I have been trying to create a photo gallery with this plugin to no avail. When I attempt to create an album name and a bucket name, I have this error message: “This bucket not exists.”
Can you help with a step by step instructions to create a photo gallery? I will appreciate it. Nowhere I could find in online.
p.s. I have entered my AWS credentials correctly.
Hi there
I was wondering if you would consider the following option:
1. when you insert your access keys you get a list of buckets
2. you click a bucket and it presents you with the folders inside that bucket
3. you get an option to create a gallery per folder
Use S3 to backup up images and i keep them in folders that relate to events (in a similar way to iPhoto)
It would be great to be able to then create a gallery automatically for each of these events.
If not, would you be able to github the code so i can fork it?
]]>I can’t seem to get it to work except on public buckets. Can it work with more restricted policies?
I am trying to set up this plugin but everytime i enter my access key and secret key i get the error message “Invalid access key and secret”.
I am wondering if the plugin produces some form of log file so that i can get more details about the error?
I am running on Windows 2008 Web edition with IIS 7.5 for hosting
Hope that you can help
]]>Will I be able to place an album in a post and have each image in the album reload webpage with a different URL?
]]>While I can view the photos from S3 in the plugin Album manager…and so I know my S3 connection is good…the short code isn’t working to display the album onto a page or post. I get nothing…no error just blank area where the album should be displayed.
]]>When clicking on create new album in the Manage Albums panel, I receive this error: “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
Any help would be much appreciated!