How can I add ellipses (…) to the last word before the break?
]]>It is possible to have the auto more only in the posts and not in the pages? That would be very helpful.
]]>hello, i have installed the AUTO MORE TAG plugin and i managed to set the summary for all may posts to the required length (50 words). however, i have a few posts that are shorter and contain photographs, and they are showing on my blog page, even though i have inserted custom more tags in these posts, before the images. can you please help me?
]]>if user insert tag more no problem instant article. but if use auto more tag problem with plugin wp facebook instant article
Would it be possible to add support for Custom Post Types?
I have modified the get_posts array to make post_type an array itself and it works great. Would love to have this brought forward to the admin page to allow post types to be declared.
Thanks again!
]]>Would it be possible to have an option in the admin to preserve pre-4.0 functionality and have the More tag be inserted into the post itself?
I am running this plugin in conjunction with a subscription plugin that uses the More tag as the cutoff point…above the More tag is the free/lead-in content, and below the More tag is the protected/members-only content. This plugin runs before the page loads, can’t find the More tag, and as a result the entire post is restricted.
By reverting to version 3.2.2 I am getting the exact results that I need. I’m going to using 3.2.2, but would prefer to run the most current version if I could preserve this necessary functionality.
]]>How can I enter in the setting page? Now my site is only in localhost in my PC.
Great Plugin
]]>Causes all tabs to render with the same content – would be useful to be able to exclude this from affecting certain post types – such as WooCommerce products
]]>Hi there! How to add More Tag after first paragraph? Thanks for reply.
]]>I would like to edit what is seen by the reader for the auto more tag, and I would also like to add a space between the last sentence of the post and the more tag. I am a code novice and not sure how to make these changes. Thanks.
]]>I set a featured image, and only want the featured image to show on my blog roll. I do this by setting <!–more–> as the very first thing in the post. Some posts only have pictures, and no text. I tried setting the character count to 0, but this didn’t work. Also, if I did add text, the <!–more–> was added after the first word. Is there a method to set the <!–more–> as the first thing in the post?
]]>I am using version 3.2.2 but after updating to WP 3.8 it doesn’t seem to automatically update all posts when updating the settings. Is anybody else experiencing this?
If you create or edit a post, it seems to work correctly. It is just not updating all posts when you update the plugin settings.
Hi, discovered a bug with the plugin. I set the plugin to add the more tag after 200 words. However if I publish a short post with less than 200 words the plugin adds the more tag to the end of the post, but then repeats the post content after that.
It would be great if you could check the word count against the settings and not add the more tag in those situations. Thanks
]]>Mr Weston was kind enough to snag space at the bottom of every page of my website(s)
At the bottom of every page was “PHP/MySQL Components, WordPress Plugins, and Technology Opinions at”
How sweet!
I have removed the Auto More Plugin from my sites!
]]>I rewrote the plugin to be safe for multibyte strings (UTF-8 only, because of usage of trim and strip_tags).
]]>Nothing more to say than de-activated it.
]]>Never evr use this plugin !
Instead of adding a filter it literraly rewrites the posts.
I lost like that all my database in 10 seconds because I DO USE filters and it torned apart all of it …
[Expletive deleted. That was unnecessary.] after your plugin some post ARE LOST and can not add NEW!
kill him and ban forever! I need recheck 592 news now or takу back my backups!
Soon after you click save, it can be seen that some content was lost. No way to recover.
]]>This plugin is really cool, except for a little detail I can’t find how a workaround for:
Word count must be including something more than captions, because e.g. 6 images with no more than 10 words total, reduces my text to 1 word, when set to 40. It seems it’s adding-up html tags, or attributes… I don’t know.
Is there a way to change its priority to work AFTER the shortcodes are processed? (or before?)
Manually-added more tags get overridden so this plugin could have simply used the whole content and cutting it up on the fly, rather than permanently modifying my posts. Or is that overriding a bug?
]]>This plugin dosen’t work.
Hard work and determination was put into this plugin. Please be kind, and credit me!
Using characters is not suggested. The more tag is added to the unfiltered HTML of the post, which means that this tag could cause your HTML to unvalidate.