Is there a way to sort by “Last Modified” or “Upload” date in the player? I want the most recently added on top regardless of the name. If not in the free version, is this available in the pro version?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve checked and double checked the settings. These files are public, bucket names are correct. I am on the Ohio AWS server, so I used the endpoint per their website
Can you help me get this working? I’ve added the keys to the settings page too.
]]>I’ve installed this on 2 different servers and on both I’m getting a 404 page on the html5full.php?bucket…….
]]>While using the plugin, I’ve noticed that several of the admin menu items in WordPress are showing up as “Cloud Player – <SITE NAME>” instead of what they should be.
Settings pages for the following plugins show “Cloud Player – <SITE NAME>” as the title.
YIKES Easy MailChimp Forms
Revolution Slider
Custom Post Type UI
Yoast SEO
Interestingly, WooCommerce does not.
This plugin doesn’t work. When i put the shortcode in a page, a small window appears at the top of the page containing a small version of the website. It does not show a player.
Please advice.
]]>I could not get this plugin to function. Do people use Cloudfront for similar functionality.
The question of the endpoint was not resolved in the previous post.
Does the enpdpoint reflect the bucket or is a regional endpoint. Or is it both?
From the previous post:
1. The link itself “
Also the permissions shown here at the bottom of this page is not the same now in A3. There is no “open/download” if you go into a bucket permission. Does it require a separate policy now?
I was excited to come across your plugin. I setup a bucket, and made sure the files played publicly. I setup the plugin, and the tracks were listed correctly. Clicking play toggles the button, but the track does not play, time count does not advance. Sames results on both the Latest Chrome and IE on Win 8.1.
Any thoughts?
]]>I get a bad link?
Warning: S3::getBucket(): [NoSuchBucket] The specified bucket does not exist in /home/content/58/10261658/html/cdg00/wp-content/plugins/amazon-s3-cloud-html5-mp3-player/s3/S3.php on line 136
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/58/10261658/html/cdg00/wp-content/plugins/amazon-s3-cloud-html5-mp3-player/html5/html5full.php on line 138
HELP me out brother…