The icon images do not have alt tags, we initially implemented the plugin to aid accessibility but having no alternative text flags that up as in issue also.
]]>Hi there! I guess there is a little bug in plugin. I made link with text “” then plugin had rendered icon near it. It isn’t an attached document just website.
So I researched this issue and it seems the regex creating icons should be improved.
line 528:
actual: $pattern = ‘/.’ . $ext . ‘/i’;
modified: $pattern = ‘/^.*\.’ . $ext . ‘$/i’;
So, of course you know your plugin better then me, but it’s just a litte offer how to make hotfix.
What did I do? I marked the beginning of the phrase using ^ symbol and added .(dot) before file ext and $ in the end.
Maybe I created another bugs, I don’t know.
And thanks for this plugin it’s very useful for me)
Is is possible to change the size of the icons? 16×16 is too small for my site.
]]>We have some file names:
and the “avi” in the middle of the file names is causing them all to show the avi-icon.png icon instead of the proper pdf, txt, or doc icon.
Removing any of those letters from the file name gives the correct icon, and changing the file names to avi.png or avi.txt, or avi.doc gives the avi icon instead of the proper icon.
This issue seems to work with other icons too, and linking to a file called doc.pdf shows the doc icon instead of the proper pdf icon.
As a temporary fix, I removed the avi option from the plugin settings.
Telling my client not include any file extensions in his file names isn’t a solution.
Is there a way to get the plugin to only parse the file extension part of the link?
Is it possible to display an icon when linking to a file stored in Google Drive?
Google Drive does not provide the file extension at the end of the link which I think is preventing the icon from appearing. Is there a way to fix or manually “tell” what type of link it is?
Example from my site:
AFI is a great plugin, very useful and so easy to use. However, for a few months, the PDF icon has disapearred, replaced by the .doc icon… So, since I have mostly PDF docs in my website, I cannot use AFI any more…
I am not a developer. I tried to replace “doc-icon” by “pdf-icon” somewhere, but didn’t find…
Could you help me, please?
]]>Hi Praveen,
I came searching for icons to indicate ‘download this file’.
My question is which style.css or plugin is good for various mobile browsers to render satisfactory display?
Best wishes,
Ashok Koparday
]]>Whats the reason to have 5 character limit on the extensions? The field in the db table has max length of 255, it’s just the input field. I changed the maxlength of the input field and everything works fine.
<input type=”text” maxlength=”25″ size=”5″ name=”extension_name” value=”” />
I needed a 7 character for the extension, so 25 is just a random value. 255 might have been better …
Whenever a file has an extension in uppercase the plugin doesn’t generate an icon. When I want to add for example PDF to the list of icons, it tells me that extension already exists. How do I fix this?
I meet an issue with this plugin.
On Internet Explorer (9), the default tinymce editor buttons dissapear when I edit a page or a post!
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>I was wondering if there was an option not to show the icon. In some instances we use a specific photo or image and then the icon appears as well. Thanks for you help, plugin works good
]]>I’ve got two PDF’s linked next to a right justified image. The first PDF link is positioned right, the second is shoved below the image. Here’s a link: any idea how to get these links to line-up properly?
]]>Hi there, first the first, the plugin is ACE, good job!
The only issue I have is that when I view the front end of the site, I can see in the source code that an empty set of <p>
tags are placed before and after the content produced by the plugin. It looks like this…
<div class="documentIcons">
<div class="clear"></div>
Do you have any idea why this might be happening, I’ve been bashing my head against a wall for days.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hi there,
this plugin does exactly what i need, in theory. however, i’m having trouble getting the icons to show up in this custom theme i built for a catalog website. i’m still just getting a blank placeholder icon instead of the ones available in the plugin settings.
is there something i need to add or change here to make it work?
the following code is that i am using to display the attachments in my single.php template:
<h3><div class="attachments"><dl class="attachments attachments-small"><?php
$args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_mime_type' => 'application/pdf, application/x-pdf, application/acrobat, applications/vnd.pdf, text/pdf, text/x-pdf, application/acad, application/x-acad, application/autocad_dwg, image/x-dwg, application/dwg, application/x-dwg, application/x-autocad, image/vnd.dwg, drawing/dwg, application/octet-stream', 'post_status' => null, 'post_parent' => $post->ID );
$attachments = get_posts($args);
if ($attachments) {
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
?> <dt class="icon"> <?php echo get_attachment_icon($attachment->ID); ?></dt> <dd class="caption"> <?php echo the_attachment_link( $attachment->ID , false );
thank you for your assistance!
]]>AF Icons does just what I want, so thank you! My suggestion is to add icons for the new Office document types: docx, xlsx, etc. Also, some of the icons are not optimized for their size. I am currently replacing some icons and adding new ones each time I install the plugin.
]]>The function Attachment_File_Render in the file attachment-file-icons.php on line 521 is stripping the anchor target attribute.
So if you ask WordPress to open something in a new window or define it as such in a template, this plugin removes the target=”_blank” or any other target attribute.
Can you fix this?
Thanks for a great plug-in!
]]>Take for example this pdf link which loads the PDF and brings you to page 4.
This link does not get iconified by the plugin. I would really like to have this work.
Take care! Looks promising!
]]>Your plugin is simple and great.
My problem is:
You have a “.clear” class in your “attachment-file.css”.
It is possible to change that name for a more specific one, like “.clearIcons”, or other.
That name of class conflits with generic classes in some templates i use.
Thank you for your attention
]]>Hey I love the way this plugin looks with the PDFs I have uploaded. But I notice that is breaking images that display in posts (Plugin version 1.1). The images in the posts are uploaded using the featured image function in the posting screen, so it uses the media library functionality. Instead of an image, it shows the broken image icon and the image title next to it.
It also causes broken image stubs to appear on the following page, even though there are no images in this page.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Is it possible to show the File Title and not the File Name?
]]>So this looks to be a nice update, picking up where File Icons left off. However there seem to be some strange limitations to the plugin I was hoping you could clarify/resolve:
1) Why must links only go on files/links that have been uploaded using the media uploader? Why not all links?
2) Why do links need to use this synax [attachment link= title=” /]? Would it not be more beneficial to work on ALL links?