We are using your plugin:- Ambrosite Next/Previous Post Link Plus
we want to know if your plugin is compatible with PHP 8.1 or not.
We would love to know ASAP.
]]>Here is the code that I originally had, which gave me buttons for next and previous post. However, they were in date order, not what I wanted, and I couldn’t re-order the custom posts because there are over 450 of them.
<?php the_post_navigation(
'next_text' => '<span class="post-title">%title <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></span>',
'prev_text' => '<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i> <span class="post-title">%title</span>',
Now when I tried the following, as per your documentation.
<?php previous_post_link_plus( array(
'order_by' => 'post_title',
'loop' => true,
'max_length' => 30,
'tooltip' => 'Previous post',
'in_same_cat' => true,
'ex_posts' => '5, 12'
) );?> |
<?php next_post_link_plus( array(
'order_by' => 'post_title',
'loop' => true,
'max_length' => 30,
'tooltip' => 'Next post',
'in_same_cat' => true,
'ex_posts' => '5, 12'
) );?>
It breaks the site saying that the site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please help, I’ve been trying to get my pages to show up in alphabetical order for a WEEK now.
Kind Regards
Vince Gledhill
I have uploaded the zip file and activated it.
My ‘next_post_link’ and ‘previous_post_link’ functions are in the link-template.php file.
When you say replace, do you mean from the ambrosite-post-link-plus.php I copy the whole ‘next_post_link_plus’ and ‘previous_post_link_plus’ functions and paste them over the ‘next_post_link’ and ‘previous_post_link’ functions ?
Or Do I just delete/comment out the ‘next_post_link’ and ‘previous_post_link’ functions in the link-template.php file?
I have tried both and I am not getting anywhere.
First of all thanks for this great plugin. It saved my day when I required the “in_cats” parameter.
Sadly the “in_cats” only works for category IDs. It does not work for Tag IDs.
Could you add “in_tags” in a future release?
Thanks and keep rocking.
Kind regards
I’m receiving the following error when installing via wp-cli:
-> Detected closing </body> tag.
-> No uncaught fatal error detected.
It looks like this plugin hasn’t been updated in some time, but it’s very useful. Would be great to get it relisted, if you have the time!
Scratch that – this might be an issue with wp-cli and not your plugin. Still, an update would be great.
]]>Hey there
We try to use the plugin: Woocommerce Product Primary Category Plugin added with Previous and Next links. We tried the following code, but the sorting feels very random.
<?php previous_post_link_plus(array('link' =>'previous product', 'format' => '%link', 'order_by' => 'numeric', 'meta_key' => 'primary_category', 'in_same_cat' => true, 'post_type' => '"product"')); ?>
<?php next_post_link_plus(array('link' =>'next product', 'format' => '%link', 'order_by' => 'numeric', 'meta_key' => 'primary_category', 'in_same_cat' => true, 'post_type' => '"product"')); ?>
THANKS in advance for your help!
Plugin used:
Hi, it seems that the plugin no longer works with the newest version of Post Types Order. Instead of getting the menu order of the custom post type, it takes the publish date. Any ideas?
]]>Firstly this plugin is great. Always used it. I’m just concerned that as it’s not been updated in a very long time that it will eventually stop working. Does anybody know of a similar plugin?
I have a $_GET variable that I would like to append to the Next/Previous Post URL/link. Is this possible? This would be the goal…
<a href="'.get_permalink($post).'?practice='. $getVar .'">Next</a>
Is there a way to “explode” the shortcode/function so I can just get the URL and append my variable to it?
]]>Hi Michael,
Thanks for this plugin – I’ve been using for some time and been really helpful.
I’m trying to – in addition to prev / next links – create a sortof slideshow of image post belonging to custom post types.
What I’d like to happen is link the post_thumbnail to the previous post. Is there a way to output just the link to the prev post so I can wrap in a tag and insert the post_thumbnail tag? Or is there a way to insert the post_thumbnail tag into the array? Or is there a better way to achieve this?
Mike Chalmers
First of all thanks for this great plugin. For navigation thru posts which are in multiple categories, the ‘in_cat’ feature of this plugin really saves my day. Thanks for that!
Your plugin offers great ‘order_by’ features like ‘post_date’. But in the documentation, I can’t find an option for sorting this ascending or descending? If I add ‘order’ => ‘ASC’ to the array, is seems to be ignored.
Is such a sort option even possible, and if yes; how?
Thanks and keep up the good work ??
]]>So far I could realize all my needs and ideas with your brilliant plugin, thanks a lot for that. Now I have a tricky request, I guess.
In my case there are two different categories (between the others) with more than one post in the future, but where I only want to show the latest post and then going on to the next category.
On the archive page I like to show them all. Sure every time I add new posts I can change the code, but maybe someone has an idea how to manage this directly with the given parameters or has a better idea how I can reach my goal. Something with as less extra management as possible.
]]>I’m using Ambrosite Next/Previous Post Link Plus on my website. I’ve been able to customize my links on my website, but I can’t find a way to display a field from ACF in my links.
I would like to display a text fiel :
here is what I have so far :
div class="col-xs-6">
<div class="nav_publications next_publications">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-4">
<?php next_post_link_plus(array('post_type' => '"Publications"', 'loop' => true,'link' => '','format' => '%link', 'thumb' => 'medium') ); ?>
<div class="col-xs-8 text-right">
<h3>Publication Suivante</h3>
<?php next_post_link_plus(array('post_type' => '"Publications"', 'loop' => true,'link' => '%title', 'format' => '%link') ); ?>
Is there a way of doin it ? thanks for your help !
]]>If this plugin ever gets an update, I think it would be good to run app_filters before returning the text output. Replace lines 384–389 with:
$adjacent = $previous ? 'previous' : 'next';
$output = apply_filters( "{$adjacent}_post_link_plus", $output, $r );
// If echo is false, don't display anything. Return the link as a PHP string.
if ( !$r['echo'] || $r['return'] === 'output' )
return $output;
echo $output;
It’s baffling when you don’t get the same output using echo next_post_link_plus('return=output')
as you get with next_post_link_plus()
. At the very least, the documentation could mention this behavior.
Thanks for a kickass plugin!
]]>I’m using Next/Previous Post Links Plus with ‘loop’ set to ‘true’ and ‘return’ set to ‘href’ because I want to append GET information to the end of the links for the next pages.
I am filtering by excluding a set of categories, with ‘ex_cats_method’ set to ‘diff’.
If I have only one post in a category, I want to hide the links, how would I get about doing that?
(this works ‘natively’ if ‘return’ is set to ” . But I want to keep it with ‘href’. Unless there is another way of appending info to the end of the links in another way?
Thanks for a great plugin!
]]>I can’t seem to figure out this:
Among my single posts returned are password protected posts. How to hide them?
]]>Hi there,
I need to replace the a tag with a link tag and add a rel attribute. How could I do that?
I try to use your plugin but it doesnt seem to work, I believe that it is because the posts that I try to hide are redirected thanks to ‘Page linked to’
Is there a way to go around that ?
]]>The loop feature is great, but sometimes there’s just one other post that qualifies beside the current one… when this happens, that post will feature as both previous and next. Is there an easy way (as in changing some parameter inside the plugin) to have the loop done only if there are at least 3 qualifying posts in all?
]]>Just downloaded version 2.4 from www.remarpro.com
I tried it with a custom post type ordering by menu_order and no links were displayed.
I got the following in my error log:
WordPress database error Unknown column 'my_post_type' in 'where clause' for query SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM wp_posts AS p WHERE ( p.menu_order > 1 OR p.post_date > '2014-04-13 11:12:19' AND p.menu_order = 1 ) AND p.post_type IN (my_post_type) AND p.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY p.menu_order ASC, p.post_date ASC LIMIT 1 made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), include('/themes/my-theme/single-my_post_type.php'), next_post_link_plus, adjacent_post_link_plus, get_adjacent_post_plus
I found that putting single quotes around the post type in the SQL fixed my issue:
IN ('$post_type')
]]>Hi! Great plugin, nice job.
I have a problem which baffles me. I have multiple categories (translated in 3 languages) and multiple posts that belong to these. All work perfectly except 2 certain categories in English where no links appear at all.
Note that these categories are custom post type (portfolio). So far i have tried to rename categories, change their slugs and i have fiddled with any possible option available. Nevertheless nothing has worked for me.
Any ideas what might be wrong?
Thank you!
]]>Have been using Next/Previous Post Link Plus for WordPress successfully for some time along with the Post Types Order plugin.
However now that I’ve purchased and updated to the ‘Advanced’ Post Types Order plugin, your menu_order query no longer respects the new sort order created by that plugin.
Any sense of what the problem is?
]]>Firstly, thank you for the plugin — it’s simply excellent.
I have one question about excluding categories when you have multiple selections. At present I have a gallery page with three categories:
Once a category is selected I can keep the user in the category loop with a simple ‘in_same_cat’ => true — that’s fine. The issue is that I also have another category called “front page OK” which determines the random rotation for the gallery picture of the front page (this way I can make sure no portrait orientation photographs are included).
However, now that multiple categories are selected if the user selects Landscapes, for instance, the night photo of Akihabara which is in the Urban category will also appear in the loop.
I’ve tried the ex_cats and ex_cats_method terms but I can’t get it to do what I want… Is this possible with the plugin?
Thanks for the help!
]]>I have just discovered a problem where next_post_link_plus returns the current item instead of the next one when using 'order_by' => 'numeric'
if the meta value is a decimal.
]]>First of all, wonderful plug-in, just what I have been looking for.
Second, this is not a question, rather an answer for whomever may be looking for what I have been – that is custom styling on posts, so you can also add the date/time, author, category, tag or whatever custom element.
Thanks to the return id option, one could use the plug-in like this:
$prev = previous_post_link_plus( array('return' => 'id') );
query_posts('p='.$prev); while (have_posts()) : the_post();
[...your stuff here...]
endwhile; wp_reset_query();
$next = next_post_link_plus( array('return' => 'id') );
query_posts('p='.$next); while (have_posts()) : the_post();
[...your stuff here...]
endwhile; wp_reset_query();
P.S. I know I “should never use query_posts
” but for me it’s good enough and I have yet to learn how to do it properly – any improvements are welcome.
]]>I am trying to order my posts but I see only ‘order_by’ => ‘post_date’, in the options and not a way to order by post date from new to old. currently the posts are showing old to new. How can I fix this?
]]>next/preivous alphabetical order in the same category?
I am wondering why is your plugin doesn’t work for me. I use my own customized theme and create a custom post type in it.
I have tried as the documentation told me to do but it doesn’t show the next/prev link. if I use the original wordpress codex it works fine (but not in the order that I wanted them to be).
Do I need to state a new wp_query for the custom post type? cos I have tried it and still not working.
Any help would be much appreciated.
When I use such settings:
'order_by' => 'custom',
'order_2nd' => 'post_title',
'meta_key' => 'surname',
Next and previous functions omits posts with same titles next to each other. Any way to bypass this behaviour?
As i use WPML i did the documentation trick (replace line 204) and used menu_order.
Everyhting is ok now, but the navigation direction is not good, on the first post the arrow is the previous arrow instead of the next arrow
Thanks for your help