Any plans for this to be expanded to work for Pages as well?
I have an issue with the plugin Publish Scheduler.
After activating (not after installing) this plugin the font is changing. While creating a new post, in the tag block autosuggestions (see the attached screenshot – left one is before, the right – is after activating the plugin. If deactivate the plugin, the usual font is back.
Also strange is that I have the same site (filesystem and database copied) with the same settings and everything works correctly there with that plugin.
How can I fix the problem (not with deleteing the plugin)?
We are using this plugin that of all that we have tested, brings together almost everything we were looking for, however we found two situations that are kind of boring. Maybe they can help us:
1 – Whenever a collaborator submits an article that should go to validation the plugin automatically schedules the article as if an author or publisher were dealing with it.
2 – After the article is published, in case we need to make a change, for example in a typo, when we load in updating this article will be rescheduled, for a future date. We know that we can do pisco in the Override auto-scheduler, but it would be less susceptible to error if it were not needed.
Can anyone help ??
I’m looking for a plugin that allows me to schedule the SAME post to appear every Monday, ditto for the rest of the days of the week. I/E I have a Tuesday post and a Wednesday post etc.
Does this plugin allow that kind of scheduling?
Thank you!
]]>Hi guys,
I love this plugin !, but i found a problem..( bug ? )
I have set all de roles in my wordpress installation that they can’t post new posts. all the new posts needs to be checked by the administrator.
have a look on my site
the problem is : when the administrator posts a new post, the message pop up that it has been scheduled. but when I make a new post in any other role, the post will be scheduled emmediatly…
so the problem is, the plugin overwrites all the role rules for not publishing..
and I tried the following :
– remove all the plugins
– tested with all basic roles
but they did’t worked….
can somebody help me with this ??
thanks !!
]]>Maybe add option to change the text/title window box. Or an option to remove it.
]]>Add option to post in some time range rather than specific time. Example: 09.00AM-10.00AM (randomly schedule between 09AM to 10AM)
thanks for great plugin. I little function are would be nice. It is possible to fix the problme when i edit an artivle he will get another way in the queue. I know i could manual to klick on the option ignore schuled post but i would that this was automatically. In my case i edit an typing error and the post go to the queue…it is a little bad.
Hope you have an idea for me!
]]>I have two time slots: at 19:00 and at 21:00.
When I scheldule two posts, one at 18:20 and another at 18:40, both posts are put into 19:00 slot.
The best way would be to publish one post at 19:00 and the other at 21:00, making posts queue
Screenshot of all my time slots:
]]>Hi, Will! I have noticed another bug: while post is schelduled in proper time (in wordpress admin), the real time of publication is wrong. This is because of default time settings are fixed to UTC+0.
For example, if I have time slot in plugin at 13:00, and wordpress setting UTC+3, the publication time will be 16:00…
]]>Hi! Great plugin, thank you!
But there is one issue – when I use Android client, plugin doesn’t work..
]]>I have scheduled a number of articles for my site (, there are currently 76 in the queue. It’s been working well for about a month now.
The problem is, the scheduler seems to have reset. When I schedule anything new it should start at Jan 6th 2016, but it deosn’t seem to see the current scheduled articles and starts from tomorrow.
Is there a way I can get it to start from the correct date?
]]>I was playing around with it by changing weekdays, and then it stopped working correctly. All media posts created get the same date and time despite the 4 slots setting. Can you please tell me where it gets written and why it went wrong when it was working fine before I started changing some settings? I’d really appreciate it as I am currently stuck with it.
]]>Hello, first i want to thank you for absolutely great plugin! I use it on every my site and i am very very happy with it! In my new site i have a little trouble, the site uses a different structure of posts – and the plugin cannot catch the posts to schedule it! The structure are for video posts and his name is wpvr_video! Can you tell me where and what to replace in the plugin code to can catch these posts too? If is possible i want to use wpvr_video together with the normal posts… you know, if the site catches and schedule 10 posts from wpvr_video to can continue schedule posts from post section… just mixed! Thank you!
]]>I’m working on using zapier to grab my favorite instagram photos and publish them to my wordpress blog. But I want them to queue so it only publishes one a day if I favorite multiple photos at a time.
Will automatic-post-publishing-scheduler stop the post and queue it?
]]>it is Missed schedule how can i fix that?
]]>Hi. Does it work on multisite installations?
]]>Why do this plugin has an external link embedded with it ..
‘update_url’ => ‘’,
I;m afraid to use such plugin ….
otherwise perfect !