Keep getting the message: “Warning: this plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.”
Is this plugin still being maintained?
Would it be able to protect custom folders like wordpress/mylearn folder with it’s own username and password?
]]>Just updated the plugin to the latest version (4.7) and got the following up error message.
Fatal error: Class ‘ISCLOG’ not found in /var/sites/e/ on line 124
With php 7:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function set_magic_quotes_runtime() in…..
Could you please update your plugin to make it work with PHP 7 ?
Thanks a lot
]]>Dear Ask Apache Password Protect Team,
I write to you hoping you can help me restore my website, which I cannot access since I installed Ask Password Protect.
My Setup is:
Locally developed Multisite
Macbook Pro, OSX 10.11.6 ElCapitan
MAMP V 3.5
PHP 5.6.10
Apache Server
WordPress 4.7.2
After installing the Ask Apache Password Protect plugin I was still able to access my admin area but found other functionalities and plugins that stopped working. I tried to deinstall the plugin again following the instructions below
WARNING: If you lock YOURSELF out of your site: DO NOT JUST DELETE PLUGIN. This plugin ONLY edits 2 files. It does NOT modify other files, it does NOT modify database, it does NOT modify rewrites, just these 2 files:
PLEASE prepare by making sure you know how to access those 2 .htaccess files via FTP/SFTP/SSH/WebDav/WEbFTP/etc… TO FIX:
remove the AskApache Section from those 2 files and CLOSE YOUR BROWSER COMPLETELY AND RESTART IT
If that doesn’t work remove the entire .htaccess files
If that still doesn’t work check your directory permissions (normally 755) of both your / and /wp-admin/ folders.
I did remove AskApache from /Users/Maxident/Sites/wordpress/mywebsite/.htaccess. In the other location /Users/Maxident/Sites/wordpress/mywebsite/wp-admin/ I did not find a “.htaccess” file in my case. ( neither hidden file)
Neither of it worked, I finally changed the name of the plugin folder in /Users/Maxident/Sites/wordpress/mywebsite/wp-content and was able to access my site again.
Since then I am not able to access my wp-admin area, my password does not seem to work anymore. Trying to get a new password following the “forgot password link” seems to follow through with creating a new password. But the new password does not work neither. I also tried changing my password direcly in my database via phpmyadmin, but could not succeed neither.
The next thing I tried is reverting to a backup of my wordpress installation folder and a backup of my database. After doing so I can see the site online but cannot access my admin area due to the same password issues.
I suppose there is something on the apache server level that goes wrong since reverting to my backups did not solve the issues.
Please let me know if you know how I could fix this issue or if you could point me in the right direction. This would be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Dear Ask Apache Password Protect Team,
I write to you hoping you can help me restore my website, which I cannot access since I installed Ask Password Protect.
My Setup is:
Macbook Pro, OSX 10.11.6 ElCapitan
MAMP V 3.5
PHP 5.6.10
Apache Server
WordPress 4.7.2
Trying to improve my websites security I installed a couple of plugins (ithemes security, WP Google Authenticator and Ask Password Protect). After installing Apache Password Protect I realised, that various other plugins did not function propperly on my site. One of which was the two way authentification from Google Authenticator.
I decided to deactivate Apache Password Protect again following the instructions that came with the plugin below
WARNING: If you lock YOURSELF out of your site: DO NOT JUST DELETE PLUGIN. This plugin ONLY edits 2 files. It does NOT modify other files, it does NOT modify database, it does NOT modify rewrites, just these 2 files:
PLEASE prepare by making sure you know how to access those 2 .htaccess files via FTP/SFTP/SSH/WebDav/WEbFTP/etc… TO FIX:
remove the AskApache Section from those 2 files and CLOSE YOUR BROWSER COMPLETELY AND RESTART IT
If that doesn’t work remove the entire .htaccess files
If that still doesn’t work check your directory permissions (normally 755) of both your / and /wp-admin/ folders.
I did remove AskApache from /Users/Maxident/Sites/wordpress/mywebsite/.htaccess. In the other location /Users/Maxident/Sites/wordpress/mywebsite/wp-admin/ I did not find a “.htaccess” file in my case. ( neither hidden file)
Neither of it worked, I finally changed the name of the plugin folder in /Users/Maxident/Sites/wordpress/mywebsite/wp-content and was able to access my site again.
Never the less I became aware of addtional problems over the next 24h. WordPress automated mailing function did not work anymore. It was not possible to reset the password using the “forgot password link”.
Finally I decided to revert to my backup version of my wordpress installation and upload a backup of my database via phpmyadmin. Seems that I am suddenly facing issues with phpmyadmin as well and I could only manage to upload parts of my database before the server disconnects during the upload process of the database without an apparent reason.
Eventually I managed to uplaod a database and could manage to get my website running again. But I am not able to access the wordpress admin area. My regular password does not seem to work. I can reset my password clicking “forgot password”, and change my password following the link in the mail. This seems to follow through well, but the new password then does not seem to work neither. I also tried to change the password for my user directly in my database using phpmyadmin.
I am quite sure the issues are being caused by chaged done by AskApache Plugin and I do thing these changes are affecting settings apart from my wordpress root file and database (since I reverted to backups for both and still face the same issues). I think there is an issue with my apache server or some other global setting I am not aware about.
Please let me know if you have an idea what could cause this issue and how I could solve it. By now I spent a week trying to fix it and am well out of ideas, so I really hope you can point me in the right direction. Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Thank you for your support,
best regards,
Max Bayer
Looks like your plugin is not compatible with Apache 2.4.x. Can you confirm?
Also, just to prepare the stage, what Apache modules should I install prior to trying using your plugin?
]]>I installed, activated the plugin and set up login / password. OK
Then I get the following message:
“You will need to enable the wp-admin/wp-login SID module to turn on password protection!”
I tried activating both password protect wp-admin and wp-login and the dashboard becomes unresponsive. It doesn’t lock me out completely, but it’s like it can’t access the wp-admin. Deleted the 2 .htaccess inserts and everything came back to normal. But unfortunately, can’t make the plugin work. My site is hosted on hostgator, with Apache Servers, but I don’t have a dedicated server, nor SSL. Just in case it may be causing the fail.
I don’t have any coding knowledge, please provide user friendly advices.
Your reply would be much appreciated.
]]>I have this plugin installed on many sites (probably over 50 now) and on some sites it asks for my apache password twice before letting me see the regular WP login page. Can you give any steps for troubleshooting this or is this something that is supposed to be happening?
]]>I’ve found that wp-login.php off the root isn’t really protected with this plugin. When you access it, it will ask for a password, but if you hit cancel you are shown the login page anyway. To fix this the “Satisfy Any” needs to be set to “Satisfy All”. Can you fix this for future installations?
so far I am running my whole site using digest authentication but without WP. So I was wondering how to install WP and at least have some protection which is how I came across your plugin. Thank you for all the work that obviously went into it.
Two questions crossed my mind while testing:
1) This looks like the password protection feature allows only a single user to be configured ? At least, if I create a different user than the password entry for the previous one is deleted …
2) To allow a general unrestricted access to WP, to my understanding there must be an “allow from all” directive active. Activating AApro digest authentication on wp-login, the plugin adds a section applicable to “wp-login” with “require valid user” and “satisfy any”. Now “satisfy any” is of course always fulfilled with “allow from all” and a valid user is no longer required, right ? Where is the mistake in my thinking and how would I correctly configure Apache to achieve intended protection ?
I’ve just installed the plug-in and now everyone accesses my site is asked for user name and password. Sure, people can just click cancel and continue browsing but it’s kind of annoying.
I activated wp-admin protection and prevent redirect loop only. Other security plug-ins on my site are Wordfence, Bulletproof security, Better WP security.
Please help! I really love this plug-in and don’t want to switch to another wp-admin protection one.
Here is my site
Does this plugin work on a wordpress multisite subdomain network ?
If yes, does it have to be network activated ?
]]>I’d like to password protect the entire blog not just the admin how do I make this happen?
]]>I’ve discovered a peculiar conflict between AskApache Password Protect and Better WordPress Security. Here’s what I found and here’s the workaround I’ve discovered.
The BWPS plugin has a file checker function that can apparently create severe load problems on systems with limited memory allotments (shared hosting, mostly). After a while, it can create a condition where you can no longer access the site without getting a 500 Internal Server Error. (This has now happened to me three times with two different WP sites.)
If you disable the plugin by deleting the plugin folder or changing its name, this stops the file checker and generally allows you to get back in. However, if you then try to access AA PassPro settings, you get a blank white screen with the message “edit_files cap required.” Even if you completely uninstall and reinstall AA PassPro, the error persists.
What I discovered is that the way to get around that is as follows:
define( 'BWPS_FILECHECK', true );
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
I’m not sure why the presence of the BWPS_FILECHECK in wp-config causes AA PassPro to return the “edit_files cap required” error, but following the above steps appears to get around it so you can once again get at AA PassPro’s settings menu.
Maybe the developer can give us a more authoritative answer for how to avoid this conflict, but in the meantime I thought I would share this for the benefit of others who’ve had this issue.
]]>I loaded up the widget on my blog that is a password protect to block spam or malicious attempts to break-in into my website. I have reset my password as I have forgotten it through wordpress forgotten password link and it has been approved, the widget now thinks I’m entering the wrong password and locks me out for 20 minutes. I now can’t get on my admin dashboard. Please help!
The blog I need help with is
]]>Please rate my new simple plugin to protect your WordPress site:
I currently have the Ask Apache Password Protect plugin installed on one of my wordpress blogs.
I am pretty certain it is because this plugin is installed that I am unable to update to the most recent version of WordPress. I am also unable to update any of the other existing installed plugins within this blog.
I have read in many places on the internet including here in this forum of many problems any attempts at removing this plugin can cause. Including no longer being able to access the admin panel and also removing the whole site with a fatal error message.
Please can anyone help me and advise how to remove this plugin safely? I have managed to backup my site using backupbuddy, however this backup obviously includes the AskApache plugin.
Any help would be appreciated – although I have to be certain this will not lock me out of my site.
Many thanks.
Since The item
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I Active The error 403
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What can I do now?
]]>Hi, I would really like to be able to use this plugin. I already have my wp-admin folder password protected by .htaccess, but this plugin seems to offer a whole lot more.
This is my third attempt today, every time it seems to break my site. The last attempt I commented out the details in the htaccess file in wp-admin, as i suspected that was causing the “too may redirects” error I was seeing. No luck.
I’m not sure I am setting it up correctly- I can’t select the radio options for BASIC or DIGEST, and I cannot choose between the three options of (is that) Hashing the password- the MD5, SHA1 and other options.
It says my server won’t allow Digest, if that is important here.
At the bottom in red it advises me that I need to activate the wp-admin or wp-login (I THINK) option to allow me to save the password. If I activate it, site is broken, but it won’t let me pick a password if it is not activated!?!.
Additionally it complains that htpasswd3a (or whatever it is called) could not be created, which it was able to do during the install prechecks. I have deleted that file and tried again, without luck, also tried to make an empty one without luck. Tried to change to storage location to home/user/.htpasswds/.htpasswd3a without luck also.
/user has 711 attributes
/user/public_html is 755
/user/.htpasswds is 750
the fake blank file I made was 644.
If anyone has a suggestion, I would love to hear it,
Many thanks,
]]>When I go to setting I see only this “edit_files cap required”
No mention of what this means or how to fix.
]]>I want to install this plugin to protect my admin page so i search from download it and enable – than i go to setting of this plugin i saw warning and danger so i didnt install and configured (login and password)
but quickly disable plugin from dashboard
I logout and then… When i try log in i have: You dont, have permission to go fot this site (i translate so i dont know its allright)
I try to remove htcacces file or delete only code but i effect i DONT HAVE links on site(404)
Most important in wp-admin i dont have htcaccess file
Please help my good people
content on this site is my job ??
I am terrified that i lost 3 monts of work
]]>I installed the plugin everything went well, now I try to enter in the admin page, the meth user and password aa he goes to / picks / wp-admin, and i get an error, can not find this page to solve this problem ?
I need even, to solve this problem
]]>All sorts of errors
could not create htpasswd3
the radio buttons in the settings page were diabled
]]>Stupidly added this plugin to my site and don’t have the chops to work with it.
Thought I had a back up of my site (don’t!) and had backups of the files I thought it affected (.htaccess in admin and in folder with config). Re-loaded the .htaccess file to it’s original. Deleted the one in config as I did not have that one to begin with.
But site disappeared before I even did any of that stuff.
Sorry, don’t know what to do…want my site back. Don’t know which files to go into and what code to remove to get my site back.
]]>Can someone tell me how to fix this please?
I tried to install the pluggin but get errors. I removed it (deleted pluggin) and restored a backup to the site but I’m getting code at the top of the displayed webpage.
]]>I have a problem with the script, when I try to set it up, I receive this error: ” ERROR: Failed to create <MYPATH>/.htpasswda3″.
Please note that <MYPATH> is replaced with the real path of the file.
I set up the permissions for the folders, subfolders and file, I created and deleted the file, both ways, it doesn’t work.
What can I do?
]]>With AskApache Password Protect(AAPP) installed I tried to install All in one SEO pack and she wouldnt go. I got “Could not create directory…./public_html/wp-content/upgrade/all-in-one-seo-pack/all-in-one-seo-pack”. I was told by my host support to disable AAPP which I did but it still wouldn’t install. So I deleted AAPP completely and then the SEO Pack installed fine. I thought I would share this as to help shed light on any possible problems people may have with it. Although AAPP seems like a solid plugin, I am a bit concerned to re-install it since it may snag up my system again. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Alwyn
With AAPP installed I got the same error message when trying to install a few other plugins as well as updates.
]]>Yesterday I thought I found out why my WP auto upgrades don’t work: Ask Apache. My girlfriend uses an old AA and her updates work just fine. I thought I knew what was going on, I just had to disable the wp-content folder protection. Not so. Meanwhile I have disabled about every module, but still the auto upgrade function gives me a
An error occurred while updating WP-ShortStat: Could not create directory. /home/vhosts/xxxx/httpdocs/wp-content/upgrade/xxxx.tmp.
Any thoughts?
if wordpress is stored in the subdir /wordpress/… some inital test fail.