great idea for a plugin, but i think it might not work on multisite? or it’s any other problem maybe.
i have a multisite installation and tried it on my testblog. even with the tagcloud widget the tagcloud wouldn’t appear. i initially grabbed the plugin because of twitter widget pro.
i’m running quick cache but as a logged in user the site shouldn’t be cashed so I don’t think that’s the problem.
just wanted to let you know, thanks for your efforts!
kind regards,
]]>Great idea, but this doesn’t seem to work with Widget Cache (and perhaps Super Cache, who knows):
PHP Fatal error: call_user_func_array(): The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "WidgetCache" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /PATH/wp-content/plugins/asynchronous-widgets/async-widgets.php on line 312
Also some cosmetic details that are highly annoying: inline javascript, <center>
markup tags and a bulky <noscript>
message that may not be in accordance with the language used on the blog…
]]>Terribly sorry I missed that post, vincej — the more so since it was the only feedback this project got.
I’ve updated the plugin to work with WordPress 3.3.1. At least in my dev environment it works — I don’t have that many widgets installed and cannot exclude there won’t be a problem with any of them.
Feel free to post any feedback here.
great idea for a plugin.
in my case, I would use it to make live widgets on cached pages.
I run about 30 widgets that show up depending on author state (logged in or not), and on site page (home, page, archive, single, custom, etc).
This plugin approach would be ideal for pages that I have cached using PHP directly (I don’t use a plugin for cache). custom built.
to be able to keep 5 of those widgets live rather than having to rewrite them in javascript directly would be really cool.
Any chance of hooking up .. i’ve installed, but getting errors.
on PHP 5.3.2 , wordpress 3.01. I think all server is up to date, self-hosted, have full access to server.