If I enter the GA4 code in your plugin, will the “old” Google Analytics still work? Do they work side by side?
I want to compare the old reports with the GA4 results so I can adjust these to my purpose.
Archie van Creij
I have now setup the GA4 ID on my google analytics account
I have had the plugin working on the universal ID for a while now
Does the plugin support the new analytics , and do i just update the ID field
So replace the UA-ID to the new G-ID
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, string given in /wp-content/plugins/analytics-cat/fca-ga.php:144
cause of the issue in row 96, in this file:
$value = esc_attr( $value );
i added condition:
if (!is_array($value)) $value = esc_attr( $value );
I have installed the Analytics Cat plugin but can’t find the tracking id in my new Google Analytics account. The Analytics Cat quick start guide is not helpful to finding tracking id for Google Analytics 4. Please guide me to find analytics tracking id.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi, I am considering changing my current Google Analytics integration plugin, I have some questions about your plugin.
– Is it possible to create “custom dimensions” that report the visits of the categories? Also in the free version?
– By viewing a post from the frontend (if logged in) is it possible to quickly view the total visits? As?
– Is it compatible with Google Analytics G4?
I would need some users (collaborators) to view the visits directly on the post page.
In google analytics I have set a custom report to exclude 10 pages from my traffic stats.
Will I be able to view this custom report here?
Google analytics recommends me to upgrade to “Universal Analytics”: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/?hl=fr
Is your plugin compatible with it?
Thank you.
I have uninstalled MonsterInsights then installed the Analytics Cat plugin and it doesn’t track all visits.
And when it tracks a visit, it reads a pageview twice so the bounce rate is always zero even with the visits that take 00:00 secs
It also doesn’t track any events, while they were being tracked before with MonsterInsights
Thanks in advance!
]]>Google Tag Assistant says that I have 2 errors:
1) No HTTP response detected
2) Missing analytics.js script
Thanks for any help!
]]>Is there any reason the latest update puts the UA code in single quotes? It does this now…
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id='UA-123456'"></script>
..which I believe works fine but I’m running into an issue where the WP Rocket Google Analytic add on isn’t working properly now.
is this plugin using anonymize_ip?
if not, how to add it?
Best regards
]]>Hi friends,
I’ve installed the Analytics Cat plugin two days ago, unfortunately I don’t see any tracking data since that day. Perhaps you can help me with this?
My webpage is https://radicalfire.com and I’ve installed Analytics Cat + deinstalled MonsterInsights. I’ve reinstalled MonsterInsights but still no data in Google.
Is it possible that this is caused by this plugin?
]]>after using analytics cat , I want to find where the code was inserted.
Thanks for this awesome plugin.
Just a question. Is Analytics Cat compatible with WordPress 5.1?
Does Analytics Cat work with the new WordPress 5.x
]]>Does this plugin work with ecommerce data?
]]>Hi , i cant enter in my analytics.google.com , i get mesege “try letter “
]]>Hi –
Hoping to find out if …
1) network activate and load GA onto all subsites, existing and new
2) if more than one GA account can be used ie. network wide account and each individual site can add their own account too.
]]>After I’ve installed the plugin to my WordPress site, where is the dashboard to see analytics for my site? Do I just login to google analytics here https://www.google.com/analytics and I’ll see all the data?
]]>Hi Support. If I deactivate the plugin does it remove the tracking code from my posts and pages? Thanks
]]>Hi support
I have pasted in my user ID as instructed. Do I now need to add another plugin to get a dashboard?
If thats the case which do you recommend?
]]>Hello, I love your great plugin!
In the plugin settings I excluded correctly administrator and author but it seems analytics still continue to track my visits.
Could you please help me to solve that?
Thank you in advance,
I just want to give you a suggestion about your plugin since I found that no Analytics plugin that I could find have this function.
Build a feature in your plugin where I as a user can get a shortcode that I paste where I want it, and the shortcode could print out in regular text for exampel, my websites pageviews last 30 days and so on, this is useful if I want to sell advertising space on my website to a business.
The thing here, is to be able to choose in detail what I want every shortcode to printout and to be able to use many shortcodes on the same page, so I can include the printed values in my copy, like ” Advertice on this domain, we had (shortcode) views last 30 days and an average of (shortcode2) pageviews per month since the last 6 month.
Anyway, just wanted to give some feedback on your plugin in hope of maybe finding someone that makes a better pluging then the rest .. =)
Have a great day ..