I have an issue in mobile view with you plugin. for desktop it’s working fine but when we comes to mobile view or tablet view. it calling unwanted ajax call which create a issue in UI. we focus on the search box then it focus out from it. if we change the option from select box it’s disappear the box.
Please check and let us know how to resolve it.
I hope to achieve AJAX loading of adjacent chapter articles through vertical scrolling, similar to the reading page on webnovel.com.
I am currently using the Elementor editor to design the webpage layout for chapters. How can I use the AJAX Load More plugin to achieve this functionality?
Thanks .
Looking to show all category terms and taxonomy terms even if the term would result in empty results.
]]>I’ve configured filters with multiple taxonomies using checkboxes through filter extension. When one checkbox is selected, I want all other checkboxes, even from different taxonomies, to be unchecked and display the results accordingly. Is it possible to allow only one checkbox to be selected at a time?
]]>I am using ACF repeater fields from an option page.
I want to show only repeater fileds that have a specific sub field value.
I want to show only promotions with status = open
Actually i am ussing this:
[ajax_load_more id=”001″? acf=”true” acf_field_name=”promotions” acf_field_type=”repeater”? post_type=”any” acf_post_id=”options”]
Where must I add “status” and “open”?
I have found this topic bellow, but I can’t understand how to implement that
We have recently updated one of our client sites to 7.1.2 from (due to a client billing issue, we haven’t updated their plugins for a while). This broke all instances of ALM across the site, with RangeError: Invalid array length showing in the console, probably an ajax error? No items are loaded in the .alm-listing container.
We’ve rolled back to various versions to see where the break has occurred, and it begins with 7.0.0 (the version straight after I can see some significant code changes in this version, which must be the reason why it’s breaking. We can’t find any specific plugin or JS conflicts, and wondered if you’ve seen this RangeError occur before, if there’s anything we can do to fix?
We’ve rolled back to for now, but would really like to be able to update as soon as we can.
I had use shortcode to single post and i got 2 issue:
Thank you so much!
]]>The following linkteti load more blocks are not arranged from the left side to the right respectively. This causes a layout shift on the web page. that is, the first block leans to the left, but when I drag the cursor down, the second block is placed under the first block. If you open the page and scroll down, I think you will understand the problem. Can you help me with this.
What I want is that the blocks flow from left to right and this order should continue in the same way in the next blocks. so the layout shift problem should be solved.
Link: https://www.pngfr.com/bilder/tastaturtasten/feststelltaste/
In the post template at the bottom I placed a line echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more single_post="true" post_type="post" posts_per_page="1" offset="1" destroy_after="5" images_loaded="true" scroll_distance="-300" transition="none" progress_bar="true" progress_bar_color="ffa800"]');
I tried to change scroll_distance but load more is still triggered when I reach the end of the post. I enabled progress_bar and I can clearly see that load more is triggered at the end of an article for sure.
Server isn’t an issue here for sure.
]]>Hi, I am using the plugin and it is great. But I have the problem how to make the excerpt shorter?
Thank you
]]>$current_post_id = get_the_ID();
// Ensure that the ID is valid
if (!$current_post_id) {
return ”; // Return nothing if no current post ID is found
// Define the shortcodes based on the number of posts
? ? $shortcode_latest = ‘[ajax_load_more loading_style=”infinite classic” id=”shortcode1_id” single_post=”true” post__not_in=”‘ . $current_post_id . ‘” single_post_order=”latest” single_post_taxonomy=”post_tag” elementor=”true” post_type=”post” posts_per_page=”5″ max_pages=”5″]’;
I am using the above code to get the latest posts to load and using an Elementor template to display it
by using the repeater feature but it does not seem to be working perfectly it’s showing duplicate posts.
Also I have tried a static value inside post__not_in inside it still it’s not working.
global $post;
echo do_shortcode('[elementor-template id="25792"]');
Hi there,
I am trying to load products using the post__in parameter. That works fine. However, I want to be able to load the same product multiple times by adding the ID multiple times. How could that be possible?
[ajax_load_more id="alm_3244907660" post__in="100,200,300,100,500" loading_style="infinite classic" post_type="product" posts_per_page="25" orderby="post__in"]');
there are only pages on my website. There are no posts. So when I open a page in the browser, it should show me the subpages of that page. Is there a fix or setting available in this way?
]]>I have used the plugin’s template feature to use an Elementor template but the elementor widget gallery not working with WordPress Infinite Scroll even if the gallery is static . I have checked in the frontend the HTML content is there of the gallery but it’s not initialized.
My Web has many divs with 100vh height. Every div is a post.
I load 5 posts and every time I start to scroll, reload another 5.
When I scroll with the wheel of the mouse, this plugin works perfectly (obviusly) but when I try to scroll with a JS Button doesn’t work. I need to scroll with the mouse.
Any solutions???
Many thanks!
This is the code:
echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more container_type="div" post_type="post" sticky_posts="true" transition="none" scroll_distance="-500%"]');
<div class="media_section fadeIn">
<i class="media_arrow_down" id="media_arrow_down"></i>
<div class="media_section fadeIn">
<i class="media_arrow_down" id="media_arrow_down"></i>
.media_section {
position: relative;
scroll-snap-align: start;
scroll-snap-stop: always;
height: 100vh;
background-size: cover;
document.querySelectorAll(".media_arrow_down").forEach(element => {
element.addEventListener("click", () => {
$nextSection = element.parentNode.nextSibling;
behavior: "smooth",
block: "start",
inline: "start"
Hi there,
I am wondering whether it is possible to load the ALM system through AJAX. The plugin is already active at the page because of another shortcode so all JS and CSS is loaded/enqueued on the page. Is it possible to initialize another ALM loaded by an AJAX call? Is it enough to load the HTML below (which is copied from the HTML generated by a shortcode)?
<div id="ajax-load-more" class="ajax-load-more-wrap infinite classic alm-0 alm-is-loaded" data-id="alm_3244907660" data-alm-id="0" data-canonical-url="https://example.com" data-slug="xxxx" data-post-id="4593" data-localized="ajax_load_more_alm_3244907660_vars" data-alm-object="ajax_load_more_alm_3244907660" data-total-posts="xx">
<ul aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true" class="alm-listing alm-ajax products" data-container-type="ul" data-loading-style="infinite classic" data-repeater="default" data-post-type="product" data-post-in="2110,2112,2115,2116,2117,2118" data-order="DESC" data-orderby="post__in" data-offset="0" data-posts-per-page="25" data-scroll-distance="-500" data-button-label="Load More">
<div class="alm-btn-wrap" data-rel="ajax-load-more" style="visibility: visible;">
<button class="alm-load-more-btn more" type="button">Load More</button>
Best Regards,
Hi there,
I want to trigger the loading of more products earlier when scrolling in infinite scroll. Infinite scroll works best when the load spinner is nearly not shown, but the posts/products just keeps coming without waiting time.
E.g. the demo here: https://connekthq.com/plugins/ajax-load-more/examples/infinite-scroll/ there is a small waiting time before the posts are loaded. That should be possible to avoid if the loading/query is triggered before you reach the bottom while scrolling.
I hope my inquiry makes sense ??
Best Regards,
Please do you have sample code for using a twig partial template? I used to have this working fine with TImber v1 but now struggling using Timber v2.
I have added CSP header on my website for styles and scripts. The website shows inline styles error added through ajax-load-more-min.js file.
Can you please help to resolve this ASAP.
]]>I’m not a developer so the whole AJAX “world” is pretty foreign to me. I understand a little bit of HTML and CSS, but that’s all.
Here’s what I experience: when I add the shortcode to the end of my Home template, it shows the blog posts at the top (the ones I already have posts), but then where the shortcode is, it repeats all posts again (I guess I would have to adjust the template to remove all the top posts and just keep the shortcode?
I’m also noticing that the posts loaded where the shortcode is, have a different layout compared to the top posts. I would like to keep the layout used by the top posts. How can I do that?
Pretty much all I want is an infinite scroll while keeping the layout as is.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Is it possible for AjaxLoadMore to update the axios version being used? I noticed the latest Axios version has a security fix as the version used in the plugin isn’t safe anymore.
I hope this is possible, this is the best Load More plugin I’ve used and it would be very time consuming if I would replace it with something I would do from scratch
I was wondering if there were any known issues of the plugin not working on iphone? On our site we use the shortcode on an archive template. When you go to that page on desktop it works, but on mobile I only see the filters and button, but no content. I’ve tried deactivating our other plugins to find the incompatibility. Nothing has worked so far, and i’m out of ideas. What should I try next?
]]>Hi Darren,
Curious if the (either free or pro version) Ajax Load More provides pagination as numbered pages as an option?
I am using Sal.js for some load in animations on page scroll https://mciastek.github.io/sal/
I add something like data-sal=”fade” to a div, then when it appears on screen a class of sal-animate is added to that div and it triggers an animation.
I am using an Ajax Load More repeater template, in this template I have some divs with data-sal=”fade” but the animation never gets triggered.
Do I need to do anything to get this working with Ajax Load More?
Sal.js is simply implemented with a sal.js file, CSS for the animations and some inline JS in the footer.
threshold: 0.06
Is it normal behaviour for the Load More button to remain visible even after all the posts/pages have loaded.
I am showing 12 posts on each page, after 3 load more clicks all the posts have loaded. But the load more button still shows. I can click it but no more posts load in as they have already all loaded in.
]]>Hi there, we have stumbled on a couple of issues which I think were introduced with the latest release.
When new items are loaded, the first element in the list is run through the moveFocus()
function that includes this snippet
element.setAttribute('tabIndex', '-1'); // Set tabIndex.
element.style.outline = 'none'; // Set element outline.
// Add slight delay for elements to settle into DOM.
setTimeout(function () {
preventScroll: true
}, 25);
In my mind there are two issues with this
CSS selector would now come into play.To me the best solution is to add focusVisible: false
as a focus option, and removing the manually set tabIndex
and outline
. This kills the two birds with one stone.
Our second related issue is that on first load of new items, the moveFocus() function isn’t called at all, but on subsequent loads it is. I would assume this is a result of using the preloaded add-on, and the focus logic not accounting for this?
Many thanks
We have added barba js in our WordPress project, which is having ajax load more functionality for custom posts, but as barba js load the page & not js of post listing page & that’s why posts are not loading only load more button is shown on page, but when we refresh the page the post getting loaded on page.
kindly please look into this & provide solution to work with barba js & load more.
Thank You !
We have a site with posts which feature some pretty long lists, using the default WP Gutenberg list block, often with over 200 items in the list. (<ul><li><li>…</ul>
If we only want to show the first 10 items in the list and have a ‘load more’ button to show the next 10, 20 or X items in the list, can this plugin do that?
Is there anyway to use the Load More function in between video galleries shortcodes, I tried but it also loads more posts instead of just the content of the video galleries.
For example:
[Total_Soft_Gallery_Video id=”11″]
I Am putting AJAX shortcode here
[Total_Soft_Gallery_Video id=”12″]
Thanks in advance
]]>I’m using The Events Calendar Plugin (tribe_events) and trying to load more events that match a date query. However, even with a hardcoded date in the ajax_load_more
shortcode, it’s still returning all events and not just the ones after the date.
Example Shortcode:[ajax_load_more id="alm_4695795696" loading_style="purple" theme_repeater="event-teaser-repeater.php" post_type="tribe_events" posts_per_page="12" offset="12" "meta_key="_EventStartDate" meta_value="2024-04-18" meta_compare="greaterthan" meta_type="DATETIME" order="ASC" orderby="meta_value" sort_key="_EventStartDate" pause="true" images_loaded="true" scroll="false" no_results_text="No more upcoming events"]
You can see in the shortcode that I’m looking for events where the start date is after 2024-04-18.
However, here is an example event that is being displayed: https://tinyurl.com/2628gvgp Which has a start date and end date in February.
In wp_postmeta
that row shows:
| meta_key | meta_value |
_EventEndDate | 2019-02-10 15:00:00
The value there of “2019-02-10 15:00:00” should be less than 2024-04-18 and shouldn’t be displayed, but it is. If also tried using >
instead of greaterthan
with no luck.
All other parameters work, such as search and category, when I add those in.
Am I missing something for this date compare?