I tried to implement this code to my single portfolio file and it worked fine.
<button class="previous-button-cat"><?php previous_post_link_plus( array('in_same_cat' => true) );?></button>
<button class="next-button-cat"><?php next_post_link_plus( array('in_same_cat' => true) ); ?></button>
Now what I want is for the button to be de on the css as display none when there are no posts after or previous to show.
Could you please enlighten me here?
Thank you
]]>I’d like to easily style buttons for the links, but not sure about the appropriate technique. Currently I am using an img as the link, but would prefer css so that the page title would show.
]]>Thanks been using this plugin for sometime and works brilliantly
have products in multiple cats for example, cheese, chips, and recently added
products can exist in both chips and recently added.
when set below, the links move between these cats and cannot seem to restrict them to just chips?
‘in_same_parent’ => true,
‘in_same_cat’ => true,
any help appreciated
]]>I am super-new to this whole process of making websites and wordpress, etc, so please excuse my newbiness.
I downloaded and activated the plugin, but I really have no idea of what to do next. I tried some stuff, but I’ll probably embarrass myself trying to explain what I did.
Is there a video or something to show just how to get started using this plug-in? Perhaps this version is too advanced – is there a simpler “next page” solution?
I’m usually very good about figuring stuff out just by Googling, but I just can’t get this one going.
Thanks for your help!
]]>Hi there
i have 7 pages on my site, and 3 of them are using the same template and same category.
i want to show the links to prev/next pages only on those 3 pages, to nagivate only through those 3 page.
is that possible?
]]>Is it possible to use this plugin on category, archive or taxonomy pages?
For instance, if there’s a category called 2012, and a viewer is on the category page (archive view), when the next link is clicked it’d go to the next category page (archive view) called 2013? If the previous link is clicked it’d go the the previous category page (archive view) called 2011?
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Hi, first of all this is a very nice plugin and very well thought out with heaps of options. I have a site structure like this:
1. Projects
1.1 Public
1.1.1 Project 1
1.1.2 Project 2
1.1.3 Previous Work Project 3 Project 4
1.2 Private
1.2.1 Project 5
1.2.2 Project 6
1.2.3 Previous Work Project 7 Project 8
I have modified ‘in_same_parent’ so that it displays the children of Public or Private (depending which child page you’re on) but the “problem” (I realise that the plugin was designed this way) is that I would like to be able to cycle through not just Project 1 and 2 but also project 3 and 4 as well. Is it difficult to increase the depth of page levels retrieved to make this possible?
Thanks for your help!
]]>I am using “Ambrosite Next/Previous Page Link Plus” to navigate between lessons within tutorials I’ve written on my website (https://www.mrcruwys.com/wp/). It works perfectly within each tutorial, however, the main menu options (“Basic Tutorials“, “Medium Tutorials“, etc…) have a “previous” link when I’ve listed them in the “ex_pages” parameter. I can’t work out why they are having a “previous” link generated when the opening page of each tutorial is having it excluded as expected?!?
I’m using v1.1 of Next/Previous Page Link Plus, on a self hosted WP v3.4.2 installation. My rationale behind using the plugin is to cut down on the need to navigate between ‘chapters’ of my plugin’s documentation on my site.
I’ve got previous and next page navigation working well in a custom page template and I’m specifying order_by
to be menu_order
but this appears to be ignored and the default behaviour of order_by
) seems to be used regardless.
You can see this on my site here: https://www.vicchi.org/codeage/wp-biographia/bending-wp-biographia-to-your-will-a-configuration-guide/
The previous link, by menu order should be https://www.vicchi.org/codeage/wp-biographia/ (the parent), the next link, by menu order, should be https://www.vicchi.org/codeage/wp-biographia/hacking-wp-biographias-appearance-with-css/.
But instead, it looks like the order is by post title alphabetically. Unless I’m drastically mis-reading what menu_order
should do.
I’ve gone through the usual sort of checks, reverting my theme back to a stock TwentyTen and seeing if the fun recurs, as well as deactivating all other plugins … but the fun still recurs.
Taking a cue from a previous support thread, I uncommented line 137 in the plugin’s source and the query being run is this …
SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM wp_posts AS p WHERE ( p.menu_order < 0 OR p.post_title < 'Bending WP Biographia To Your Will; A Configuration Guide' AND p.menu_order = 0 ) AND p.post_type = 'page' AND p.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY p.menu_order DESC, p.post_title DESC LIMIT 1
SELECT DISTINCT p.* FROM wp_posts AS p WHERE ( p.menu_order > 0 OR p.post_title > 'Bending WP Biographia To Your Will; A Configuration Guide' AND p.menu_order = 0 ) AND p.post_type = 'page' AND p.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY p.menu_order ASC, p.post_title ASC LIMIT 1
You can see the way in which I’m using Next/Previous Page Link Plus in the page template’s source over on GitHub – https://github.com/vicchi/twentyten-vicchi/blob/master/page-documentation.php – but the TL;DR version is this …
if (function_exists ('previous_page_link_plus') && function_exists ('next_page_link_plus')) {
$prev_format = '←%link';
$next_format = '%link→';
$args = array ('format' => $prev_format,
'loop' => true,
'order_by' => 'menu_order',
'return' => 'output');
$content = array ();
$content[] = '<div id="page-links">';
$content[] = '<span class="prev-page-link">';
$content[] = previous_page_link_plus ($args);
$content[] = '</span>';
$content[] = '<br />';
$args['format'] = $next_format;
$content[] = '<span class="next-page-link">';
$content[] = next_page_link_plus ($args);
$content[] = '</span>';
$content[] = '</div>';
echo implode (PHP_EOL, $content);
As a side note, I’m also using the Exclude Pages From Navigation plugin to keep the navigation menu my theme generates from getting out of control. My first thought was that there may be some unforeseen side effect of suppressing certain pages from the navigation menu but the problem still recurs regardless of whether this plugin is active or not.
Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong?
]]>Can you force Previous and Next to appear like First and Last? (if not please add)
Can you get vertical bar “|” to disappear with links on irrelevant page (i.e.; parent page, which is only place holder)
]]>As described:
previous_page_link_plus returns linkt to current page, not the sorted by menu_order (ordered by CMS Tree Page View)
$back_link = array(
'order_by' => 'menu_order',
'order_2nd' => 'menu_order',
'meta_key' => '',
'loop' => false,
'end_page' => false,
'thumb' => false,
'max_length' => 0,
'format' => '%link',
'link' => 'Poprzedni projekt',
'date_format' => '',
'tooltip' => '%title',
'in_same_parent' => true,
'in_same_author' => false,
'in_same_meta' => false,
'ex_pages' => '',
'in_pages' => '',
'before' => '',
'after' => '',
'num_results' => 1,
'return' => ''
<?php previous_page_link_plus($back_link); ?>
Any ideas?
]]>I have several top-tier pages on different topics (References, Quotations, etc). Each has a tab on the main menu that opens directly to the page. I want to have each page act as the first page of a linked set of related pages. It doesn’t have to be fancy – it can just have a link “Next Page ->” on the bottom of the first page, “<- Prev Page” on the bottom left of the last page, and both at the bottom of all intervening pages. What I don’t want to do is to modify the basic page template (page.php?) and find all three paged topics in one sequence. I can easily hand-code the links in each page, but that requires constant maintenance.
What I want to know is if I can clone off three separate copies of the default page template, one for each category, and then implement your Next/Previous Page Link Plus in each different page template, and have each implementation work only for that particular custom page template? Would any code changes be required in your own code?
Any code examples of such a solution would be appreciated.
Best regards,
[email protected]
]]>And now it would really be nice to have a version for date navigation, like when viewing april, having links to the previous and next month. Scripty Goddess made such a plugin a long time ago, but that’s not working anymore