Hi, I’ve been testing your plugin and it works in Safari with flash player so I know I’ve added it correctly.
However on a different computer in Opera without flash player installed the player does not play the mp3- is this normal?
Please could you list the browsers that do not need flash player installed for this to use the html5 player if possible and the ones that do.
I’ve read thru the support posts and all I find are conflicting instructions. Please add some usage instructions to your installation tab!
]]>The plugin is great, but i noticed that when Internet Explorer 9 is used to view a webpage in compatibility mode the player stops responding.
]]>Not play in FF15, Ubuntu 12.04. In Chrome 18 works, strangely..
….hmm, if click on button “mute” and then to “play” – begins to play.
<a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2084786/flux_pavilion_-_bass_cannon.mp3"></a>
<a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/audiojs/02-juicy-r.mp3"></a>
FF15, Ubuntu 12.04
When audio is inserted into a post, the player displays like that shown here, with text showing as well as the play and mute/speaker icons.
Anyone know how to correct this? This happens in both Chrome and Firefox on both desktop (PC) and mobile platforms.
I want the source of the mp3 files to be hidden. How can i do this ?
Thanks in advice.
]]>This is a totally stupid question, but can someone explain to me how exactly to use this plugin?
I want an m4a audio file to be playable within a post.
Normally when I use the media uploader to insert an m4a audio file, it just shows a link.
I thought this plug-in would show a player instead of the link, but I still just see a link when I preview the post.
Should I be using a shortcode or inserting the audio some other way?
Or is it that m4a doesn’t work and I need to convert to mp3 or something?
Hi, when I copy the css from plugin folder to theme folder, the playbutton dissapears. Relative linking to image files perhaps?
Test it here: https://pappmaskin.no/2011/07/morten-kladdepost/
]]>Sorry for being a complete noob, but I have no idea how to use this plugin and there’s no documentation that I can find. What HTML code do I need to have this plugin run on a page? The mp3 url I’m trying to set up the player for is:
[audio src="https://djdg.la/demos/audio/DJDG-SpringBreak2012.mp3" /]
]]>I had an issue where m4a files were not playing when the flash fallback was needed such as in IE 8 and Firefox. I modified audio.to.player.dev.js starting in line 25 like this and it worked:
var href_parts = player.href.split(‘.’);
var ext = href_parts[href_parts.length – 1];
// run jPlayer
ready: function () {
var options = new Object();
options[ext] = player.href;
$(this).jPlayer(“setMedia”, options);
cssSelectorAncestor: ‘#’ + id, // element ID
swfPath: js_params.uri + ‘/js’, // path to swf fallback
supplied: ext
Hi again,
Do you plan to include an option to display duration of the file and current play time with this player? It’s very useful when using it to play long podcasts.
I like the style of this player and that it’s responsive, but I can’t use it, because historically I use short code [audio: url.mp3]
to display audio player.
I understand that the purpose of this plugin is to convert .mp3 links to player, but can I (or you) somehow modify it so it can use shortcodes and not convert the .mp3 links?
I need to have .mp3 links to be not converted because I want to give my users an option to download my podcast manually.
Maybe you will release a new plugin with the same style but that works with shortcodes and outside the loop? It’s very nice and I can’t find another audio plugin with responsive player.
Will be possible use this player with ios devices?
It is possible use this player with some file compatible with Firefox?
Thanks and regards
]]>Hi, i like to congratulate you for the plugin, its really wonderfull. I was looking for someone like this a long time. I’m a blind user and it is completly accessible with my screen reader (Jaws for Windows and VoiceOver for Mac).
I’m writting from Spain, so sorry a bout my english.
i’d like to ask two things:
1. it is possible to add more controls to the player? i mind controls like “Volume up”, “Volume down” or “Time slide”.
2. Its possible show the controls in Spanish?
Thank you very much.
Audio to Player is very useful and nice plugin. But I have a problem; I use shortcodes in my wordpress site. But player doesn’t work when i use shortcode in any post/page.
https://www.domain.com/sample.mp3 (shortcode name is “album_demo_url”)
Usage in post/page :
1 – [acf field=”album_demo_url”] or
2 – <a href="[acf field="album_demo_url"]"></a>
But doesn’t work in both cases.
Must i use only direct mp3 link in post/page?
(<a href="https://www.domain.com/sample.mp3"></a>)
Loving this plugin, I’ve been using Audio Player before but unfortunately this doesn’t work on iPhone’s, iPad’s,…
I have one question though, how can I use it outside the loop of the post so that it also converts mp3 links somewhere else?
The code for Audio Player is something like this:
<?php if (function_exists("insert_audio_player")) {
insert_audio_player("[audio:MP3LINK | width=100% | titles="" |artists="");
} ?>
Would love to use it, thank you.