this). I’d love to be able to truncate a title that is too long–or any other fix (beyond not displaying the title).
]]>This page has a shortcode for autonav to show thumbnails of its subpages but they are not appearing for some reason?
This page isnt working correctly:
This page uses the same autonav shortcode and works fine?
I’ve been using the following tag for years without issue:
[autonav display="images" pics_only="1" size=150x150]
I added a new sub-page for the first time this year, and that page’s thumbnail will not show up in the list…
Here are the things I tried to get it to work:
Any other suggestions? Thanks!!
For historical reasons we’re using a combination of posts and pages to display contents in WordPress. I used the “Post Tags and Categories for Pages” plugin to be able to add categories and tags to pages so we can make non-hierarchical classification of pages, which was already granted with posts, and now I need to show a list with all the pages (and/or posts) within a given category.
I tried the plugin “List Category Posts” to obtain this list and it worked more or less, the result was sorted by date only (using several documented sorting parameters did not work) and with certain mobile themes displayed only 10 results instead of the real full list I need, and no pagination. Unsatisfactory. So I turned my attention to Autonav, which I also use for other purposes (graphical menus of daughter pages of a given page).
Now I want to obtain the PAGES in a category with the shortcode [autonav display=”posts,nothumb,title,list” postid=”category:*”] and it lists me the POSTS with the same category of the calling page, but not the PAGES that share that very same category.
Is there a way to list PAGES BY CATEGORY with Autonav, kind of [autonav display=”pages,nothumb,title,list” postid=”category:*”]? I am already aware this is an unorthodox way of using WordPress.
By the way, I do use Autonav to display “featured picture” menus of daughter pages with the shortcode [autonav display=”images”] and it works like charm. For that purpose it’s unbeatable. Thank you !
]]>Hello. I am loving the concept of this plugin. However, I am hoping to use it to create a lovely layout on my home page for the salon I am employed with.
The Goal would be to have the featured images for each page displayed in the layout as a clickable button to navigate to that page with.
I do not want to display posts.
I tried the [autonav display="image"]
with no luck.
Hello! I am using WordPress on my mobile website which is about specifications and features of different mobile manufacturers. I have different categories in my website like mobile manufacturers, networks, 3G, 4G, prices, RAM, CPU, Memory, Camera and Display features etc. Suppose I have updated any new phone which has the following features: Manufacturer: Apple, 4G, 8MP Camera, 16GB memory and so on. I wish that this newly updated mobile also update automatically in its relevant categories of 4G, 8MP Camera and 16GB Memory in grid view style using this plugin.
Please guide me is this feature available in this plugin? If yes, then how do I use it?
I am waiting for your reply
I have AutoNav setup on my site and it is working great, I have the image to the feature image to the left with the post title and except to the right but I would like to add a read more and date to the right also so it displays as follows:
Left – Feature image
Right – Title, Except, Read More->, Date
Thank you for a great WP plugin.
A (simple?) thing would enhance the possibilities. I (and others) have often the requirement to EXCLUDE (mostly thumbs) from the Pin button, when using any Pin plugin.
I found out this can be done using this property nopin=’nopin’.
Can we support that? I could use single images avoiding the autoNav plugin, but the random rotator is too awesome ??
Sadly enough, even the STANDAR Media functionality in WP would delete my nopin=’nopin’. Ouch!
Will ask the main devs also later on….
Thank you
Have 1.5.8 installed, says it needs to update. It looks like its doing the update, but it stays at 1.5.8.
]]>I have Autonav installed on multiple WP sites and am having this issue on all of them.
All sites currently running WP 4.2.1.
Whenever we go to update “AutoNav Widget,” it says it updates, but then it re-appears in the to-be updated list and says it’s still version 1.5.8.
]]>1. I see, 1.5.8 installed. Update to 1.5.9.
2. I click to update
3. It says “1.5.8 installed. Update to 1.5.9.”
4. Repeats indefinitely
All other plugins have updated successfully.
]]><?php print autonav_wl_shortcode(array('display'=>'attached')); ?>
The above code would’ve worked for WordPress 4.0 but in 4.1 it works only for posts, not pages.
]]>Is Autonav’s thumbnail image quality at its highest on default? There seems to be a fair amount of jpeg compression but I don’t know how to change the sharpness and image factor. There is a sharpness add-on included with the plugin and I placed this add-on in the directory of Autonav but I’m lost as to what to do next. The instructions are not very clear. I added the Sharp perimeter into the shortcode but it’s not doing anything.
]]>version 1.5.8
using this shortcode on my local XAMPP test site with all default values on the Autonav option page
[autonav display="posts:plant,list,thumb,notitle" columns=4]
I get a warning before the list is shown:
Warning: opendir(C:\Data\xampplite\htdocs\testsite/wp-content/uploads/C:/Data/xampplite/htdocs/testsite/wp-content/uploads/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in C:\Data\xampplite\htdocs\testsite\wp-content\plugins\autonav\autonav-wl.php on line 318 ERROR: opendir('C:\Data\xampplite\htdocs\testsite/wp-content/uploads/C:/Data/xampplite/htdocs/testsite/wp-content/uploads/') failed
It does output the list correctly, but no columns.
]]>Is it possible to display the parent parent thumbnail along with the child page thumbnails. I tried display=”self” but that only seems to work for child pages?
Is it possible to load all the content of the child pages within the actual parent page (rather then opening up a new page) when clicking their thumbnails?
]]>wp 4
2013 theme
nothing at all all was displayed – was the same as not using the shortcode at all
tried it on my static front page, as well as another page, using:
[autonav display="siblings,list,thumb,title"]
i did not try the last stable version
]]>Is it possible to wrap the excerpt in the permalink? I have a layout where the excerpt shows on top of the image, but then it blocks the image link. Can I wrap the excerpt in an anchor somehow?
]]>I like that you can set AutoNav to Random sort but it should have a refresh button instead of pagination links for that option.
Other than that, this plugin is one of the great ones on WordPress.
]]>I have a featured image in my post, but I don’t want to use it in my autonav gallery. I want to use a different image thumbnail, which I have created and uploaded via the WP Media Library (so it is in my uploads directory). It is a 75×62 image called “2014.06.11-peerlesscat75.jpg”, in case that matters.
I created a custom field called “subpage_thumb” inside my post editor and assigned it the full URL of the image I uploaded.
However, when I load the gallery on the front end, it continues to pull the featured image. I am using the following shortcode for the gallery:
[autonav display=”posts,attached” postid=”category:58″ columns=”6″ count=999]
I am using Autonav version 1.5.6 and WP version 3.9.1.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks so much in advance for the help. I love the plug-in.
]]>Thanks for a great plugin. I’m having trouble using the exclude parameter to exclude posts with a particular tag. For example, I want to show all the posts in a page’s category, except those tagged with “edition-intro”. I’ve tried various combinations of this shortcode:
[autonav display=”posts,title” postid=”category:*” exclude=”edition-intro” count=10 size=”thumbnail”]
but can’t seem to get anything to work. I’ve tried this using both tags and categories as the excluded slug, but can’t get either to work. Any suggestions would be appreciated, and thanks again –
I have been using autonav for two years now without any major setbacks, but recently the activities page of the website stopped loading when using the same autonav parameters
[autonav display=images titles=1]
I am using the plugin to create a table of the child pages showing thumbnail pictures and the title underneath.
Could you help me with any advice how to fix this annoying problem.
how can I get a list of all the images (thumbnails) of the pages that are in a wordpress website?
]]>I’ve currently got a structure I’m trying to use Autonav with that goes something like this…
Top Level page
Category 1
– category 1 sub item 1
– category 1 sub item 2
Category 2
– category 2 sub item 1
– category 2 sub item 2
I’d like to put the Autonav on the Top Level page showing only the sub items in the list but not their parent category pages. Is this possible? I’ve tried it using the family option but it puts the Category pages in and if I exclude them it also excludes the sub items ??
Are there any tweaks to the code that might give me what I’m looking for?
Edit: just found a suggestion about using custom field types but trying it on my site doesn’t seem to work
I’ve added a custom field called page-type on one of my pages and set the value to guide then used this code for the Autonav
[autonav display=list postid="page-type:guide" pics_only=0]
But only get a blank menu returned
]]>I am trying to specify the order that the thumbs for my child pages appear so that they are in alphabetical order. I have tried to add include=”47,57,…” and ids=”47,57,…” to the shortcode, following the plugin page instructions, but neither works to change the order.
Here is my page:
And here is my shortcode:
[autonav display=”images,title” pics_only=”1″ size=”237×354″ include=”637,651,664,671,679,658″]
Any insight on what I’m doing wrong and how I can manually set the order of the thumbs in the table? Thanks!
]]>Is it possible to have 2 columns in a table on a desktop but only 1 column on a mobile?
The plugin looks great on a desktop but when I have 2 columns they overlap on a mobile.
Thanks again for a great plugin!
]]>Hi, I am using AutoNav to create a visual menu without any text like this:
When creating the posts, the first image in each post shows up perfectly. But if I change the first image in a post, the thumbnail doesn’t change. And if I delete the image that was used in the first place, no thumbnail shows up at all.
How to make AutoNav “forget”/refresh thumbnails?
Thanks in advance!