Hi arisoft following up from my earlier post last year, I apologize for the long delay, it’s just been that type of project.
I’ve rebuilt a WordPress site that was very old from scratch, the old site uses ARI Adminer. I am not exactly sure how it is used, and the other issue I have is I cannot directly access the site files as the site is self-hosted on an old server and the client is unable to directly access it.
Essentially I’m just trying to duplicate it on the new site, but only have WP admin access to the old site.
I know it’s not available for download any longer. I’m assuming the migration won’t be doable but thought I’d hit you up once more. Thank you and would be willing to pay any consultation if needed.
]]>Hi is there a recommended way to migrate ARI Adminer plugin, setup and data from one site to another? I am currently rebuilding a messy WordPress site, but would like the old ARI Adminer data migrated into the new one. Thank you!
]]>It would be nice, the possibility to duplicate a procedure or function
]]>I know how to write and add plugins to the standard Adminer.
I am able to add plugins to the AriAdminer, by modifing wrapper.php or by redefining function adminer_object.
But I don’t like this method a 100% because it needs to tamper the code one way or another.
I noticed that the loading of the code is dynamic:
foreach ( glob( $plugins_path . '*.php' ) as $plugin_file ) {
require_once $plugin_file;
but the instantiation is not:
$plugins = array(
new AdminerDatabaseHide(
array( 'information_schema' )
new AdminerDumpBz2,
I have a tested snippet of code that is able to detect which new classes are loaded with each inlude/require.
static::$loadedClasses = [];
foreach (glob( $plugins_path.'*.php')as $plugin_file) {
require_once $plugin_file; // this can lead to compilation problems if the new class name is already present
$newDeclaredClasses = get_declared_classes();
$justLoadedClasses = array_diff($newDeclaredClasses, $previousDeclaredClasses);
foreach ($justLoadedClasses as $className) {
// take note of the class name or instatiate an object
$previousDeclaredClasses = $newDeclaredClasses;
feel free to use it! (anybody)
BTW I’m adding “PHP Serialized Data” by Don Wilson.
I would like to suggest you a new feature. I would like to have a button “save” when creating a procedure or a function that dosen’t exit and return to the main page, but remain on the code page.
I still use ARI Adminer nearly daily.
Is there an official Github account with newer versions (i.e. latest Adminer) available?
]]>When I click on the left panel to a table, the plugin open the table structure.
How do I click and show directly table data?
Hi there,
I’m just wondering: is the plugin coming back online at some point or what’s the status of this? Does it contain security flaws? In that case, you may want to delete the infected version(s) from SVN?
]]>What is the correct way to properly create a procedure with an OUT parameter?
I need to get the latest inserted id
Hi there,
I find this plugin extremely convenient for quick db manipulation if getting db access takes time or if it’s not readily available.
However, since the closure, I’ve had to manually install, make changes and then uninstall the plugin since I’m not sure how safe it is to leave it installed on a site.
Could you shed some light on when do you expect it to be back up? Is it due to a security issue or a policy violation?
If you can’t disclose this information publicly, is there a way to get in touch and get more insights privately? Could I do something to help? I’m a developer myself.
]]>?My hosting company, SiteGround, is recommending a move to PHP 7.1 in preparation for the next release of WordPress. They tell me that ARI Adminer is not compatible with PHP 7.1.
Can you advise when you will make the changes necessary to be compatible, or are they wrong about your compatibility? If you do need to make changes, you might want to go ahead and get compatible with PHP 7.2 also which is coming to WP soon after 7.1
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
John Biddle
]]>Hi @arisoft
Can I offer my resources to help you bring back the plugin here?
I am the plugin author of WP STAGING and a few other popular plugins and use the adminer on daily basis for supporting clients.
Before I work on a fork of it I’d like to ask if there is anything I can assist you to speed up the listing of the plugin.
I think I am aware of why the plugin has been closed here by the wp team so I may be able to release quickly a solution for the “issue”.
You can also contact me privately at support [at] wp-staging.com
Can you please make the 1.1.13 version of the plugin available for download somewhere (Github for example) until the plugin is re-approved by the WP Plugin Team?
the plugin is dead? can i maintenance it with GPL licence?
I was disappointed to see that this plugin is no longer available. Not to be rude, but are there any other dbase editing plugins out there that can do this type of job and be just as easy to admin?
it’s about 2 days I’ve been trying to use the plugin, but when I do “Run Adminer”, I’ve got only a white page and no other loading.
Are there any known problems?
]]>On a test site running PHP 7.3 I get the following warning:
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in .../wp-content/plugins/ari-adminer/adminer/adminer/adminer/drivers/mongo.inc.php on line 529
I know it’s just a PHP warning, and will go away with DEBUG turned off, just ett you know in case you haven’t gotten a report of it yet. It could be a problem within adminer itself, but I’ve not run into it on a different site directly implementing adminer.
It doesn’t affect functionality at all, but will clog up logs if not fixed eventually.
GREAT plugin, by the way.
I want to import a WordPress database. I have installed the plugin Ari Adminer and launched it in MODAL view.
Steps taken:
Click on Server on the header.
Click on Create Database.
Enter a new database name, collation utf8_general_ci and click on SAVE.
Database is created.
Click on Import (left-hand column)
Import page displays.
File Import – select Import_SQL.gz 11,523KB, and execute.
File uploads.
Page refreshs – keft-hand margin disappears, selected file disappears – page is now blank and is displaying IMPORT.
CONSOLE error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
I have also tried to import the file from the webserver – I renamed the file to adminer.sql.gz and saved it to the www folder on the wordpress site. Error: File does not exist.
I am using Chrome on Windows 10 Home 64 bit. WordPress 4.9.9, AdMiner 4.6.3 4.7.1
]]>Is it possible to show only one Table from the Database?
I dont want that anyone who should edit one table is deleting or editing something else.
]]>I’m not sure why when I choose to run in Modal mode it never loads and just shows a white modal area. Inspecting the browser console I see an Mixed Content error:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://mydomain.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ari-adminer-run-adminer' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'https://mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/ari-adminer/adminer/wrapper_adminer.php?username=secret_hash&db=mydatabase'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Additionally, looking at the code in the inspector I can see the iframe has a relative url which is also using the https protocol as the page the iframe resides within is loaded over https and any relative urls defined will use the base protocol and domain of the containing page.
I can also see that all of my scripts and styles are loaded with https urls.
Both my WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are set to https as well. My whole site is https, front end, back end. I’m not sure why this plugin refuses to follow that protocol.
Opening in a new window uses the https url and works however.
I have this problem. I successfully login with my admin user to the adminer interface but when I want to edit a routine, everyone is empty, so I can’t see the sql
This plugin works great. But I don’t understand?
For example, when I looked for the exact table(s), I deleted them all. When I go thru the DB, all are still exist?
Do I need to SAVE each time? There’s NO SAVE BUTTON this way? Unless go by paginate, then the SAVE BUTTON is there.
Please advise, Thanks
]]>Hi ARI,
Ok, this is freaky?
I was doing the DB and when I”m done, the I clicked away to get back to the admin area, it suddenly completely kicked me out of the admin and put me on the front-end.
I can’t get back to to admin login page but just the front-end only? I have to cached the browser history per hosting, it did the job back to the admin login. But can’t login?
Hosting found out, it’s freaky that erased my admin name from the DB after I got kicked out, I have to contact the hosting to set my admin user back. This is the 2nd times it happens with same scenario!
There’s no issue installed and while doing the DB. No issues whatsoever until I try to click to the admin link/menu, both times went haywire!
Hmmm, it never happened this way before. Any idea why it do that?
Please advise,
When will you upgrade your plugin to be compatible with PHP 7.2?
]]>Hi !
I am not able to Alter my table. It’s taking time to load. Is that because of the number of Field that my table has or …
For a school project I have been tasked with creating basic forms that can used with ARI Adminer database. Is there forms within this plugin or do form needs to be creating via PHP and imported?
I enabled defualt value and put it to AUTO_INCREMENT as well as setting auto incroment to 0 and tried one in the bottom box however getting the following error:
, AUTO_INCREMENT=0′ at line 2 21:51:52SQL command
With Cloudflare Flex SSL, Cloudflare handles the DNS for the website so visitors are served via https through Cloudflare as the middle man using Cloudflare’s plugin within WordPress however the WordPress base uri still remains http instead of https so when one attempts to use this plugin it results in it being blocked because of the browser insecure content mechanism and everything being loaded http is blocked.
If you can detect the real url instead of using the wp base uri or similar hook, it could fix this problem.
How to use it in Multisite please?
]]>I have two nearly identical sites: a test site a production site. Both are on up-to-date Ubuntu 16.04.4 servers. The upgrade on the test server went smoothly and all works OK. The same upgrade on the prod. server however seems ok but nothing works. The table of tables shows all ??. I can select a table but cannot search the table. Clicking on the search button does nothing. I cannot enter a query.
I have no idea where to look. Is there logging somewhere that could help me troubleshooting this? Any suggestions where to look. It is so unfortunate that this happens on the prod. servver; fiddling with the plugins is not what I want tot do there…
Thanks for any help, Egbert Jan, NL