My error log is full with these 2 errors:
PHP Warning: Undefined variable $cctype in /home/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/apex-notification-bar-lite/inc/frontend/custom-contact-form.php on line 20
[15-Mar-2022 07:31:38 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined variable $cctype in /home/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/apex-notification-bar-lite/inc/frontend/custom-contact-form.php on line 21
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
]]>I’m getting the following errors below when trying to save the updates. The changes save but it returns these errors after hitting save.
Line 92 is – $apexnb_lite_settings[‘edn_static’][‘form_shortcode’] =
Line 1329 is – header( “X-Redirect-By: $x_redirect_by” );
Line 1332 is – header( “Location: $location”, true, $status );
Notice: Undefined index: form_shortcode in /home/SITENAME/public_html/SITENAME/wp-content/plugins/apex-notification-bar-lite/inc/backend/save-settings.php on line 92
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/SITENAME/public_html/SITENAME/wp-content/plugins/apex-notification-bar-lite/inc/backend/save-settings.php:92) in /home/SITENAME/public_html/SITENAME/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1329
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/SITENAME/public_html/SITENAME/wp-content/plugins/apex-notification-bar-lite/inc/backend/save-settings.php:92) in /home/SITENAME/public_html/SITENAME/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1332
]]>I’ve used this plugin on other sites and it works well but with this site it interferes with any page that has bullets.
The link I included shows a page with bullets – when I activate the Apex plugin my bullets disappear?
Right below the pop up bar, it keeps showing this negative/white space and it’s only there when the pop up bar is active. How can we fix this?
]]>Hey Dev!
First of all, I’ve probably sifted through the 12 different notification bars and your is definitely the most aesthetically appealing. With that said, I’m having an issue with the plugin covering my header. I’ve tried adding some of the CSS posted in other threads but it doesn’t appear to be working. It still overlaps my header content instead of pushing it down. It’s a live site, so I’ve placed it at the bottom for now, but let me know if you need it placed on top again for review. I was hoping to buy the pro version but I need to know it works the way I want first. Let me know if you can take a look for me and have a solution.
Also would be really great to be able to customize loading on specific pages/exclude on specific pages. Also would be great if you could customize the ability to have it load only on the page that the user landed on (whichever page that may be) and have it stay closed for a specified period of time upon user closure (using cookies). Anyways, just some feedback.
Let me know if you have a solution for me!
Kind regards,
Daniel Battersby
]]>Notification bar does not remove on mobile when de activating the app
How can i fix this?
the bar is on top of the menu , is there a solution yet as it seams others have similar problems,thanx
]]>The new version of WordPress (5.5) is causing problems with the Apex plugin.
The tabs to modify settings etc, no longer functions. My customers can’t update the notification bar.
The fix is to install a plugin called “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper”.
Overall, it is time to update your javascript/jQuery code. There is depreciated code on your end, that needs to be fixed. Here are the errors being displayed:
/wp-content/plugins/apex-notification-bar-lite/js/backend/jquery.selectbox-0.2.min.js: jQuery.fn.live() is deprecated
]]>Hello, since WordPress 5.5 update, the notification bar shows up for a second after the page loading, then disappear automatically… Can you help? Thank you!
]]>I haven’t used Apex lite (or WordPress) since July 26. Today is Aug 12 and I need to add some info to the notification bar but when I select Apex from my WordPress menu, I can’t access any of the settings… It’s still working on my site, I just can’t access the plugin to make changes. I tried deactivating and then reactivating the plugin but I’m not that lucky.
I notice that WordPress 5.5 has been released since I last used it and Apex has only been tested up to 5.4.2. Could that be the problem?
I also notice that Apex lite was updated 18hrs ago. Is that the problem?
Any ideas?
USER BEWARE. There are some bundled CSS files, that overrides important site formatting functionalities, like the ability for bulleted lists.
DEVELOPER OF THIS PLUGIN: The frontend.css file should NOT contain reset styles at a global level. This will cause endless conflicts, as evidenced in other threads (it’s not other plugins causing the conflict – it is your code that is the problem).
The biggest issue with this plugin, is there is no way to disable these problematic files for the end-user.
Lines 1-48 need to be removed from CSS/frontend/frontend.css.
I installed this plugin, activated it, added content, and enabled the bar. The bar isn’t showing up on my page.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
]]>can ? add any ‘copy to cliboard’ feature code to my notification bar?
]]>Enfold uses this style for blockquotes and other elements. On the link provided, the mailing address block should have a border left.
.main_color blockquote, .main_color .avia-bullet, .main_color .av-no-color.av-icon-style-border a.av-icon-char {
border-color: #990000;
When activating your plugin, the border color no longer displays. There is a conflict. As soon as I deactivate your plugin, it appears.
Enfold is widely used. Please offer a solution so that our theme does not display incorrectly.
Thank you!
The plugin desactivate my list css. Do you have an idea how to fix the problem ?
Best regards
]]>As more users experience the bar is covering my header navigation. Can you provide me with the custom css to solve this?
If it works i will consider buying the pro team.
Thank you in advance,
Show after some time not work i set 8000 millisecond . but notification is shown instantly.
]]>My pop-up videos are showing up blank/whitescreen when your plugin is activated.
]]>Hi, I see some others have run into the same issue, but the notification bar is covering my navigation menu. How can I change this so that it pushes the site content down below the banner so the navigation is still accessible to my visitors?
after install in my web site not show this plugin when enable show on my web site
can help how solve this problem
I am having a problem with the bar overlapping the menu especially in mobile view. How can I make the bar go above the menu, and not over it?
I appreciate any help or advice you can offer.
When using a widget shortcode the bar displays the widget code and not the widget. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
]]>I added this plugin, I found it to be the one I was looking for and I love it. However, it just doesnt load everytime. See error here: https://velvetbox.store/Loading.JPG
Can you please help me my friend.
]]>hello, I would like to display the bar only on the browser: internet explorer.
and it is impossible to disable the bar on mobile it remains display
can you help me ?
Thanks for the awesome plugin! I have one issue tho. When I setup the bar to hide after 5000 miliseconds it leaves a blank space above the site logo. Is there some way to make it responsive so the logo goes back up again to its original location?
Dear regards
Mats de Kort
]]>I have been having difficulty with this plug-in and Google’s mobile rating (my message is too long) and decided to turn it off.
The problem is, that immediately after saving, it turns back on again.
]]>I noticed you mentioned that there is a fix for the bar not covering the top menu but you don’t share it here in support. Can you please share??
]]>Saw the update, but I just wanted some more info on exactly what this means:
Added some promo content in the backend of the plugin.
]]>I have the plugin setup but it will not show on my iPhone 8 Plus at all nor will it show up in Safari 12.0. It does, however, show on the Chrome browser. Any ideas on how to fix this?
]]>Only the first 8 characters show on a phone. It is set as a ticker. How do you get this to work in mobile?
Also, I tried to turn it off in mobile but I can’t. I set it to off, save it and on save it reverts back to on. So there are 2 bugs here.