Doesn’t show anything except an arrow.
No other errors.
This plugin is awesome, very simple and easy to use. Thank you!
My question is: is there a way to change the post thumbnail size showed on the widget? Actually it’s 150x150px, but I really wanted it to be larger.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I encountered a weird error where part of the excerpt’s apply-filer was bleeding over into the <a and destroying the carousel list.
The last apply_filter in __display_items was the problem. It was turning the legit anchor tag into stripped slashes. I’m not sure why you’re using that apply_filter there, but is it necessary? I removed it to fix the bug.
ajax-post-carousel.php line 222
$output .= $excerpt_text.' <a title="'.$post->post_title.'" href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'" class="more-link">[+]</a>';
Hi Mantish,
I am just about to use your plugin for a new page I have to build.
The main reason is that it’s the only plugin I found which can display two posts and more and not just one…
So what I am now looking for is how to change the animation speed and maybe kind of easing function to get the animation more smooth.
Is that somehow possible?
I have custom post type which is “Portfolio” and have custom category which is “Portfolio Category”. Using shortcode I was able to show my portfolio BUT I was unable to filter it by “Portfolio Category” using category shortcode. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I just installed it and let me tell you the idea is perfect – exactly what I needed – a carousel that works with custom post types.
Something different to the sliders that are currently the latest fad!
Can the slides loop instead of having to scroll back?
Are you going to build in some default styles? I’d be happy to contribute a style if you like?
I’m looking for a carousel that does center the display based on the current post. For example, I have 100 post in this category and each time when I click on post 55 I want to show the +/- 5 post from post 55.
reading post 55
< post 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 >
If I want to ready post 56, I don’t want every time scrolling from post 1 2 … to current 55 and 56
If I a want add a date in the carousel for every posts? it’s possible?
]]>Perhaps we could use some better documentation. I tried to put this in my templates and it just wasn’t working out. Great idea. Desperately need a carousel that will work with custom post types.
]]>Using WordPress 3.1.1 and Ajax Post Carousel 0.3.2
The issue I have found is when using the carousel with a specific category.
The slug name of the category must match the category name otherwise the carousel defaults to showing to all posts. If the blog uses a slug name for the category the carousel will not show.
Great work on the new release; it’s getting much better.
Can you explain how to filter by taxonomy/tags? I’m not sure if I’m misunderstanding, if I’m doing this wrong or if this is a bug. I can’t seem to get it to filter by default tag (post_tag) or custom taxonomy.
Using the shortcode, i’ve tried:
//custom taxonomy page
$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
echo do_shortcode('[apc-carousel visible_posts=3 init_posts=6 show_title=1 show_excerpt=0 loop=1 post_type=all '.$term->taxonomy.'='.$term->name.']');
I have a custom taxonomy called ‘authors’. The above would print something like ‘authors=jim-collins’ but nothing gets returned. Authors is the taxonomy ‘slug’ and ‘jim-collins’ is the term slug.
I’ve also tried:
echo do_shortcode('[apc-carousel visible_posts=3 init_posts=6 show_title=1 show_excerpt=0 loop=1 post_type=all tag=book]');
This doesn’t filter to show only posts with ‘books’ as the tag (default post_tag). Am I missing something?
My goal is, if on a category page to show posts in those categories, if on a taxonomy/tag page to show posts with those taxonomy/tags, etc.
Also, is it possible to choose multiple categories? Like category=category1&category2$category3 ?
]]>I like where this module is headed. I’m looking for a plugin that has similar capabilities to the top slider which is an ajax loading slider of posts. This plugin essentially does the same.
However, it doesn’t seem ready for production due to the following bugs:
1) Titles aren’t wrapped (they should be the width of the image). Of course, we can fix this in CSS.
2) Ajax content doesn’t seem to be loading in. When I set it to display 3 and preload 3, clicking next doesn’t load any more. It seems occasionally it loads more and other times it doesn’t showing nothing. This seems to be due to loading time.
3) Sometimes when I select to show 3, it loads 3 for a split second and then only shows 2
4) It shows a bunch of errors on install and requires commenting out: //error_reporting(E_ALL);
5) Occasionally the left arrow disappears
Feature request:
-Option to pick the type of thumbnail to load so users can pick a size.
-Option to get the category or tag ID and use that to load related posts. For example, if on a ‘tutorial’ category, shows posts from that category.
-Option to pick your own dummy image or to not display a dummy image at all. Requesting an outside website to create a dummy image isn’t ideal.
Overall, it’s very inconsistent. However, I’d love to test any updates. If you’re able to provide consistant functionality, similar to the huffington posts slider, it’ll be a great plugin that I foresee others using.
Keep up the great work! You’re close.
]]>Simply it was a stack overflow while installing the plugin. Also, problem solved when I uninstalled the plugin… so there’s not much to say.
]]>I just installed this module and the concept is AWESOME and it is working…but it seems to be conflicting with other modules and I wanted to see if there is a fix? I do see an update was done to fix the conflicting issue – but it seems to be happening still with certain moduels….on this page you can see quite a few errors
But if I turn this module off all the errors go away.
Is there a way I can get this to work with these modules? This is the PERFECT solution for my client. Of course I will pay you for your time if you can get this to work….
Please let me know ASAP!
]]>Would be great if there was an option to create different slideshows, so other pages/categories could showcase different Featured Posts for that category.