as it’s been 2 years this plugin has not seen any changes, and some people are still actively using it (one of them who uses my Woo WeChatPay plugin contacted me for help, actually), I would like to take over the development.
Could you please transfer ownership to me so that I can develop a new version some time in 2019 without starting from scratch?
In case this does not receive any response in a significant amount of time, I will contact the moderators at WordPress directly.
]]>Great plugin, thanks!
Two questions, though:
1. Once the payment is completed on AliPay, the order still shows up as pending payment within woocommerce. It does not change to “completed”. What can I do about this? Btw my server is hosted on AliYun and we are using “即时到账 direct payment”
2. When the payment is completed on Alipay’s site, there is no redirect back to our website to a confirmation page. I could not see this option anywhere. The customer ends up on Alipay’s site without a very good idea of whether or not we have received payment. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks for the help!
Everything works fine now but when it comes to mobile phone, it doesn’t display well. We have already signed the contract which have the mobile web payment interface. However, when we make the payment on mobile phone, it shows the desktop website and the user experience is very bad. Is it possible to make it open the mobile web interface instead of desktop version?
]]>Since i have changed some permission such 755 or user group or owner caused
place an order with order no and also alipay form not shown ( not work)
How to debug or track where I wrong or get the error message ?
]]>Hi has anyone tried recurring payments with alipay woocommerce + subscriptions woocommerce? Heard it doesn’t work?
我的woocommerce里面商品来自美国,是用美元标价的。我想修改single product模板,在美元价格下面同时显示人民币价格(让中国买家不需要直接换算就对转换后的人民币数目有个大致的感觉)。所以我需要从数据库提取一下汇率值,做一个乘法运算。
select option_value from eustao_options where option_name=’woocommerce_alipay_settings’
]]>Hi codingpet,
We have setup our product with a WooCommerce partial payment plugin which we can make the customer to first for deposit online. The checkout process and payment can be done smoothly. However, after the payment, Alipay sent back 2 notifications. The first one is what we expected which make the order status changed “Partially Paid”. Then in the same minute, it sent notification to us again and make the order status “Processing”. The 2nd notification is not what we want and WooCommerce sent a full payment email to the customer. This is a very severe problem as the customer has only paid the deposit but he will receive 2 emails for the deposit and the full payment. I have uploaded a screen capture to the link below.
Please advice if there is anything we can do on the plugin to make sure the notification will not update the order to a wrong status.
if ( $this->debug == 'yes' ){
$log = true;
$log = false;
or it will throw a notice like the following on the order received page when you uncheck the debug checkbox:
Notice: Undefined variable: log in /www/web/***/public_html/wp-content/plugins/alipay-for-woocommerce/class-wc-alipay.php on line 428
Do you know what the problem is if users get this error when trying to pay with Alipay?
]]>Hi codingpet,
Thank you for the plugin. We are currently developing a website which let user complete payment via Alipay but we make it works. We have set the payment method to 即時到賬 and seems the cart information can be sent to Alipay successfully. A qr-code appeared and let us scan and complete the payment. However, after scanning the qr-code, the payment is done but the status on the entries are “待集成”. We don’t quite understand and we believe it means the payment gateway integration. We have turned on the logging feature of your plugin and seems the query string is correct. There are notify_url and return_url on the query string but Alipay is sending us back notification nor returning back to our site. Do you know how to solve this? Any further information in you could provide?
现在试了一下有个小问题,用的即时到账交易,已经进入付款界面最后一步(选银行卡那里,输完支付密码就支付完成了),这个时候关掉这个页面,又回去购物车修改了一下想买的东西,重新check out,就会显示:
错误描述: 抱歉,该商品的交易金额与原先的不一致,请重新创建交易付款。
搜了半天也没找到解决办法,所以来这里求助> <
]]>would developers try to develop the wechat pay for WooCommerce?
]]>Hi Codingpet,
I have installed the plugin and everything seems to work except for one thing…
I couldn’t register for sandbox account therefore I decided to test the plugin using real money. Transaction went fine, I got confirmation screen as well as confirmation email from my shop but I haven’t received 1.99RMB on my AliPay account. Money from my friend’s AliPay were deducted but even though I have waited 6 days no money arrived on my AliPay business account.
I can’t read Chinese therefore it’s rather difficult to figure out what went wrong and why we haven’t got the money.
There is one thing which suggests that we may have forgoten about something. Our AliPay profile shows payment gateway integration progress and even though we already installed the plugin and did one transaction, it still shows orange, USB-shaped icon which says that we should integrate the package/payment gateway.
I can provide you with both screenshots or access to the store/CMS.
有中国支付宝,想用插件里的direct payment功能,必须要有企业账户吗?如果不是在哪里可以获得partner id和Security Key?
]]>ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE Contact and received answers errors the plugin use the api wrong?
Thanks a lot for contacting Alipay.
Q:How to deal with error code : ILLEGAL_PARTNER_EXTERFACE?
A:this error indicates the current interface is not activated, please make sure you are using the correct API, if you are using
any third party plugin, please consult the plugin provider if they have been enabled your service in their supported Alipay component
]]>Hi Guys,
I had configured the alipay plugin as instructed, filled in the correct PID and Key and selected the payment method (Dual and Escrow) as approved in b.alipay.com. I am pretty sure all the information from the plugin are filled up correctly.
However, when I tried to checkout with Alipay, I faced the ILLEGAL_SIGN error and could not complete the transaction.
I really need some advice on how to resolve such issue.
Your help is much appreciated.
]]>After the upgrade to 2.3.7 the plugin does not work anymore.
The alipay option shows up at checkout but when you select it, it rolls back to unselected and you can’t process the payment through alipay. Any idea why ?
]]>Hi guys, just updated to Woocommerce 2.3.2 and Alipay does not function correctly. Can you please advise when update is forthcoming?
Cheers Emin.
]]>hi, im having error message “ILLEGAL PARTNER EXTERFACE” while processing payment. is this the error from woocommerce site or the alipay registration issue?
如果在设置中设置payment_method==’dualfun’,用户在付款跳转到支付宝后选择“即时到账”付款,支付成功后,alipay plugin无法正常更新订单状态,造成待支付超时后出错。
在配置双接口支付后,用户是可以选择即时到账方式的。由于在trade_status==WAIT_BUYER_PAY后,支付宝会直接回调trade_status==TRADE_FINISHED。而此时¥order_trade_status==2而没有进入if语句执行$this->payment_complete( $order )。并且也没有提前更新订单状态为processing,造成即时进入payment_complete函数也无法完成状态更新。
// Check order status before updating
$order_needs_updating = ( in_array( $order->status, array('processing', 'completed') ) ) ? false : true;
if( $order_needs_updating ){
$status = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_alipay_payment_successful_status', 'processing', $order);
if( $order_trade_status == 4 ){
$this->payment_complete( $order );
} else {
$order->update_status( $status, __( 'Payment received, awaiting fulfilment', 'alipay' ) );
update_post_meta( $order_id, '_alipay_trade_current_status', '4');
if( isset($_POST['trade_no']) && !empty($_POST['trade_no']) ){
update_post_meta( $order_id, 'Alipay Trade No.', wc_clean( $_POST['trade_no'] ) );
$this->payment_complete( $order );
$this->successful_request( $_POST );
BTW,既然楼主的代码是开源,何不申请个github大家一起来维护。最近我在弄alipay wap网关支付,等有时间的时候可以合并进来。
]]>Hello There,
I am getting “ILLEGAL_SIGN” error.
I am using following:
Alipay For WooCommerce – Version 1.2.1
WordPress – 3.8.1
WooCommerce – Version 2.0.20
I can not upgrade Woocommerce version becuase i have done lots of customization.
Note: I am using qTranslate (2.5.39) and qTranslate support for WooCommerce (1.0.4 ) for translation as i have my website in two languages.
I have also tried “Use form submission method” and it did not work. Please help.
This plugin support the payment settled from Mainland china market (e-commerce hosted on aliyun that sell chinese product to chinese citizens…) or only global Alipay?
“receive_name” => $buyer_name,
“receive_address” => $order->billing_address_1,
“receive_zip” => $order->shipping_postcode,
//”receive_phone” => $order->billing_phone,
“receive_mobile” => $order->billing_phone
“receive_name” => ‘虚拟’,
“receive_address” => ‘XX省XXX市XXX区XXX路XXX小区XXX栋XXX单元XXX号’,
“receive_zip” => ‘510000’,
//”receive_phone” => ‘18000000000’,
“receive_mobile” => ‘18000000000’
这样不行,错误代码:ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT – – 球高手修改程序。
I am building woo-commerce store and we are currently (our company registered in hong kong) not in china.
Thus, we will likely open a merchant account with alipay using global.alipay.com
My question is: when will this plugin support transaction with global.alipay.com accounts?
Your prompt reply is highly appreciated
]]>Hi i am currently using the plugin for testing purposes and there are no problems with the core functionality (eg. I can receive payment in my alipay account) But when i receive the email from alipay that a payment has been made, the section product name (商品名称) seems incorrect. Currently it is not the product description but the name of the buyer, i am wondering is that a bug or what? Besides this issue, the plugin is working great!