Redirect expired posts to “own category” archive page
I believe this would be ultimate solution for all of us that want to keep expired posts avalable for SEO purpuoses but hidden from users….
This could be done if the plugin could add custom field with name “redirect” and value “%category url” after expiration time….
then it could be used in a combination with redirection plugins that redirects posts to url’s from custom field….
this could also be extended to “authors, date etc” archive pages…
]]>This plugin is extra lightweight and very functionall, however here is one suggestion:
Option to set “per post” expiration to get expiration time from “custom field value”
]]>Is is possible to add custom field with value after expiration?
]]>I wonder if it deletes also featured pictures linked to posts that are deleted after X time?
I noticed that your plugin does not remove old categories it just adds the selected one.
Any solution to this?
Just does not work any more, and no support
]]>All I get is “No Posts Found” no matter what settings I choose.
Thanks for reading this.
I’m working on a project in WordPress where the homepage should be a Today’s Deal and I’m using your plugin to move the Today’s Deal to the “Previous Deals” Category, after 24 hours.
My task is to automatically redirect the homepage to the only post in Today’s Deal Category, which will have different permalinks everyday.
I’m querring the post with:
<?php query_posts("cat=41&showposts=1"); ?>
And I tried redirecting to the result with (after the above):
<?php $url = the_permalink(); header("Location: $url"); ?>
<?php query_posts("cat=41&showposts=1"); ?>
<?php $url = the_permalink(); ?>
<?php ob_start(); wp_redirect("$url"); ob_flush(); ob_end(); ?>
but no success..
I tried several other things too, apart from searching the web a lot before posting here.
Thanks in advance!
]]>As the title asks..
Is there a version of this ‘Auto delete posts’, or something similar for WordPress 3.0.3?
]]>Disabling some settings, having to set it back to site-wide to re-enable them, then having to change the days to 3 or something small just to be able to set the categories and by then the plugin has already started doing it’s job which screws everything up… Redo the settings page and this plugin would be perfect. I had to disable and uninstall it, now I have to either make something from scratch or find another plugin that will do.
]]>I just downloaded this plugin – it looks to be exactly what I am looking for. I was wondering if someone could define a few of the settings options for me. For instance, what is the difference between Site Wide and Per Post under Plugin Function on the settings page? Also, what does the Preview action do?
]]>Because there can be so many problems when many posts have to be removed, it would be great to allow this script to be executable via SSH/TELNET or whatever else prompt is available. Plus, users without such access could still use cronjobs to clean up their blog nightly/weekly/monthly.
]]>Sometime you can’t get enough resource to delete all post at one time.
So I fix the code to check 20 post at one time.
open auto-delete-posts.php and find line 398 (gen_query())
if (DEL_PUB_POSTS == $this->settings['DelPostType']) {
$post_status = 'publish';
if ((count($this->settings['DeleteCategory']) == 0) &&
($this->settings['MoveCategory'] == '0') &&
($this->settings['AddCategory'] == '0')) {
echo "No category selected for Delete, Move or Add actions. Unable to preview any posts.";
} else {
$catArray = $this->settings['DeleteCategory'];
$getpost_args = 'numberposts=20&category=';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($catArray); $i++) {
$getpost_args .= $catArray[$i];
if ($i+1 != count($catArray))
$getpost_args .= ',';
} else {
$post_status = 'draft';
$getpost_args = "numberposts=-1&post_status='$post_status'";
$getpost_args .= '&order=ASC&orderby=date';