Nothing happens. I tried in my builder, then tried on a page with no builder. Can’t get it to work.
Here is my code [email linktext=”Email”][email protected][email]
]]>Hi there,
I wonder how I can test if it’s actually working. When I installed the plugin, whenever I wrap an email with [email][email protected][/email], I can see the clear email in the browser. When I deactivate the plugin, I see [email][email protected][/email] instead so I can see that the plugin is doing something.
But when I open F12 tools in Chrome to check html code with an activated plugin, I can still see the real email there which is not encoded. Is it expected? Where is then the encoded email which is perceived by spambots?
I use Elementor as a page builder. I tried to mark the email with your shortcodes both in the builder for pages and in a default post editor for posts – same result – no encoding.
Wrap around an image? Thx
I have realized that when using “Anti-Spambot” “WP Glossary” from at the same time, “WP Glossary” seems to plugin “Anti-Spambot” to function properly.
Could you pls help to debug this behaviour?
I have setup a test-site for this purpose, where only Anti-Spambot and WP-Glossary are the only plugins:
pw (via one-time-link):
Thank you and kind regards, Sascha
]]>Hi, the plugin works great in post/page content but not in widget areas, it just prints out the shortcode.
Is there a way to get it working in widget areas?
]]>Is there a way to insert a subject into the Email?
Thank you.