buenas se?ores me podrian ayudar donde tengo que cambiar content() with the_content_with_readmore_link() y como se ase muchas gracias se?ores
]]>Hey Hi every one this is k, now i’m using wordpress 4.1 for theme development, there is problem with read more.
Read More tag are not working in Pages…
Some buddy help me…
For some reason this plugin works fine on my wordpress sites hosted on MAMP, but doesn’t work when I actually put in on a site that’s live. What’s the dealio?
I am trying to get this plugin to work, however i am wondering what this line means in the installation page:
Replace the_content() with the_content_with_readmore_link() at blog post page
Is there some change required to the blog post page (index.php)
]]>Let me thank you so much for this great plug-in. It very useful and great.
I just have one issue with it. I would like to make it by words instead of first paragraph can you help me please and tell me what to do?
Thanks you
thanks for the nice plugin.
i modded it, to also include the first video (object / iframe), if available. thought id share it.
plus i found a mini error. the last article <p> is not closed..
here you go
Plugin Name: Auto Read More Generator.
Plugin URI: https://iindev.com/contact-iindev/
Description: This plugin will put a "Read More..." link for each post of the blog page after the first image and the first paragraph. If no image present at the beginning, it will only show the first paragraph and the read more link after that.
Version: 1.0
Author: IINDEV
Author URI: https://iindev.com
function the_content_with_readmore_link($more_link_text = null, $stripteaser = 0) {
$content = get_the_content($more_link_text, $stripteaser);
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
$content = explode("</p>", $content);
foreach ($content as $key => $value){
if ($value != null || $value != ''){
if ( !stripos( $content[$key], '<img' ) === false || !stripos( $content[$key], '<iframe' ) === false || !stripos( $content[$key], '<object' ) === false ){
echo $content[$key];
for($i = $key+1; $i < count($content); $i++ ){
echo $content[$i];
if ($content[$i] != null || $content[$i] != '') break;
} else {
for($i = $key; $i < count($content); $i++ ){
echo $content[$i];
if ($content[$i] != null || $content[$i] != '') break;
else echo $value;
echo '?<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '" >Read More...</a></p>';