Is this plugin under active development? Not a lot of movement, here..
]]>The approval workflow plugin is not working for Editors only for Contributors and down. Is there anything I can do to make it work for editors? I have the approval role set as administrators.
]]>Is this plugin still being supported?
I am interested in using it but having an issue with it not linking to the revisions properly.
I have checked all the settings and permissions but the administrator is not getting any notifications when a post is submitted for review.
Anyone know how I can troubleshoot this?
]]>I am testing using this with Modern Tribe ‘The Events Calendar’.
When another user publishes an event, this goes into the workflow, but there is no way to remove it from the workflow.
Anything we can do here?
]]>Hi there,
I just installed the plugin under WP 3.6.1 Multisite Installation. The effect is, that I see a settings menu in the network managment and a workflow menu in the site administration menus. and that’s it… how to configure and how to use it ? As far as I understood, there should be a settings menu … but in my installation it’s not there…
any help on this topic…
]]>I’m going to be setting up a very large WP install. There are going to be 12 sections of the website. Within each section there will be several people who will be able to edit the content.
What I want is for each of the sections to have a section manager who will do the initial approval of the content. Once they’ve approved it, it will then go to the next level of approval (one of 4 or 5 people) who will then approve and make the updates go live. This group of 4 or 5 will approve everything for the site, not just one specific section.
I want to also ensure that these people who can edit and create content within their section can ONLY create content in their section, and not anywhere else.
So, can this be done? If so, what are the steps needed to do so?
]]>We have several custom content types which:
1) display the “Submit to Workflow” checkbox for administrators.
2) I’ve noticed that there no current way to approve edits for these either, so edits made to custom content types go through a perpetual cycle and I actually have to manually disable this plugin in order to make edits to existing custom content types.
Installed plugin, activated it, assigned Approval role to Admin, logged out, then logged in as an Editor user. The “Submit to Workflow” checkbox is nowhere to be found on any of the content forms (add/edit post & add/edit page).
Please advise.
]]>Just wondering how to translate the text in the email to a different language without touching the source files? Make a .po file?
]]>Is there a way to clear the “Items in workflow” list? I’ve found that if I go to directly to the site to publish revisions, they don’t clear out of the Items in workflow list. WP 3.5.2 Multisite
]]>Hello ericjuden
I’m using the plugin to review blog posts and create a wiki. I am also using BuddyPress.
The problem is that while generating a revision to the workflow when using “Compare Changes” everything happens correctly showing the latest version and old.
However, when I use “Edit Post” to approve a previous version is shown instead of the latest version. When upgrading, it keeps the old version.
What could be happening to cause this error?
Thanks for the plugin!
]]>I use a plugin called The Events Calendar ( that uses custom post types and I’m having a conflict with the two plugins. Specifically, the Submit to Workflow button displays even though I’m administrator.
Also, any events (posts) that are created and submitted to the “Approval Workflow” show in the ../wp-admin/admin.php?page=approval-workflow page. With this I am unable to approve or remove these items. What can I do to remove this growing list of Event Post Types? If I “compare changes” regardless of who created or last edited/revised the post I always get “Revisions Identical” and a perpetual notification appears that the item is currently in the workflow.
I’m using wordpress 3.4.2 with approval workflow 1.3.2 and it only is working for new pages. If the user goes back and updates an existing page, they are not required to submit it to the workflow before it goes live on the site.
How do I make it so that all changes whether new or edits are required to go through the workflow process? Also, I noticed that when you submit edits it doesn’t show the edit copy when the page refreshes…it shows the previous copy.
Please advise….thanks for your help.
]]>Does this plugin support a method for editors to push a post/page back down to the original author and have the author receive an email that their post was not accepted?
Thank you,
In latest WordPress & Approval Workflow, i want to customize some “Approval Workflow” operation to do something upon ONLY NEWLY CREATED items (posts/pages).
But in that module, i can’t find a way because that Workflow State is falling ONLY AFTER the item is saved. So there is currently no way i found to differentiate if the item is brand new created one or updating the existing.
There is already a following trigger in it (in approval-workflow.php).
But it is actually not useful.
// Is this a new post
if(count($revisions) <= 1 || empty($last_revision) || empty($last_revision->post_content)){
$is_new = true;
For some reason, this plugin causes edits of a post/page/custom post etc to require editing twice. Saving after the first edit strips the edit, reapplying the edit then works.
Confirmed that this does not happen when the plugin is deactivated.
Is this a known issue? Any advice to overcome as otherwise this plugin is ideal.
Is there a way to have the “Submit to Workflow” checkbox on by default for all pages for the users whose work requires review? My users will definitely forget to check this box ??
Regardless of whether or not it’s checked, for pages that have been previously published, it appears that the changes go live, even though the users in this role do not have publish capabilities. Even if they’re currently in the workflow.
Thanks so much for any suggestions or assistance!
]]>After installing and viewing Workflow window I received this error message
Warning: usort() [function.usort]: The argument should be an array in /home/content/12/34567/html/website/wp-content/plugins/approval-workflow/class/workflow-list-table.php on line 150
What could be causing this?
Thanks for your help.
Good morning.
Is it possible, with your plugin, to have the same functionality as it currently does but with the addition of doing the same with already published posts?
I have removed the publish pages capability, but had to leave the edit_pages, edit_other_pages and edit_published_pages. This gives them only the options to edit all pages, but I also want them to all be moderated (whilst keeping the older version live on the website).
Is this possible with your plugin? I’ve tried tinkering the capabilities but I need the edit_published_pages because I need these contributors to edit live pages.
Thanks in advance,
I followed every steps and done. But when i test its workflow finally, some of new content creations (for example, “new posts”) have escaped from the Workflow process trigger.
I mean, not every new creation are falling into Approval Workflow process as they should. These some are directly published, apart from plugin flow (sometime).
It is true that most of them are properly triggered to fall into the plugin process flow. But I have tested the bug by creating new posts manually repetitively via the “Add New” menu. Sometime it happened.
So how can i make it work reliably?
]]>I’m not getting workflow submission notifications. I have the approval set to administrator and had a user submit a revision but two things happened:
Initially, he updated his page and the change went live without my knowledge, but it wasn’t visible in the edit page. Fixed that by checking the box for submit to workflow which removed the change from the live site.
So, the user made the change again, this time checking the box to submit to workflow before updating. I’m not getting any notification and I’m the admin.
I initially tested out this plugin before deploying it and was working correctly.