There is nowhere on the alobaidislider_c shortcode to specify an alt attribute for the img tag.
Web page analysers pick this up as bad HTML.
]]>The before_cap parameter is not working because of a code bug in alobaidi-slider.php where you test for !empty(cap)
before this in combination with !empty(before_cap)
The lines 216-222 need resequencing and should read:
if( !empty($before_cap) and !empty($cap) ){
$the_cap = '<p class="alobaidi_slider_caption"><a href="'.$before_cap.'">'.$cap.'</a></p>';
}elseif( !empty($cap) ){
$the_cap = '<p class="alobaidi_slider_caption">'.$cap.'</p>';
$the_cap = null;