some alt text showing this matter— alt”gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==”
and some images are working fine. what the issue? when i am deactivating this plugin than it alt text attribute is not showing.
I have installed the plugin at my site but when I am checking the site to I see that it doesn’t recognize the alt tags that the plugin had inserted.
what did I misunderstand? Check the HTML source code for and look for
Why is the ALT tag not added? What am I doing wrong?
]]>Yoast not picking this up for me?
Image alt attributes: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. Add your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images!
]]>This would be a wonderful plugin EXCEPT it appears to ignore alt tags that are in the media library. Can this be fixed please? Thanks!
]]>Hi there,
I can’t get your plugin to work. I tried deleting alt tags on some images to see if your plugin added alt tags but didn’t?
Can you provide a soltuion as this plugin would be perfect for my needs?
]]>Hi Does this support all images ?
Support for Featured Images, Woocommerce Product Images, Support for Custom Post Type Images, Custom Rules selectively add alt and title tags to images based on custom rules.
]]>The plugin uses javascript to fill in the alt properties, which really doesn’t help much for SEO – which I suppose is the biggest reason people found this plugin for. It’d be perfect if the plugin can do this with PHP and fulfill alt values so that search engines can read them.
]]>Some Quick Questions:
1) When is the insertion of alt tags done? Is it done dynamically, i.e. every time the page is being loaded? Or is it done only once during activation of the plugin or during saving of a page?
2) Does the insertion of alt tags apply to existing pages? Or to new pages going forward? Or both?
]]>Hi there,
first of all, thanks a lot for the plugin!
I was wondering if it is possible for the plugin to use the existing alt attribute of an image (entered in WordPress backend) if it exists and if it doesn’t exist to use the image file name (as the plugin does at the moment)?
Thanks for your effort.
]]>Does this auto-alt for WooCommerce Products?
I installed this and have not yet see the ALT tags updated on the Front-end of the site for product.
]]>I active it and nothing is happen.
Is it only for new images?
I just installed your plugin and it’s awesome.
But I needed to fix something before using it since it was throwing an error.
In the file auto-image-alt.php, there is this line:
wp_enqueue_script( ‘auto_image_alt’, plugins_url(‘js/auto_image_alt.js’, __FILE__ ), array(), ”, true);
To make it work, I changed array() to Array(‘jquery’) since it depends on jQuery to work.
Here is the corrected line of code:
wp_enqueue_script( ‘auto_image_alt’, plugins_url(‘js/auto_image_alt.js’, __FILE__ ), Array(‘jquery’), ”, true);
Thanks again for your work!