To fix it, you can replace the Yahoo call processing with this:
$content = str_replace("'", "", strip_tags($content));
$yql_query = "SELECT * FROM contentanalysis.analyze WHERE text='$content'";
$data = file_get_contents('' . urlencode($yql_query).'&format=json');
$data = json_decode($data);
if (!empty($data->query->results->entities)) {
$entities = $data->query->results->entities;
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
foreach ($entity as $whatever) {
$ret[] .= $whatever->text->content;
in the auto_tag_yahoo function. Also, add:
'numberposts' => 999999,
to the $args array in the tools_handler() function. If anyone makes further fixes, please send them to me at [email protected].
]]>Hi all.
Both Yahoo YQL and Zemanta don’t seem to work well now, so I have created a simple version that looks at the most common words in the content.
Words in the title are given priority (3 times more than body content).
It very basic right now, removes common stop words and allows a custom list of stop words in the options.
Let me know if you have any improvements.
If anyone is interested, I have got the plugin working with the Zemanta suggestion API. You need to get a free API key and put it into the Auto Tag settings, but it seems to work pretty well.
Grab it here if you are interested ??
]]>This plugin uses the Yahoo API that is no longer active. PLease remove the plugin
]]>Warning: shuffle() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home2/foldersite/public_html/site/workingonline/wp-content/plugins/auto-tag/auto-tag.class.php on line 56
]]>Warning: shuffle() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/content/22/9137922/html/hopkinschapel/wp-content/plugins/auto-tag/auto-tag.class.php on line 56
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/22/9137922/html/hopkinschapel/wp-content/plugins/auto-tag/auto-tag.class.php on line 57
Can you help?
]]>When I installed Auto Tag & going to update post so an error is showing…
]]>As of September 28, 2013 the plugin has stopped working due to Yahoo Term Extraction being removed. The Yahoo Content Analysis API has replaced it. The author suggested someone fork the code and update it themselves. This is an attempt to get some contributors to help with the plugin updates, unless a better alternative presents itself.
I’ve gone ahead and updated the plugin to work with the new YQL in the meantime.
The simple fix for now is to replace the auto-tag.class.php file in your plugin folders with the file at github.
Extra; it wasn’t working with Feedwordpress for me, so I added a hook.
]]>I use this plugin to auto-tag posts imported through an RSS feed-to-post program. It’s been working fine for a month, but then today I started getting this when I go to re-tag posts (it doesn’t happen automatically, so I do it every few days). This shows up 5 times (one for each post it’s trying to tag):
Warning: shuffle() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /[…]/wp-content/plugins/auto-tag/auto-tag.class.php on line 56
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /[…]/wp-content/plugins/auto-tag/auto-tag.class.php on line 57
[Post Name] re-tagged
Anyone seen this before and have a fix? No updates the last few days so that’s not it.
it is possible that you add the possiblity to use “Auto Tags” for bbPress also?
Auto tag plugin is not support arabic tags.
Only add this tag ( 3f3f )
How can i fix this problem ??
]]>I have wp 3.5.1 and latest version of your plugin is installed and activated. I noticed that no auto tagging was generated and saved with any of the posts. I have almost 50+ article posts written now and its very unfortunate that the plugin is not working. I tried to found settings page for the plugin but no setting link is found on the left main menu or next to activate as you posted on other forum posts..
I have tried Deactivating it and activating it again, but it doesn’t work either.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks
]]>I have the issue where strange tags for keywords that are never mentioned in the posts show up. One example of many: the term “shop 5b” kept coming up for my articles about candles and that is nowhere in the content.
]]>Hello dear,
Thank you for this great plugin, I love it but I have 2 issues if it could be solved:
1- generating all posts’ tags doesn’t work properly, it generates tags for 5 or 6 posts only.
2- Unfortunately it doesn’t support Arabic. What can I do to make it support Arabic.
you can please again install API – it not working properly concerning German sides ( seems to be much better).
When I go to “Auto Tags Settings” there is no save button and when you hit enter even when you have your cursor in the box it wont save. Also all my options on my left in wordpress adim are unclickable when on the Auto Tags Settings setting page.
]]>I just downloaded latest from wordpress and it’s only tagging 5 of my many posts? any idea what’s going on?
]]>I just installed this plugin, but there is no setting page for it and it doesn’t show up in the post edit page (and yes it is activated). Any idea?
]]>I couldn’t be more #?$&*%*&?
When I activated the plugin and saved the parameters it instantly and automatically completely WIPED OUT all Thesis specific formatting (dashboard) like SEO, image etc on each and every post.
Since I couldn’t believe what just happened, I “repaired” one post, put the image back, filled the SEO part then reactivated the plugin and zaaaaap! gone again
]]>i am using wordpress 3.3.1
after activate auto tag plugin i notice my website down…post deleted very slow…update slow….or problem in publish post…
after that server down….
after deactivate this plugin all problem solved….
]]>Hit Machine is a software written in order to attract more visitors to the blogs.The program adds the tag word google searches. The first case is not recommended to be little reason not dwell on. The second situation that can be used to increase the hit one of the most beautiful wordpress add-ons.
Imagine someone coming to your site with Google searches on the word post. Google wrote the word of this person, the person at the time of your site is automatically added to the label in the form to your site. To give one example: “car” as you open a topic. Call the person “Buying a Car” came to your site by typing. This “Car Buying” word as a label is added automatically to your site. Label is a kind of hunter. Hunter is already the name of the plugin WordPress label.
Extension Features
WordPress plugins that you currently active in the settings menu is written.
Calls made within your site will automatically be registered as a label to a subject at random.
Hit Machine is a free plug-in distributed,Please do not delete the links!!
You have to download plug-in =>>
I am using a Premium Theme Which Uses Custom Post Types.
I need a auto tag or strictly auto tag like plugin for that please someone help me urgently!
My site is
How can I enable auto-tags for pages?
Currently, it only shows for posts.
]]>When auto tag runs on an RSS feed it uses various HTML Mark up as tags.
I frequently see Iframe and some other HTML markup used as tags. How can I keep it from doing that?
]]>When I try to activate the plugin I am getting this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class auto_tag in /home/allisa1/public_html/ on line 22
Don’t understand why this error, because I’ve installed it on my test blog a few minutes ago and there it’s working just fine. I have the same plugins included in both blogs, the same hosting account…don’t know what to do.
I need to fix this as soon as possible, please HELP !
Any help will be much appreciated.
I’m not sure if the performance issues I run into with this plugin are a consequence of how it works, or if it isn’t working with WordPress 3.0.1.
]]>Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /home/ROOTFOLDER/public_html/WEBSITENAME/wp-content/plugins/auto-tag/auto-tag.class.php on line 80
I’m using Auto Tag version 0.4.6
Any ideas?
Thank you!