Rating: 5 stars
От интеграции амосрм с веб-сайтом у меня большие ожидания
]]>Rating: 1 star
I was in the testing mode of amocrm but when I found this WordPress plugin had not be updated in 11 months, it was a red flag. Not too sure about this company.
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This plugin will send an automatic advertising material of AMO CRM to anyone who fills up the forms as soon as the form submitted. Not a good way to use it
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Если вы хотите заспамить чужой рекламой своих клиентов, то Амо – лучший выбор!
Клиенту, заполнившему форму, на почту приходит сообщение, которое выглядит как реклама и работает как реклама. Которую сами амо называют не рекламой, но факта это не меняет.
А учитывая, что без этого плагина я не могу нормально интегрировать амо на свой сайт (интеграция через систему тоже содержит рекламную строчку), а все заявки я получаю с сайта через контактную форму то я вынужден отказаться от использования этой CRM системы в принципе и искать другую. Потратил два дня что бы попытаться убрать эту рассылку. Но оказалось что она приходит непосредственно от АМО на те контакты, которые оставляют пользователи формы.
Rating: 5 stars
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Использую AmoCRM и создаю посадочные страницы на платформе WordPress новый плагин для интеграции веб-форм просто облегчил задачу размещения форм связанных напрямую с CRM теперь все происходит автоматически так как я это захочу. Спасибо всем кто работает над этим бесплатным продуктом!!!
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Fantastic forms plugin
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just love it easy an user friendly control panel nice plugin keepup the good work
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Am glad to have bumped into this plugin after my numerous search for a particular feature i want on my form and yes i got this…works fine for me
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This is really a great plug-in. Got my five star
]]>Rating: 4 stars
I love it. It’s brief and concise.
Sometimes, when you’re editing the style of any given field and you choose #FFFFFF, the dialog box shuts down and your unsaved changes are reset. It would be great if you could add an option to insert links in the field labels. Also, a colorpicker template field is something I haven’t seen in plugins of this type.
All in all, it is a very useful tool.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Eu Sou Brasileiro.
Eu trabalho dando suporte para empreendedores que querem trabalhar online. Um dos maiores problemas era encontrar um plugin para forma??o de lista de e-mail marketing. Acho que através do amoform minha busca chegou ao fim. Achei a plataforma fantástica e bem simples de usar. Parabéns para a equipe da amoforms
I’m Brasilien.
I work giving support to entrepreneurs who want to work online. One of the biggest problems was finding a plugin for training email marketing list. I think through amoform my search came to an end. I found fantastic and simple to use platform. Congratulations to the team amoforms
Rating: 5 stars
I honestly love this plug-in! I have been looking for an easy to use all-in-one Contact Form for a while and this on has it all! Drag and drop modules, multiple file attachments, Captcha anti-spam and great support!
Highly suggested recommend.
Rating: 3 stars
The plugin has wonderful fields to the front end on the site, but unfortunately I will uninstall because when you send the customer confirmation, also sends advertising and direct links to AMOCMS and coomo social networks, that to me may to be confused my clients, because they do not need to know I have a free plugin.
Am sorry!
Rating: 1 star
Ставлю вместо 5 звёзд только 1!!!
Реклама на адрес заполневшего форму. Не убитается – ответ амоЦРМ. Потрачено много времени на настройку – всё напрасно. Я использую платную амоЦРМ, и ещё рекламу должен рассылать?
Кто кому платит господа?
Уберите рекламу в подтверждении отправки формы или дайте настроить при использовании амоЦРМ. после этого мой отзыв можете арулировать.
Rating: 5 stars
This plugin to be really good.That work awesome…i give 5 stars for this plugin that too good….
]]>Rating: 4 stars
The plugin is the best option for create forms at wordpress. But, the contacts are not sent directly to your email. You can only use it if you also use the amoCRM platform, that you should paying for. However, The amoCRM is an excellent lead management platform. With it you are able to manage all your leads, creating and managing a complete sales process.
It is a complete solution for your WP website .
Rating: 5 stars
Большой плюс этого плагина, которого нет у многих других, это поддержка аналитики google. Т.е. видно из какого источника пришел клиент: с какого сайта он перешел, по какому ключевому слову он тебя искал (в яндекс директе).
Были некоторые проблемы с работоспособность, но буквально за день все решили. Оказалось, виноват, все-таки хостер, как бы он не валил все на разработчиков.
Big plus of this plug-in, which is not in many others, is to support analytics google. Those. It is evident from what source came the client: he passed on what keyword you searched for it with a site (in Yandex Direct).
Rating: 5 stars
I’ve used amoForms for two of my websites and I’ve enjoyed using it, they also have good costumer service, which I’d recommend.
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I’ve been looking for plugin like this for a long time. Perfect functionality, easy to use and really good technical support made from this one of my most favorite plugin for WordPress. So I can recommend it for everyone who is looking for high quality contact form plugin.
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amoForms is easy to use and easy to customize with your requirement. This plugin is very helpfull.
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Worked great for my purpose. Loved the drag-n-drop.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
A very good plugin with great support and easy to use.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I needed a plugin that allowed file upload and AmoForms did just that. I had tried several others including trying to code… it was awful as my coding skills are nonexistent.
One other thing was the availability of support, both by email and by phone. Although I found the calls uncomfortable as I’d rather be reached by email, it was nice to have someone to reach whenever I wanted to try something new.
Rating: 5 stars
I feel this plugin still best new comer so far, many tools inside even i use this for contact form, but with responsive view make the form looks great. next hope this plugin support multilingual.
]]>Rating: 4 stars
Не хватает подключения Яндекс целей. В целом, все работает хорошо.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
amoforms has been a great addition to our web site. We use it for online bookings for Seminars and Workshops we hold. It is easy to use and the results for my point of view are perfect, I look forward to future development.
Frankston Photographic Club.
Rating: 5 stars
Hello all my friends!
I have intalled this Plugin amoForms on my website to receive messages and feedback from our clients, I am satisfied.
Rating: 5 stars
Hello all my friends!
amoForms is a good contact form if you will search a Plugin to receive messages or feedback from our clients.
I have installed it on my website and I am satisfied.