Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/cutemrs/www/top/top2/wp-content/plugins/attendance-manager/class/class-user.php on line 29
Its possible a match schedule?
For example a schedule of a worker can be 9:00-13:00 16:00-20:00
]]>Hi is it possible to have monday as the first day on weekly view? Currently it is showing Tuesday as the first day of the week
]]>Thank you, Tnomi, for an excellent plugin. I have used it creative as a training calendar for members of a sports club.
I would have one big wish – for further development – or if somebody has an idea how to do it: Instead of me going backend for every user to click “staff” – it would be easier if every member automatically get that role – or by one-click can be granted that role.
Best regards from Copenhagen
The plugin needs to be updated for WP 4.5. The following error is being thrown,
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_currentuserinfo() in /Users/aurovrata/Sites/hrm/wp-content/plugins/attendance-manager/class/class-attmgr.php on line 239
because the function get_currentuserinfo()
has been deprecated in WP 4.5.
Can someone help me how i can put the total working hours of the day unther the working hours? Now i only see the time the user has worked example: 9:00~17:00 but i want to see also how many hours it is. so for example i make some example in paint
is this possible to do? please help!
greetings Joey
]]>Just downloaded this plugin.
Cannot find where I can register a new user.
Something missed?
]]>Hello again ??
I know multisite support is a long story, but anyway will ask you to think about it.
Plugin works for multisite except it works for one site only. For the main one.
The problem is USER is always the same for all the sites in network and has same preferences for all sites.
So, you are using the WEBSITE parameter of USER which can be only ONE. That mean if I have english website with english page of use A nad german website with german page for same user A then your plugin can use only one of those pages.
I don’t see any simple solutions here. The only solution I can propose to you is to set multiple WEBSITE urls in to the same field using some kind of delimeter. For example “^” symbol is not used in URLs and can separate two URLs in same WEBSITE string.
You can then parse this string very fast.
There is another problem I see in multisite configuration. I can’t save the scedule for the second site. It’s ok for main site, but not for other sites. I can’t help here because I’m not sure where you store this information (in which table?). Looks like plugin can’t save scedule settings in to tables of second website. They usually have additional prefix like “wp2_, wp3_ etc…”
Well… Sorry for asking too much )) but it is very harf to edit schedule for 20+ people for each site language. So I want to switch to multisite and have setup everything except your plugin which I really love and need.
Thank you!
I’m translating your plugin to dutch. I want to change the layout of the date. It is now 11/16. How can i change it to 16-11?
Thank you
]]>Hello again )
Can you please add a shortcode to tie a post with a user like [attmgr_weekly id=”xx”] does but without showing anything on a page (empty shortcode)
[attmgr_weekly id=”xx”] does the job but it shows the schedule on a page. I’m asking about similar shortcode which doesn’t show anything.
Like: [attmgr id=”xx”]
Thank you!
]]>Take a look in to class-shortcodes.php
Search for
<div class=”attendance”>
this div is closed with <div> (no ‘/’)
Thank you.
]]>Hello again ),
Can you please update your front.js and change:
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function(event) {
Many SEO optimization plugins move JS files in footer of the website. In this case JQUERY is available later then your script require it.
There are several more issues why it is not good to be tied with JQUERY untill document loaded. Anyway, all users who is using such plugins will get “JQuerry is not defined” error in your script.
Using simple JS is much better and risk free.
Thank you!
I keep using your plugin almost every day and here is another suggestion:
If you think about most organizations, they have work intervals. For example: 10:00-18:00 or even small or multiple intervals like: 8:00-12:00 is the morning shift plus 12:00-18:00 is day shift and 18:00-23:00 is evening shift.
So, if you have more than 30 workers, then it is very hard to setup exact timings for each person using drop down lists.
May I suggest to create TWO types of schedule systems (optionally):
1) Same like you have now (let’s call it hourly type)
2) Interval type. Admin will be able to setup from 1 up to 5 time intervals in options page. Editing such intervals will be much more usable because you will be able to use checkboxes but not dropdowns (not <option>).
So, ADMIN will be able to choose the type of his schedule in option (Hourly or Interval). If he choose interval type, then he must setup at least 1 time interval (up to 5).
On the weekly schedule edit page he will be able to choose timings not from dropdowns, but simply clicking on the right checkboxes.
Let’s imagine I’m editing a weekly schedule for 30+ workers… In your case, I have to use two dropdowns for each persons day.
In intervals case I will check the right checkboxes for each persons day. Much faster and usable.
Intervals can intersect. There is nothing bad. You just always summarize their time. No matter if they intersect or not. 8:00-12:00 + 18:00-23:00 = 8:00-23:00
Well, it is cool to show all the intervals separate, but I do understand it is a different storage model. Maybe in the future… right now, just summarize them.
Hope you understood what I mean ).
Thank you.
There is one bad thing in schedule. It is impossible to set the night working time for a staff member.
VISUALLY I can setup time starting from 23:00 ~ 8:00 in the morning, BUT it’s not tied with the real time.
If I go to the “Today’s staff” page at 00:01 this staff member wouldn’t be there. System doesn’t count 00:00 ~ 8:00 as the next day timing.
As a suggestion: If FROM time is bigger then TO time, then add whole TO time to the next day schedule. If it intesects with the next day schedule then take 00:00 as the FROM time for the next day.
Step by step:
Day 1: 23:00 ~ 8:00
Day 2: (Same person) 11:00 ~ 16:00
Final result for day 2 will be: 00:00 ~ 16:00
It’s ok. Even if this person has outage between 8:00 and 11:00. It’s not a big deal.
But showing the right schedule at the night on “Today’s staff” page is the big deal. Many small businesses work at night (restaurants, bars, pubs etc…)
Thank you.
]]>IT will be nice to be able to group staff members by their roles and be able to show them separate.
For example, I can create special roles for my company (not just subscriber or moderator). There are many plugins which allow us to create own roles. In case of SPA salon this can be “hairmaster”, “masseuse” etc…
Can you please create a shortcode to display them group by group. For example:
[attmgr_daily role=”hairmaster”]
Useful when you want to create usable daily schedule page. Thank you!
Only open tag.
+It will be good to add following css for this UL to clear everything after. Because elements after it render wrong (because of floats left LI)
ul.staff_block:after {
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
font-size: 0;
content: ” “;
clear: both;
height: 0;
It will be good to have an option to setup different user roles who can manage admin schedule page.
I have a manager for this work but I don’t want to give him administrator rights.
]]>Checkbox still always unchecked after AUPDATE button in admin schedule.
]]>It will be nice to have an option to be able to sort users in admin schedule by different fields like:
First name
Last name
Reg date
It will be good to be able to style them (like give a background color). Please implement different classes for empty and filled <td> for weekly schedule table.
Thank you.
]]>Enabling your plugin destroy Jetpack tiled galleries for mobile. Desktop tiled galleries work fine, but mobile (IPhone IOS 7) tiled galleries are shown as regular images one by one.
Disabling your plugin helps and everything works fine.
Please fix.
]]>Trying to set start time to 11:00 and end time to 9:00 (we work 24h) with interval 60 min gives an error. Looks like something is happening with DB and whole site stop working.
I’ve change the end time to 8:00 in the morning and got following choices in <selects>
<option value=””>
</option><option value=”11:00″>11:00
</option><option value=”12:00″>12:00
</option><option value=”13:00″>13:00
</option><option value=”14:00″>14:00
</option><option value=”15:00″>15:00
</option><option value=”16:00″>16:00
</option><option value=”17:00″>17:00
</option><option value=”18:00″>18:00
</option><option value=”19:00″>19:00
</option><option value=”20:00″>20:00
</option><option value=”21:00″>21:00
</option><option value=”22:00″>22:00
</option><option value=”23:00″>23:00
</option><option value=”24:00″>00:00
</option><option value=”25:00″>01:00
</option><option value=”26:00″>02:00
</option><option value=”27:00″>03:00
</option><option value=”28:00″>04:00
</option><option value=”29:00″>05:00
</option><option value=”30:00″>06:00
</option><option value=”31:00″>07:00
</option><option value=”32:00″>08:00
</option><option value=”33:00″>09:00
</option><option value=”34:00″>10:00
</option><option value=”35:00″>11:00
</option><option value=”36:00″>12:00
</option><option value=”37:00″>13:00
</option><option value=”38:00″>14:00
</option><option value=”39:00″>15:00
</option><option value=”40:00″>16:00
</option><option value=”41:00″>17:00
</option><option value=”42:00″>18:00
</option><option value=”43:00″>19:00
</option><option value=”44:00″>20:00
</option><option value=”45:00″>21:00
</option><option value=”46:00″>22:00
</option><option value=”47:00″>23:00
</option><option value=”48:00″>24:00
</option><option value=”49:00″>25:00
</option><option value=”50:00″>26:00
</option><option value=”51:00″>27:00
</option><option value=”52:00″>28:00
</option><option value=”53:00″>29:00
</option><option value=”54:00″>30:00
</option><option value=”55:00″>31:00
</option><option value=”56:00″>32:00
</option><option value=”57:00″>33:00
</option><option value=”58:00″>34:00
</option><option value=”59:00″>35:00
</option><option value=”60:00″>36:00
</option><option value=”61:00″>37:00
</option><option value=”62:00″>38:00
</option><option value=”63:00″>39:00
</option><option value=”64:00″>40:00
</option><option value=”65:00″>41:00
</option><option value=”66:00″>42:00
</option><option value=”67:00″>43:00
</option><option value=”68:00″>44:00
</option><option value=”69:00″>45:00
</option><option value=”70:00″>46:00
</option><option value=”71:00″>47:00
</option><option value=”72:00″>48:00
</option><option value=”73:00″>49:00
</option><option value=”74:00″>50:00
</option><option value=”75:00″>51:00
</option><option value=”76:00″>52:00
</option><option value=”77:00″>53:00
</option><option value=”78:00″>54:00
</option><option value=”79:00″>55:00
</option><option value=”80:00″>56:00
</option><option value=”81:00″>57:00
</option><option value=”82:00″>58:00
</option><option value=”83:00″>59:00
</option><option value=”84:00″>60:00
</option><option value=”85:00″>61:00
</option><option value=”86:00″>62:00
</option><option value=”87:00″>63:00
</option><option value=”88:00″>64:00
</option><option value=”89:00″>65:00
Suggestion: Implement one more option: Working 24 hours? (YES|NO)
]]>Another suggestion:
It’s impossible to set intervals bigger then 60 min. Can you change this? In case I need 2+ hours intervals.
]]>Can I suggest feature?
Give the privileges to edit whole stuff schedule not only to administrator but setup additional user roles who also can do this.
Thank you!