Hola, por favor actualiza el pluguin, cuando intento instalar mendice, este pluguin no a sido probado en tu version de wordpress, .
Por favor espero soluciones esto.
Muchas gracias por todo.
Mis mejores creditos por el complemento desarrolado.
Saludos cordiales ^_^
]]>Hi, you plugin works great!
But with external products it does not.. Can you add support for that?
How do I know if the plugin is really working? Because I`ve activated the AMP official plugin made by Automattic and this one, but nothing has changed at all.
Thank you very much! ??
PHP Fatal error: Class ‘AMPFORWP_Content’ not found in /home2/proapopa/public_html/proasalud.com/wp-content/plugins/amp-woocommerce/amp-woocommerce.php on line 502
]]>Hello @ahmedkaludi,
I’m having an almost solved AMP error in my Woocommerce pages that blocks Google from indexing them. Just need a bit of assistance in coding a php snippet for my site since my coding knowledge is limited.
When checking the Woocommerce AMP pages in validator.ampproject.org it returns:
“The mandatory tag ‘meta name=viewport’ is missing or incorrect.”
I’m trying to code this snippet below to add the “meta name” html bit to the header of my AMP Woocommerce pages but the function is_product() doesn’t apply the meta tag only in Woocommerce AMP product pages. I can’t delete the is_product() and apply the snippet everywhere since it duplicates the meta tag on non-woocommerce AMP pages. Any suggestion on getting it to work ONLY there? (note that I’m using Astra theme). (I’ve also tried is_woocommerce()).
if (is_product()) {
function astra_amp_add_viewport() { ?>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1">
<?php }
add_action( 'amp_post_template_head', 'astra_amp_add_viewport' );
I am doing my website with AMP but I don′t want the pages of my website with AMP, only for posts.
I have created a page called tienda using woocommerce and I don′t want AMP on it.
My problem comes when I press tienda inside my amp menu, it redirects to an amp page.
To sum up, if I press on “tienda” inside the menu of this url for example: https://trastornosdellenguaje.net/blog/dislexia-richard-branson/amp/
It redirects me to https://trastornosdellenguaje.net/tienda/amp/ when I want to get here: https://trastornosdellenguaje.net/tienda
I have only activated amp for posts, so I don′t know why if i haven′t activated amp for pages it redirects me to amp.
So, How can I redirect “tienda” to a non amp page.
Thank you
I am trying this plugin for the first time and it works great for the products and posts. I am experiencing some issues with AMP on homepage and other internal pages.
I can not access the AMP version of pages when we append /amp/ with my homepage URL or other internal pages URL. Can anyone please explain if I am missing something?
Secondly, I would like to modify the product page and show a button on AMP page to show the link to our normal version of product page. Is there a way to edit the product page so I can show a button to lead users to the normal version of the product page where they can see and select form all the options and variations of the products?
Thanks in advance.
In seems that AMP version of products pages can’t be accessed by crawlers, according to
Google’s AMP test. Noindex robots directive is being set somehow…
Anybody experiencing the same?
I am running wordpress with woocommerce locally, I have the latest versions of both.
I have several products with attributes, after people have made their selection in the woocommerce sidebar I would like the results shown like in a table. Here is a similar table to what I want.
Does anyone know anything that will show a table like that using the product attributes?
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for the work and effort you put in the plugin.
I’ve found an issue with the Variants and their images on WooCommerce 3.1.1.
For 3.1.1 WooCommerce doesn’t use image_src, instead it uses an array for image, so the correct way to call the images is not $get_available_variations[$i]['image_src']
but $get_available_variations[$i]['image']['src']
I’ve adjusted this on lines 97,110 and 111 on amp-woocommerce.php and my variants are showing again.
<div class="amp-buttons <?php if($get_available_variations[$i]['image']['src']) { ?><?php } else { ?>ampwc-noimg-varients<?php } ?>">
<?php if($get_available_variations[$i]['image']['src']) { ?>
<amp-img src="<?php echo $get_available_variations[$i]['image']['src'];?>" height="500" layout="responsive" width="500">
I have the following issues with AMP product page:
– variations title says “Varients” instead of “Variations”. Ideally it should say the name of the variation, like “Color:”.
– instead of showing the name of the variations, it shows the slug, which is not user friendly at all.
– Both description and short description are displayed, I think only long description should be displayed.
– There’s an empty image at the top that never loads. I checked the console and noticed these errors: (the image http code is at the bottom)
[Error] Origin https://www.amorandy.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
[Error] Failed to load resource: Origin https://www.amorandy.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (amp_preconnect_polyfill_404_or_other_error_expected._Do_not_worry_about_it, line 0)
[Error] XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/amp_preconnect_polyfill_404_or_other_error_expected._Do_not_worry_about_it?1500308460000 due to access control checks.
<amp-img width=”747″ height=”747″ src=”” class=”attachment-large size-large swiper-lazy wp-post-image amp-wp-enforced-sizes i-amphtml-element i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined i-amphtml-layout” alt=”” sizes=”(min-width: 747px) 747px, 100vw” style=”width: 747px;”><i-amphtml-sizer style=”display: block; padding-top: 100%;”></i-amphtml-sizer></amp-img>
I am seeing the following error in my WP error log.
[10-Jul-2017 07:51:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘AMPFORWP_Content’ not found in /home/asiavirt/public_html/wp-content/plugins/amp-woocommerce/amp-woocommerce.php on line 502
Any idea what the problem could be ?
How can i display related products on products pages and tags.
I placed add to cart link to nonamp page with nonamp=1 but i still not redirected to nonamp page. e.g : https://mydomain.com/achat-immediat/?nonamp=1&add-to-cart=204653
but i’m forwarded to https://mydomain.com/achat-immediat/amp/ only if visitor coming from https://mydomain.com/amp. if i come from https://mydomain.com i not have the mentioned issue.
Thank you for this plugin! Working nice for me os far.
I just want to know if it would be possible to override its templates within the theme.
Thanks in advance.
AMP Woocommerce plugin is not working with woocommerce as I have install AMP plugin, Accelerated Mobile Pages and AMP WooCommerce but it is not working ,I want to use woocommerce function in AMP Woocommerce plugin but it is not working in AMP Woocommerce, Can anyone let me know about this.
I have studied a bit of AMP but I am still new to it and I didn’t find information about it. Maybe I just know the right words to search for it.
Basically I have a full e-commerce website already running: https://www.armazemconnect.com.br
And I really want to make it super quick to load. Question though is how exactly.
Of course I’ve seen the tutorials on how to install AMP (first the Automattic one then this plugin), but I’m strugling to understand exactly how it works, so here I’ll list a couple of statements of my understanding (please correct if I am wrong) and some questions:
1) Statement: There will be two versions of my website: (1) existent one (2) existent one + “/amp/” in the URL
2) Statement: There is an option in to “HIDE” a certain page so that it will never load the AMP version (like Contact, or My Account, or any other). This is how you remove a page from the AMP version
3) Question: Who will be using the amp version? Will all desktop + mobile + tablet users be redirected automatically to the same AMP website? Will only mobile users be redirected for it? Do I need to do something somewhere to control this? If so, where?
4) Question: How does redirection work? If I want someone from mobile to never see the original page, but always be redirected to the “/amp” page, how do I control that?
5) Question: How do I control where google will send my user? If it prioritizes AMP, will it always send him to my “/amp” version? My biggest concern with AMP is that it really changes your original layout.
]]>It begins to look like the developers have given up answering any questions. Unless they respond in the next day or so, I think we can assume they have completely given up.
It appears no spaces or a hyphen is being added to create a separation between attributes on AMP product pages e.g. I am getting
Select button
A small thing but the css selector for this variant also needs to be given some line-height because the text starts overwriting itself when the line becomes too long.
]]>My theme comes with customised Woocommerce product pages that do not display AMP version –
While default product pages shows AMP version –
How can I make AMP pages for custom products?
I need only default fields to show on AMP pages – title, description, price
Hi Ahmed
All my Woocommerce products have a product image but in the source code of the amp-version of the product pages the URL for the images are sometimes missing. Compare:
https://search.google.com/search-console/amp?id=Oo0sCZMpk5HZF_HBajKhRQ (ok)
https://search.google.com/search-console/amp?id=gZUHgKTs44yIQhfwotnlWg (not ok)
What could be the reason for that?
Best regards, filz51
Hello, how are you today.
I found a Bug with your AMP and AMP Woocommerce plugin
click this link
and click Buy product from that link
the buy button is supposed to redirect to the Affiliate Site where the user makes the Purchase but instead, it redirects back to my site.. I think it has to do with External Products thingy
But the Button works well on my normal site without AMP.
kindly look into this.
]]>Nobody can read the different Variants. How I can fix this problem?
See the screenshot for more details.
If you run this page through the amp tester, you’ll see the errors with amp-img missing the src element.
This is happening because the variants don’t have their own images, and we have a ton of products so we don’t want to go back in to fix them all. Can we just have a default image? or no image at all?
I have just updated your Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin to version 0.9.40.
Now I’m missing the <link rel=”amphtml” in the original page for my woocommerce products. When I deactivate the Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin, I get the <link rel=”amphtml” back. After another activation of Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin the amphtml is again gone.
blog pages have amphtml.
I don’t know which of the plugins is responsible, but as you are creator of both I hope you can fix this soon.
Thank you
I’m having problems with external products. Either the Add to Cart btn redirects to the “full” page or I get a “Sorry, this item is not for sale at the moment…”
Would love for it to work with external products ??
]]>I run a regular blog using the Canvas theme. It’s not a product website, just a blog. Do I need to use this plug-in?
Since this plug-in is named “AMP WooCommerce” I’m not sure if this means it’s meant for all the themes released by the company WooCommerce, or only for commerce sites using WooCommerce themes.
]]>Hi Ahmed
I activated your plugin and now google search console detects errors on product-category-pages which point to the AMP-Version of the homepage. There I have another issue but I have no clue how to solve. Please check https://search.google.com/search-console/amp?id=gW9lefu09DpsIeh7XCiRxw
Is my setup not ok?
Best regards, filz51
If I want to make AMP work for woocommerce then which all plugins do I need? Do I need all 3 of AMP (Automattic), AMP Woocommerce and AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages?
]]>I was excited to see this new plugin for woocommerce users, but after downloading and installing I see no difference whether the plugin is activated or not. I am using AMP, Accelerated Mobile Pages which works on all non woocommerce pages.
Can you give me any advice? I would be most grateful. https://www.buyatestkit.com
Thank you